德文郡手稿/Yff reason govern fantasye
←Too yoye In payne my will | What helpythe hope of happy hape→ |
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f. [45r]
1 Yff reason govern fantasye
2 Soo that my fansy gugjugge a right
3 of all pleasurs to man erthlye
4 The cheist pleasur{{s}8} of delyght
5 ys only this that I resight
6 ffor frenshipe shoid to fynd at end
7 the frendshyp of a faythfull frend
8 Yff this be trewe trew ys this too
9 In all this pleasant enenes
10 the most displeasur{{s}8} chaunce may doo
11 ys onkendnes shoyd for kendnes
12 ffor frendly frendshyp frowernes
13 lykk as theon case plesant ys
14 lykwise A paynfull case ys this
15 Thes too Aprovyde aprove the thurde
16 That ys to say my self to be
17 In wofull caes for at A worde
18 Wher I sho frendshype & wold See
19 ffore frendshyp : frendshyp shoyd to me1
20 Ther fynd I frendship So fare fayntyd
21 That I ska skantly may Seme aquantyde
f. [45v]
22 By this word frendshpp now here sayde{d,}
23 my menyng to declare trewlye
24 I mene no whyt / the bornyng brayde{d,}
25 of ragyng love most Amoroslye
26 but onnest frendly com{_o}pany
27 And other love than this I knowe
28 here self nor yett no nother can show
29 And Sens here self no farder knowit
30 nor I my self but As I tell /
31 thowght fals report doth grass as growith2
32 that I loue here excedynde well
33 And that I loveshe takythe my love as yell
34 Sens I in ded mene no Such thyng
35 What hurt cold honest frendshyp bryng
36 Noo staryng eye nor herkenyng ere
37 cane hurt in this except that she
38 haue other frendes{es} that may not bare
39 In here preasens : preasens of me
40 And that for that here pleasur{{s}8} be
41 To sho vnkyndnes for non nother
42 But banyshe me to bryng in other
f. [46r]
43 But sens that fancy /3ledes{es} here soo
44 And ledes{es} my frendshyp from the lyght
45 and walkyth me darlyng to and froo
46 wyell other frendes{es} may walk in Sight
47 I pray for paciens in that spyt
48 And this fullfyllyd here apetyd
49 I shall example be I trowe
50 or frendes{es} sho frendshypp frendes{es} to knowe
finis T. H.
1. 这可能是手稿中唯一使用冒号类符号的地方。
2. 这个短语具有共鸣感。
3. 斜线是一条垂直线。
由 TH1 输入,46r 上的缩写 "T H" 和 "T. How" 将作品归因于 托马斯·霍华德。说话者描述了诚实友谊的慰藉,其他人对这种友谊的不赞成,以及“女士的朋友”对“错误的报告”的快速增长,这些朋友无法忍受他出现在她身边。嫁接和腐烂的树枝意象在宫廷抒情诗中很常见。有关手稿中这种意象的其他例子,请参阅 “这腐烂的枝干不会停止生长” (47v), “永别了爱情和他们的法律” (75r),以及 “我被爱情的陷阱缠住了” (79v-80r)。
TH1 后来用不同的墨水进行了修改。几乎每行末尾都有像数字 2 一样的装饰,并带有长尾。