
德文郡手稿/to my meshap alas I ffynd


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as ffor my part I know no thyng how shold I
德文郡手稿影印本 42r
德文郡手稿影印本 42v

f. [42r] 


1    to my meshap alas I ffynd
2    that happy hap ys dangerus
3    and ffortun workes but her kynd
4    to make the Ioyffull dolorus
5    but all to lat yt coms in mynd
6    to wayll the want wych made me blynd
7    so offten warnd

8    ameds my merth and plesennes
9    seche chance ys chancyt sudenly
10    that in despayr to hawe redrese
11    I ffynd my cheffest remedy
12    No n new ev kynd off onhappynes
13    shold thys a lefft me comfforles
14    so offten warnd

15    Who cold hawe thowght that my request
16    shod hawe broght fforth sech beter ffrut
17    but now ys hapt that I fferd lest
18    and all thys greff comes be my suet
19    ffor wher I thoght me happyest
20    even ther I ffownd my cheffest onrest
21    so offten warnd

f. [42v] 

22    in beter case was never non
23    and ye vnwarest thys am I trapt
24    my cheff desyer doth cas me mon
25    and to my payn my whelt ys hapt
26    was never man but I alone
27    that had sech hap to wayll and grown
28    so offten warnd

29    thys am I th [] awght ffor to bewere
30    and not to trust sech plesend chance
31    my happy hap has bred thes h care
32    and tovrned my merth to gret meschance
33    ther ys no man that hap wyll spar
34    but when she lest owr welth ys bare
35    thys am I warnd



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     1. 注释似乎与下面诗歌的主题无关,该主题是熟悉的“我信任却遭到背叛”的比喻。相反,注释似乎更像是对某事的某种结论。

这首诗被认为是托马斯·怀亚特爵士的作品,[1] 它是由玛格丽特·道格拉斯抄录的。这首诗运用了熟悉的宫廷爱情的比喻,探讨了爱情、背叛和易变的命运主题。

每个诗节的首字母组成怀亚特名字的字谜:“T A W I T”。现代编辑《托特尔杂集》的作者海德·E·罗林斯认为,这个字谜表明这首诗是由另一位诗人作为对怀亚特的致敬而创作的,而不是怀亚特创作的证据。[2] 这首诗也出现在《托特尔杂集》中,名为“当逆境来临之时,后悔已经太迟了”(第 225 项)。[3]


