←lengre to muse | Wythe seruing still→ |
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f. [80v]
1 爱又回来
2 an让我痛苦
3 然而一切都白费
4 我ser{{s}8}ue yn vayne
5 我确定
6 最不受人喜欢
7 既热又冷
8 如此控制着我
9 并com{_o}brid so s我的心
10 当我应该
11 说出来,凝视
12 它一直把我推到后面
13 我的智慧已丧失
14 我的生命正在消逝
15 我的com{_o}forte is exild
16 我匆忙
17 即将品尝
18 爱如何g欺骗了我
19 除非那正确
20 可能在her视线中
21 获得怜悯和恩典
22 为什么要
23 拥有光彩的美丽
24 如果mer{m'}cye have no place
25 然而我,唉
26 处于这种状况
27 我can{_a}not goo.
28 但仍然追寻
29 一种忍耐的步伐
30 并忍受秘密的悲伤
31 因为with{w+t+} the winde
32 我燃烧的心
33 仍然燃烧
34 而且她无情
35 那个把我束缚
36 把这一切变成了游戏
37 然而,没有痛苦
38 能让我克制
39 也不到这里或那里
40 我将保留
41 希望获得
42 她的心that{{th}+t+} is so straunge
43 但我要求
44 那痛苦的火焰
45 经常让我感到甜蜜
46 尽管我生气
47 用同样的渴望
48 给她一颗火热的心 /
49 然后她将证明
50 我如何爱她
51 以及我所奉献的一切
52 这将使她感动
53 来消除
54 我所遭受的痛苦that{{th}+t+} I have sulffrd
55 而且更好
56 比她给我的
57 她将从我这里获得
58 因为她
59 表现出残忍
60 她将获得我的心
归因于 托马斯·怀亚特爵士,[1] 这首诗是 H8 输入的。这位爱人相信这位女士的怜悯,并希望通过保持不变来赢得她的芳心。这首诗也是 玛格丽特·道格拉斯 标记“和这”的十七个条目之一。保罗·雷姆利认为这些注释与其另一段文本注释“学会唱它”(在 “现在一切都改变了”(81r)上)相关,可能表示一组用于娱乐的文本。[2]
1 love] Love DBla09 doth] hathe DBla09 againe] agayne DBla09
3 and] & DBla09 is] ys DBla09
4 yn] in DBla09
5 certeyne] certayne DBla09
6 misliked] myslyked DBla09
7 bothe] Bothe DBla09 heate] het DBla09 colde] cold DBla09
8 dothe] Dothe DBla09 so] DBla09 holde] behold DBla09
9 combrid] combr DBla09 s] DBla09 minde] mynd DBla09
10 shulde] shuld DBla09
11 speke] speak DBla09 beholde] be bold DBla09
12 dryvithe] drawith DBla09 still] styll DBla09 behinde] behynd DBla09
13 mye wittis] My wyttes DBla09 paste] past DBla09
14 lif] lyf DBla09 waste] wast DBla09
15 comforte is exild] comffort ys exyled DBla09
16 haste] hast DBla09
17 like] lyk DBla09 taste] tast DBla09
18 gbegilde] begyllid DBla09
19 right] Ryght may im DBla09
20 maye] may DBla09 yn her] in her DBla09 sight] syght DBla09
21 obtaine pitye and grace] optaye pety & gra DBla09
22 whye] why DBla09 shulde] shuld DBla09 wight] wyght DBla09
23 have] haue DBla09 bewtye] bewty DBla09 bright] bryght DBla09
24 mercye] marsye DBla09 have] haue DBla09 place] place DBla09
25 Yett] Yet DBla09
26 am in soche] an in suche DBla09 cace] case DBla09
27 goo.] goo DBla09
28 still] styll DBla09
29 a] A DBla09 patiente] pacient DBla09
30 and] & DBla09 suffre] suffer DBla09 secret] seckret DBla09 woo] woo / DBla09
31 with] wythe DBla09 winde] wynd DBla09
32 fyred] fyered DBla09 mynde] mynd DBla09
33 still] styll DBla09 inflame] incres in flame DBla09
34 vnkinde] vnkynd DBla09
35 ded] dyd DBla09 binde] bynd DBla09
36 turne] torne DBla09 yt] yet DBla09
37 Yet] yet DBla09 payne] paygne DBla09
38 refraine] reffrayne DBla09
39 &] nor DBla09 there] ther DBla09
40 retaine] retayne DBla09
41 hope] hop DBla09 obtayne] attayne DBla09
42 her] a DBla09 hert] hart DBla09 is] ys DBla09 straunge] strange DBla09
43 require] requyer DBla09
44 payne full] paynffull DBla09 fire] ffyer DBla09
45 make] mak DBla09 suete] swere DBla09
46 yre] hyer DBla09
47 withe] with DBla09 lyke] lyk DBla09 desire] desyere DBla09
48 gyve] geve DBla09 her] here DBla09 herte] hart DBla09 hete /] hette DBla09
50 howe] how DBla09
51 and] & DBla09 have] haue DBla09 offerde] her offeryd DBla09
52 wiche] whiche DBla09 shulde] shuld DBla09 her] here DBla09
53 for] ffor DBla09
54 paynes] payne DBla09 have sulffrd] hau sufferd DBla09
55 and] A DBla09 bettre] better DBla09 ffe] ffee / DBla09
56 gave] geve DBla09 me] me/ DBla09
58 for] ffor DBla09 whereas] wher as DBla09
59 shewde] showyd DBla09 crueltye] creweltye DBla09
60 my] me DBla09 hert] hart DBla09 obtayne] optayne DBla09