←残酷的欲望我的主人和我的傻瓜 | 谁曾听说过如此暴政→ |
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f. [73r]
1 {{th}+e+}{{th}+t+} 她坐着缝着那件让我受委屈的事
2 我为此诉苦,已经诉了好多天了
3 她在听着我的悲诉,唱着凄惨的歌
4 渴望我的心像那幅刺绣一样
5 {{s}8}{m+r+} 那主人1,我服侍了他这么久
6 听到她的话,心生怨恨
7 {g'}{w+t+} 用她自己的武器,刺伤了她的手指
8 想看看,刺痛的感觉到底是不是真的
1. 参见 "残酷的欲望我的主人和我的傻瓜" (73r) 第一行中稍微不同的缩写形式。关于缩写,请参见卡佩利。《[1]》
这首诗被认为是托马斯·怀亚特爵士的作品,《[2]》是由H8抄录的。H8在这首诗下面抄录了一首与之相关的诗歌,“谁曾听说过如此暴政” (73r),表达了类似的内容和情感。这位女士在缝制刺绣时,就像将针扎进情人的心脏一样,她用自己的“武器”刺伤了自己的手指。R. A. 雷博尔兹指出,约翰·斯凯尔顿的诗歌《菲利普·麻雀》可能启发了怀亚特的格言。《[3]》在斯凯尔顿的诗歌中,这位女士缝制了一只麻雀的图像。当她缝制麻雀的头时,麻雀叫了起来,导致她刺伤了手指。《[4]》这首诗也出现在托特尔诗集的“用针刺伤她手指的情人”部分(第67项)。《[5]》
1 She] SHe STC_13860_23 sat] satte AAH13 sat, STC_13860_23 sewid] Sowede AAH13 sowde / LEge31 sowed: STC_13860_23 hathe] hath AAH13 LEge31 STC_13860_23 wronge] wrong/ LEge31 wrong: STC_13860_23
2 whereof] wheareof AAH13 wherof LEge31 Wherof STC_13860_23 plaine] playne AAH13 plain : LEge31 plain, STC_13860_23 &] and AAH13 LEge31 STC_13860_23 have] haue STC_13860_23 many] manye AAH13 adaye] a daye. LEge31 a day: STC_13860_23
3 and while] And, whilst STC_13860_23 while] whylest AAH13 whilst LEge31 harde] herd AAH13 LEge31 STC_13860_23 plaint] playnt AAH13 plaint, STC_13860_23 in] in LEge31 pituos] pituous AAH13 pitious LEge31 piteous STC_13860_23 song] songe AAH13 song/ LEge31 song: STC_13860_23
4 wisshid] Wisshed AAH13 wisshed LEge31 She wisht STC_13860_23 hert] hart AAH13 harttheheart STC_13860_23 the] STC_13860_23 sampler] Sampler AAH13 samplar LEge31 samplar, STC_13860_23 as] that STC_13860_23 yt] it AAH13 LEge31 STC_13860_23 laye] lay AAH13 lay. LEge31 STC_13860_23
5 The] the AAH13 LEge31 blinde] blynde AAH13 blynd LEge31 master] maister / LEge31 maister, STC_13860_23 whom] whome LEge31 have] haue STC_13860_23 servid] serued LEge31 STC_13860_23 so long] solong AAH13 long] long/ LEge31 long: STC_13860_23
6 grudging] Grudging AAH13 Grudgyng STC_13860_23 here /] heare AAH13 here LEge31 heare, STC_13860_23 ded] did AAH13 LEge31 STC_13860_23 here] heare AAH13 STC_13860_23 her] herr AAH13 saye] saye/ LEge31 say: STC_13860_23
7 with hir] Made her AAH13 STC_13860_23 withmade her LEge31 wepon] weapon AAH13 STC_13860_23 ded make] doe AAH13 did makedo LEge31 do STC_13860_23 finger] fynger AAH13 LEge31 blede] bleede AAH13 blede/ LEge31 blede: STC_13860_23
8 to] To STC_13860_23 feale] feele AAH13 fele LEge31 fele, STC_13860_23 pricking] prickinge AAH13 ware] weare AAH13 were LEge31 wer STC_13860_23 dede] deede AAH13 dede. LEge31 STC_13860_23