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1 to] To DBla20 NYP01 TO STC_13860_31 meshap] myshap DBla20 mishappe NYP01 mishap STC_13860_31 ffynd] fynde DBla20 NYP01 STC_13860_31
2 that] That STC_13860_31 hap] happe NYP01 ys dangerus] is daungerous: STC_13860_31 dangerus] dawngerow NYP01
3 and] And NYP01 STC_13860_31 and ffortun workes] & fortune workyth DBla20 ffortun] ffortune NYP01 fortune STC_13860_31 workes] workythe NYP01 worketh STC_13860_31 kynd] kynde NYP01
4 to] to DBla20 To STC_13860_31 Ioyffull] Ioyfull DBla20 NYP01 ioyfull STC_13860_31 dolorus] Dolorow NYP01 dolorous. STC_13860_31
5 but] But STC_13860_31 but all to lat yt coms in mynd] NYP01 lat] late STC_13860_31 yt] it STC_13860_31 yt coms in] hyt cumes In DBla20 coms] comes STC_13860_31 in mynd] to minde, STC_13860_31
6 to wayll the want wych made me blynd] NYP01 to wayll] To waile STC_13860_31 wayll] wayle DBla20 wych] that DBla20 wych made me blynd] that makes me blinde, STC_13860_31 blynd] blynde DBla20
7 so offten warnd] NYP01 STC_13860_31 offten] often DBla20 warnd] waryd DBla20
8 ameds] amydes DBla20 Amid STC_13860_31 ameds my merth and plesennes] NYP01 merth] myrth DBla20 mirth STC_13860_31 and] & DBla20 plesennes] plesantnes DBla20 pleasantnesse, STC_13860_31
9 seche] such DBla20 Such STC_13860_31 seche chance ys chancyt sudenly] NYP01 chance] chaunce STC_13860_31 ys chancyt sudenly] is chaunced sodainly, STC_13860_31 chancyt] chansyd DBla20 sudenly] sodenly DBla20
10 that] That STC_13860_31 that in despayr to hawe redrese] NYP01 in despayr] In dyspere DBla20 despayr to hawe redrese] dispaire without redresse, STC_13860_31 hawe] haue DBla20 redrese] redres DBla20
11 I ffynd my cheffest remedy] NYP01 ffynd] fynd DBla20 finde STC_13860_31 cheffest] chefyst DBla20 chiefest STC_13860_31 remedy] remedy. STC_13860_31
12 No nevw] no new DBla20 No nevw kynd off onhappynes] NYP01 nevw kynd off onhappynes] new kinde of vnhappinesse, STC_13860_31 onhappynes] vnhappynes DBla20
13 shold] shuld DBla20 Should STC_13860_31 shold thys a lefft me comfforles] NYP01 thys] thus DBla20 STC_13860_31 a] haue DBla20 STC_13860_31 lefft] left DBla20 STC_13860_31 comfforles] comfortles DBla20 comfortlesse. STC_13860_31
14 so offten warnd] NYP01 STC_13860_31 offten] often DBla20 warnd] wa DBla20
15.22 Who cold hawe thowght that my request] NYP01 cold] wold DBla20 STC_13860_31 hawe] haue DBla20 STC_13860_31 thowght] thought STC_13860_31 request] request, STC_13860_31
16.23 shod hawe broght] shuld bryng me DBla20 Should bring me STC_13860_31 shod hawe broght fforth sech beter ffrut] NYP01 fforth] forth DBla20 STC_13860_31 sech] such DBla20 STC_13860_31 beter] bytter DBla20 bitter STC_13860_31 ffrut] frute DBla20 frute: STC_13860_31
17.24 but] But STC_13860_31 but now ys hapt that I fferd lest] NYP01 ys] is STC_13860_31 fferd] ferd DBla20 feard STC_13860_31 lest] lest, STC_13860_31
18.25 and] & DBla20 And STC_13860_31 and all thys greff comes be my suet] NYP01 thys] this STC_13860_31 greff] harm DBla20 harme STC_13860_31 comes] cumes DBla20 be] by DBla20 STC_13860_31 suet] svte DBla20 sute, STC_13860_31
19.26 ffor] for DBla20 For STC_13860_31 ffor wher I thoght me happyest] NYP01 wher] when DBla20 STC_13860_31 thoght] thowgh DBla20 thought STC_13860_31 happyest] happiest, STC_13860_31
20.27 even] evyn DBla20 Euen STC_13860_31 even ther I ffownd my cheffest onrest] NYP01 ther] then DBla20 STC_13860_31 I ffownd my cheffest] hapt all my chefe DBla20 I ffownd my cheffest onrest] hapt all my chiefe vnrest. STC_13860_31 onrest] vnrest DBla20
21.28 so offten warnd] NYP01 STC_13860_31 offten] oftyn DBla20 warnd] waryd DBla20
22.15 in] In DBla20 In STC_13860_31 in beter case was never non] NYP01 beter] better DBla20 STC_13860_31 never] neuer STC_13860_31 non] none DBla20 STC_13860_31
23.16 and ye vnwarestd] & yet vnwares DBla20 And yet vnwares STC_13860_31 and ye vnwarestd thys am I trapt] NYP01 thys] thus DBla20 STC_13860_31 trapt] trappt DBla20 trapt, STC_13860_31
24.17 my cheff desyer doth cas me mon] NYP01 my cheff desyer] My chiefe desire STC_13860_31 cheff] chefe DBla20 cas] cause DBla20 STC_13860_31 mon] mon DBla20 mone, STC_13860_31
25.18 以及] 以及 STC_13860_31 以及我的痛苦] & 以及我的伤害 DBla20 以及我的痛苦 我的健康被夺走] NYP01 痛苦] 伤害 STC_13860_31 健康] 财富 DBla20 STC_13860_31 是] 是 STC_13860_31 被夺走] 被夺走,STC_13860_31
26.19 从未] 那里没有 DBla20 没有 STC_13860_31 从未有人 除了我独自一人] NYP01 独自一人] 独自一人,STC_13860_31
27.20 那个] 那个 STC_13860_31 那个 有这样不幸的事情要哀叹和呻吟] NYP01 有] 有 DBla20 STC_13860_31 这样] 这样的 DBla20 STC_13860_31 不幸] 原因 DBla20 STC_13860_31 哀叹] 叹息 STC_13860_31 哀叹和呻吟] 叹息 & 哀叹 DBla20 呻吟] 哀叹。STC_13860_31
28.21 如此频繁地警告] NYP01 STC_13860_31 频繁地警告] 常常 w DBla20
29 这样] 这样 DBla20 这样 STC_13860_31 这样 我被认为要小心] NYP01 认为] 教导 DBla20 教导 STC_13860_31 为] 为 DBla20 STC_13860_31 小心] 当心 DBla20 STC_13860_31
30 并且不要信任这样] & 不要再信任这样所有 DBla20 并且不要信任这样令人愉快的机会] NYP01 并且不要再信任这样令人愉快的机会,STC_13860_31 令人愉快的] 令人愉快的 DBla20
31 我的] 我的 STC_13860_31 我的幸福带来了这些麻烦] NYP01 幸福带来了这些麻烦] 幸福给我带来了这些麻烦,STC_13860_31 带来] 带来 DBla20 这些] 这些 DBla20
32 并且转向] & 带来 DBla20 并且带来 STC_13860_31 并且转向 我的欢乐变成了巨大的不幸] NYP01 欢乐] 快乐 DBla20 快乐 STC_13860_31 巨大] 巨大 DBla20 巨大 STC_13860_31 不幸] 不幸 DBla20 不幸。STC_13860_31
33 那里没有一个人会让命运饶恕] NYP01 那里没有] 那里没有 STC_13860_31 命运] 命运 STC_13860_31 会] 将要 DBla20 将要 STC_13860_31 饶恕] 饶恕 DBla20 饶恕,STC_13860_31
34 但是] 但是 STC_13860_31 但是 当她愿意的时候 我们的财富就被剥夺了] NYP01 她] 她 DBla20 愿意] 想要 DBla20 想要 STC_13860_31 我们的] 他的 DBla20 他的 STC_13860_31 就] 就 STC_13860_31 被剥夺了] 被剥夺了。STC_13860_31
35 这样] 这样 DBla20 这样 我被警告] NYP01 STC_13860_31 被警告] 被警告 DBla20
