德文郡手稿/as ffor my part I know no thyng
< 德文郡手稿
←ther ys no cure ffor care off miyd | to my meshap alas I ffynd→ |
f. [41r]
1 as ffor my part I know no thyng
2 wether that ye be bond or ffre
3 but yet off lat a bvrd ded syng
4 that ye had lost your leberty
f. [41v1]
5 yff yt be tru take hed be tym2
6 and yff thow mast onestly ffly
7 leve off and slake thys ffowlese crym
8 that towcht moch thyn onesty
9 I spek not thys to know your mynd
10 nor off your coun{_u}sell ffor to be
11 but yff I wer thow shold me ffynd
12 thy ffaythffull ffrend asesuredly
1. 页面顶部一英寸已被剪切并修复。
2. 关于此措辞,请参阅怀亚特的诗歌“Take hede be tyme lest ye be spyde” (2r).
这首诗是 玛格丽特·道格拉斯 手写 的,没有署名,是这本手稿独有的。说话者表示愿意为有需要的恋人提供“咨询”。道格拉斯在 "ther ys no cure ffor care off miyd" (41r) 上写的第一节诗在页面上非常淡,几乎看不清。