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f. [18r]
1 # 我的痛苦的宁静之地复苏者
2 劳动的救济,加剧我的悲伤
3 身体的安宁,搅乱我的心
4 心灵的宁静,我和不安的敌人
5 遗忘疼痛,记住我的忧伤
6 睡眠的地方,在那里我只会走动醒着
7 被洒上用{w+t+}眼泪,我放弃了我的床
8 霜雪不能减轻我的热度
9 也没有任何热量可以减轻我热烈的寒冷
10 我不知道任何东西可以缓解我的疼痛es{es}衡量
11 每一个忧虑都会加剧我的悲伤,XXtes{es}二十倍
12 唤起我心中古老的悲伤
13 这些逆境让我感到es{es}影响
14 被洒上用{w+t+}眼泪,我放弃了我的床
15 但这并没有帮助,我找不到更好的安慰
16 在床上或在外面,这都让我最痛苦
17 当我最想要找到如何最好地取悦时
18 我失去的努力,唉,都是徒劳
19 但我所付出的一切我都无法收回
20 没有任何地方能让我摆脱悲伤
21 因此,我用用{w+t+}眼泪,我放弃了我的床
ffynys quod{q+d+} Wyatts
这首诗被认为是托马斯·怀亚特爵士的作品,[1]由H2抄录。这首诗也出现在托特尔诗集中,标题为“爱人对他的床,描述了他的不安状态”(第 62 项)。[2]雷布霍尔兹认为怀亚特可能改编了彼特拉克的《诗歌》234,第一节中:“怀亚特扩展了彼特拉克的反义(在情感风暴中的避风港和眼泪的基础之间),将其变成反义的目录,使第一节类似于第十七节”。[3]怀亚特可能也从彼特拉克关于眼泪和离开曾经带给他慰藉的卧室的提法中获得了他的反复句。在这首诗中,说话者描述了爱人在他床上不安的状态。
1 The] O LEge27 THe STC_13860_28 place Revyver] place: reneewer LEge27 place, renewer STC_13860_28 smarte] smart: LEge27 STC_13860_28
2 the] The STC_13860_28 the labors salve incressyng] O laboorz salue: encreasing LEge27 labors] labours STC_13860_28 salve] salue, STC_13860_28 incressyng] encreasyng STC_13860_28 sorow] sorowe: LEge27 sorow: STC_13860_28
3 the] The STC_13860_28 the bodys ese And trobler off] O bodyez eaze: o troobler of LEge27 bodys] bodyes STC_13860_28 ese] ease, STC_13860_28 And trobler off my hart] and troobler of my hart: LEge27 and troubler of my hart: STC_13860_28
4 quieter] Peaser LEge27 Quieter STC_13860_28 mynd] mynde: LEge27 minde, STC_13860_28 And] STC_13860_28 of LEge27 my vnqyet foo] myne unquyet fo: LEge27 myne vnquiet fo: STC_13860_28
5 fforgetter] Refuge LEge27 Forgetter STC_13860_28 payn] payne, STC_13860_28 payn Remembryng my woo] payene: remembrer of my wo: LEge27 Remembryng my woo] remembrer of my wo: STC_13860_28
5.5 ] Of care coomefort: where I dispayer my part: LEge27
6 the] The LEge27 STC_13860_28 slepe] slepe: LEge27 slepe, STC_13860_28 wherin] wherin, LEge27 do] doo LEge27 walke wake] wake LEge27 wake: STC_13860_28
7 Be sprent] Bysprent LEge27 Besprent STC_13860_28 ters] teares, STC_13860_28 ters my bed] tearez, my bedde, LEge27 teares, my bed, STC_13860_28 the] thee LEge27 STC_13860_28 forsake] forsake. LEge27 STC_13860_28
8 The frost the snow may not redresse my hete] LEge27 frost] frosty STC_13860_28 the snow] snowes STC_13860_28 hete] heat: STC_13860_28
9 nor yet no heate Abate my fervent cold] LEge27 nor yet no heate] Nor heat of sunne STC_13860_28 Abate] abate STC_13860_28 fervent cold] feruent cold. STC_13860_28
10 I know nothyng to ese my paynes mete] LEge27 nothyng] nothing STC_13860_28 ese] ease STC_13860_28 mete] so great. STC_13860_28
11 eche] Ech STC_13860_28 eche care cawsythe increse by XXtes fold] LEge27 care] cure STC_13860_28 cawsythe] causeth STC_13860_28 increse] encrease STC_13860_28 XXtes fold] twenty fold, STC_13860_28
12 Revyvyng] Renewyng STC_13860_28 Revyvyng carys vpon my sorows old] LEge27 carys] cares STC_13860_28 sorows old] sorowes old. STC_13860_28
13 suche] Such STC_13860_28 suche overthwart affectes they do me make] LEge27 overthwart] ouerthwart STC_13860_28 affectes] effectes STC_13860_28 they do me make] in me they make. STC_13860_28
14 By sprent with terys my bed for to forsake] LEge27 By sprent] Besprent STC_13860_28 terys] teares STC_13860_28 bed for to forsake] bedde for to forsake. STC_13860_28
15 Yet helpythe yt not I fynd no better ese] LEge27 Yet helpythe yt not I fynd] But all for nought: I finde STC_13860_28 ese] ease STC_13860_28
16 in] In STC_13860_28 in bed or owt thys moste cawsythe my payn] LEge27 in bed or] in bed, or STC_13860_28 owt thys moste cawsythe my payn] out. This most causeth my paine: STC_13860_28
17 Where most I seke how beste that I may plese] LEge27 most] STC_13860_28 seke] do seke STC_13860_28 beste] best STC_13860_28 plese] please, STC_13860_28
18 my] My STC_13860_28 my lost labor Alas ys all in Vayn] LEge27 labor] labour STC_13860_28 Alas ys] (alas) is STC_13860_28 Vayn] vaine. STC_13860_28
19 yet that I gave I cannot call Agayn] LEge27 yet that I gave] My hart once set, STC_13860_28 cannot] can not STC_13860_28 call Agayn] it refrayne. STC_13860_28
20 no] No STC_13860_28 no place fro me my greffe away can take] LEge27 fro] from STC_13860_28 greffe away can take] grief away can take. STC_13860_28
21 Wherfor] Wherfore STC_13860_28 Wherfor with terys my bed I the forsake] LEge27 terys] teares, STC_13860_28 my bed I] my bed, I STC_13860_28 the forsake] thee forsake. STC_13860_28