德文郡手稿/Sins ye delight to kno
←The fruite of all the seruise that I serue | Venus thorns that are so sharp and kene→ |
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f. [72v]
1 Sins ye delight to kno
2 that my torment and woo
3 shulde sill encrese still
4 with{w+t+}out relesse
5 I shall enforce me so
6 that lyf and all shall goo
7 for to contente yor cruellnes
8 And so this grevous traine
9 that I so long sustayne
10 shall some tyme cease
11 and have redresse
12 and you also remaine
13 full pleased with{w+t+} my paine
14 for to con{_o}tent yor cruelnes
15 Onles that be to light
16 and that ye wolde ye might
17 see the Distresse
18 and hevinesse
19 of on{_o}n I slayne owtright
20 there with{w+t+} to plese yor sight
21 and to contente &c
22 then in yor cruell mode
23 wold god forthewith{w+t+} ye wode1
24 with{w+t+} force expresse
25 my hert oppresse
26 to do yor herte suche good
27 to se bathe in blode
28 for to contente c
29 then coulde ye aske nomore
30 then sholde ye ease my sore
31 and the excesse
32 of my excesse
33 and you shulde euer{u'}more
34 deffamid be therefore
35 for for to repen{_e}t yor cruellnes
1. 注意 mode / wode 的图形押韵(与之前第几行中 wold 的拼写不同)。
归因于托马斯·怀亚特爵士,[1] 这首诗是由H8 录入的。这首诗中的说话者哀叹这位女士的残酷,以及她对他的悲痛和痛苦的喜悦。这首诗是 17 首诗中的一首,玛格丽特·道格拉斯在其中标注了“and thys”。保罗·雷姆利认为,这些注释与她的另一个文本内注释有关,“lerne but to syng it”(在"now all of chaunge" (81r) 上),并且可能表明了一组要学习的文本,用于娱乐。[2] 道格拉斯的短语“and thys”也可能与这首诗相关,与相邻的诗 (“Venus thorns that are so sharp and kene”) 相关,或者两者都相关,因为注释位于页眉中间。
H8 用一个首字母大写标记了前三节。
1 Sins] Syns LEge35 delight] delite LEge35 kno] knowe LEge35
2 and] & LEge35
3 shulde sillstill] should still LEge35
4 without] withoute LEge35 relesse] relese LEge35
6 lyf and] liff & LEge35
7 contente] content LEge35 yor] your LEge35 cruellnes] cruelnes LEge35
8 traine] trayne LEge35
9 so] to LEge35 sustayne] sustayn LEge35
10 some tyme] sometyme LEge35 cease] cese LEge35
12 remaine] remain LEge35
13 paine] pain LEge35
14 yor] your LEge35
16 wolde] would LEge35 might] myght LEge35
17 see] se LEge35 Distresse] distresse LEge35
18 hevinesse] hevines LEge35
19 onn I stayne] oon slain LEge35 owtright] owte right LEge35
20 there with] therewith LEge35 plese] please LEge35 yor] your LEge35
21 contente] content LEge35 & c] your cruelnes LEge35
22 then] Then LEge35 yor] your LEge35
23 wold] would LEge35 forthewith] fourthwith LEge35 wode] woode LEge35
26 yor] your LEge35 herte] hert LEge35 good] goode LEge35
27 bathe] me bathe LEge35
28 contente] content LEge35 c] your cruelnes LEge35
29 then] Then LEge35 coulde] cowld LEge35 nomore] no more LEge35
30 sholde] should LEge35
32 my] myn LEge35
33 shulde] should LEge35 euermore] evermore LEge35
34 deffamid] defamed LEge35
35 for] LEge35 yor] your LEge35 cruellnes] cruelnes / LEge35