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f. [20v]
1 Sum tyme I syghe sumtyme I syng
2 Sumtyme I lawghe . sumtyme mornynge
3 as one in dowte thys ys my ssayyng
4 have I dysplesyd yow in any thyng
5 Alake what aylythe you to be grevyd
6 Ryght sory am I that ye be mevyd
7 I am yor owne yf trewthe be prevyd
8 & by yor Dyspleasure as one myschevyd
9 When ye be mery than am I glad
10 When ye be sory than am I sad
11 Suche gra{gA}ce or fortune I wold I had
12 yow for to plese how euer{u'} I were bestad
13 When ye be mery why shuld I care
14 ye are my Ioye & my wellfare
15 I wyll you love I wyll not spare
16 into yowre pre{p'}sens as farr as I dare
17 All my poore hart & my love trew
18 Whyle lyff Dothe last I gyve yt yow
19 & yow to ser{{s}8} ve with{w+t+} ser{{s}8} vys Dew
20 and neuer{u'} to change yow for no new1
1. 这与 "嘿罗宾,快乐的罗宾,告诉我" 中的措辞产生共鸣,见 24r。
2. 左侧的字符可能出自 手迹,作者为 玛格丽特·道格拉斯夫人。
这首诗被认为出自 托马斯·怀亚特爵士 之手,[1] 它由 H2 抄录。这首诗描述了说话人对情人是否会回来的怀疑。