德文郡手稿/Tanglid I was yn loves snare
←Mye love toke skorne my servise to retaine | lengre to muse→ |
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f. [79v]
1 Tanglid I was yn loves snare
2 opprest wich{w+t+} payne tormen{_e} te wich{w+t+} care
3 of grefe right sure of Ioye full f bare
4 clene in dispaire bye crueltye
5 but ha ha ha full well is me
6 for I am now at libretye
7 the wofull dayes so full of paine
8 the verye night all spent in vayne
9 the labor lost for so small gayne
f. [80r]
10 to wryt them all yt will not bee
11 but ha. ha. ha. &c
12 ----- 1
13 Everye thing that{{th}+t+} faire dothe sho
14 {p'}{_e} when prof is made yt previthe not soo
15 but tornithe mirthe to bittre woo.
16 wiche in this case full well I see
17 but ha. &c
18 ----- 2
19 To grete desire was my guide
20 and wanton{_o} will went bye my syde
21 hope rulid still. and made me byde
22 of loves craft thextremitye the extemity
23 but ha.
24 ----- 3
25 with{w+t+} faynid wordes{es} with{w+t+} ware but winde
26 to long delayes I was assind
27 her wylye lokes{es} my wittes{es} ded blinde
28 thus as she wolde I ded agree
29 but ha. c
30 ----- 4
31 was never birde tanglid yn lyme
32 that brake awaye yn bettre tyme
33 then I that Rotten bowis ded clyme
34 and had no hurte but scapid fre
35 now ha ha ha. full well is me
36 for I am nowe at libretye
1. 假设副歌的第二行在此处。
2. 假设副歌的第二行在此处。
3. 假设副歌的第二行在此处。
4. 假设副歌的第二行在此处。
这首诗被认为是托马斯·怀亚特爵士所作,[1] 由H8 录入。 说话者因从这位女士的残酷中获得的新自由而感到高兴。 Rebholz 认为塞拉菲诺的 Fui serrato nel dolore 可能是怀亚特的笑声副歌和纠缠感的灵感来源。[2] 接枝和腐烂的树枝意象是宫廷爱情诗歌中常见的意象。 有关手稿中此意象的其他示例,请参阅 “Yff reason govern fantasye" (45v)、“This rotyd greff will not but growe” (47v) 和 “Nowe fare well love and theye lawes forever” (75r).
H8 在每个诗节之后,将两行副歌从前四字 (“but ha. ha. ha”) 逐渐缩短到前两字。