德文郡手稿/my ywtheffol days ar past
←玛格丽特夫人 | 促使和谐或达成一致→ |
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f. [68r]
1 my ywtheffol days ar past
2 my plesant erese ar gon
3 my lyffe yt dothe bot wast
4 my grawe and I hame wan
5 my morthe and al is flad
6 and I hame won yn woo
7 desyar to be dede /
8 my mescheffe to for goo
9 I born and ame acold
10 I ffresse amades the ffyar
11 I se the do with{w+t+}hold that
12 that most I do desyar
13 I se my helpe at hand
14 I se my dethe also
15 I se wer the dothe stond
16 I se my ffryndly ffoo
f. [68v]
17 I se the know my hart
18 and how I kannot stan stain
19 I se the se me smart
20 and how I leff yn pane
21 I se how the dothe se
22 and yet the wel be blynd
23 I se yn helpeyng me
24 the se and wel not ffynd
I se wan I comby by
I haw the dothe wry
25 I se haw the do wry
26 wan I begen to mon
27 I se wan I comby
28 how ffane the wold b [] gan
29 I se wat wold yow mar
the weld me gladly wold yow Kel
30 the wold me gladly kel
31 and yow shal se therffar
32 that the shal hawe ther wel
33 I kan not leffe with{w+t+} stans
34 yt hes to hard a ffawde
35 I wol be ded at tans at once
36 yff yt myt do them good
37 the shal hawe ther rqwest
38 and I must hawe my nend
39 lo her my blody brest to ples t
40 to ples the with{w+t+} unkynd
1. 该首字母可能指的是托马斯·怀亚特爵士。如果该首字母是m,则可能指的是玛丽·谢尔顿。
这首诗以玛丽·谢尔顿的笔迹写成,作者身份尚不明确。这首诗改编自《爱人被拒绝拥抱死亡》,这首诗出现在《托特尔诗选》中,编号为 207。[1]一首诗后面跟着一个类似“w”的字母,但学者们并没有将这首诗归于托马斯·怀亚特爵士。该首字母也可以解释为“m”,这可能表明这首诗是玛丽·谢尔顿创作的。
一则可能是由H7添加的注释出现在页面顶部,内容为“Madame margeret / et madame de Richemont”(68r)。注释可以揭示很多关于性别认同、文艺复兴时期的习俗和宫廷现实的信息。这个特定的注释似乎反映了前嫂子玛丽·霍华德和玛格丽特·道格拉斯之间存在的团结,并可能暗示了对个人身份的某种“实验”。虽然注释将玛丽·霍华德认定为里士满公爵夫人,但玛格丽特·道格拉斯则没有被赋予任何父权关系。手稿中有很多标记指明了已知身份。其中最重要的标记与玛丽·谢尔顿、玛格丽特·道格拉斯和玛丽·霍华德有关。例如,手稿的第一页包含玛丽·谢尔顿的全名以及“margayg”和“garet how”,这可能代表玛格丽特·道格拉斯(霍华德)。玛丽·谢尔顿的全名也出现在她手写的一首诗后面,“我有一个井,在别处失去了”(22v),以及由H1输入的首字母缩写诗,“在悲伤中忍受,希望获得”(7r),拼写出 SHELTVN。
1 my ywtheffol days ar past] MY youthfull yeres are past, STC_13860_17
2 my plesant erese ar gon] My ioyfull dayes are gone: STC_13860_17
3 my lyffe yt dothe bot wast] My life it may not last, STC_13860_17
4 my] My STC_13860_17 grawe] graue STC_13860_17 hame wan] am one. STC_13860_17
5 my morthe and al is flad] My mirth and ioyes are fled, STC_13860_17
6 and] And STC_13860_17 hame won yn woo] a man in wo: STC_13860_17
7 desyar] Desirous STC_13860_17 dede /] dedde, STC_13860_17
8 my mescheffe] My mischiefe STC_13860_17 for goo] forgo. STC_13860_17
9 born] burne STC_13860_17 ame acold] am a colde, STC_13860_17
10 ffresse amades the ffyar] frise amids the fire: STC_13860_17
11 se] see STC_13860_17 the do] she dothe STC_13860_17 withhold that] withholde STC_13860_17
12 that] That STC_13860_17 most I do desyar] is my most desire. STC_13860_17
13 se] see STC_13860_17 hand] hand, STC_13860_17
14 se] see STC_13860_17 dethe] lyfe STC_13860_17 also] also: STC_13860_17
15 se] see STC_13860_17 wer the] where she STC_13860_17 stond] stande STC_13860_17
16 I se my ffryndly ffoo] That is my deadly foe. STC_13860_17
17 I se the know my hart] STC_13860_17
18 and how I kannot stanstain] STC_13860_17
19 I se the se me smart] STC_13860_17
20 and how I leff yn pane] STC_13860_17
21 se] see STC_13860_17 the] she STC_13860_17 se] see, STC_13860_17
22 and] And STC_13860_17 the wel be blynd] she will be blinde: STC_13860_17
23 yn] in STC_13860_17 helpeyng] helpyng STC_13860_17
24 the se and wel not ffynd] She sekes and will not finde. STC_13860_17
24.1 I se wan I comby by] STC_13860_17
24.2 I haw the dothe wry] STC_13860_17
25 se haw the do wry] see how she doth wry, STC_13860_17
26 wan] When STC_13860_17 begen] begyn STC_13860_17 mon] mone: STC_13860_17
27 se wan I comby] see when I come nie, STC_13860_17
28 how ffane the wold bgan] 如何渴望她离去。 STC_13860_17
29 se] 看 STC_13860_17 wat] 什么 STC_13860_17 wold yow mar] 你还要 STC_13860_17
29.1 the weldme gladly wold yow Kel] STC_13860_17
30 the wold] 她会 STC_13860_17 kel] 杀: STC_13860_17
31 and yow shal se] 而且你会看到 STC_13860_17 therffar] 因此 STC_13860_17
32 that] 那 STC_13860_17 the] 她 STC_13860_17 shal] 将 STC_13860_17 hawe] 有 STC_13860_17 ther] 她的 STC_13860_17 wel] 将。 STC_13860_17
33 kan] 能 STC_13860_17 leffe] 活 STC_13860_17 stans] 石头 STC_13860_17
34 yt hes] 它是 STC_13860_17 ffawde] 食物: STC_13860_17
35 wol] 将 STC_13860_17 ded] 死 STC_13860_17 at tansat once] 立刻 STC_13860_17
36 yff yt myt do them good] 为我的夫人做好事。 STC_13860_17
37 the shal hawe ther rqwest] STC_13860_17
38 and I must hawe my nend] STC_13860_17
39 lo her my blody brest to ples t] STC_13860_17
40 to ples the with unkynd] STC_13860_17