德文郡手稿/o happy dames that may enbrayes
←fforget not yet the tryde entent | My hope is yow for to obtaine,→ |
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f. [55r]
1 o happy dames that may enbraysbrayes
2 the ffrwte off yor delyet
3 helpe to bewalle the woffulle casse
4 & eke the hewy plyet
5 off me that wontede to reIoyes
6 the ffortwne off [] my pleassante choyes
7 good lades helpe to ffelle my mowernenge voyce
8 {_e}{w+t+} en ashepe ffrawghte with rememberances1
9 off wordes{es} & pleassures paste
10 he ssaylles that haytht en gowernances{es}
11 my lyffe whylle et maye laste
with{w+t+} s [] ldenge
12 with{w+t+} scaldenge sseythes ffor wante off gayle
13 ffurthenge his hope that is his ssaylle
14 to warde me the sswete porte off hes awalle
15 alas howe offte I im in dremes I ssee
16 thovs yees that were my ffoode ffoode
17 wyche ssumetyme sso dellyted me
18 that yet they do me good
19 wherewith{w+t+} I wake with{w+t+} hes his retoreneretourne
20 whoosse b abssente fflame dootht make me boren
21 bwt whan I ffynde the lake lorde howe I mowren
f. [55v]
22 whan owther loweres{es} en armes acrosse
23 roIoyes ther cheffe dellyet
drowenede en tereres{es} teares to mow [] ren
24 drowened en teares{es} to mowren my losse
25 I stande the better neyghtes
26 in my wyndowe wher I maye ssee
27 beffore the wyndes howe the clowdes ffleye
28 loo whate amarryner lowe hays made meme
29 & en grene way wawes when the ssallte ffloode
30 dootht sswalle w by rayges off wynde
31 a thwssande ffayncys en that moode
32 assalles my resteles mynde
33 allas nowe drenches my sswete ffoo
34 that with{w+t+} sspoyle off my hartte harte ded goo
35 & lyfte me but allas whye ded he sso
36 & whan the ssces wax clame agane
37 to chasse ffrom me anoye
38 my dowteffwlle hope makes me to plla l yne
39 sso drede cwtes off my Ioye
40 thus es my mowrtht meynglede with{w+t+} woo
41 & of eyche thowet adowete dowtht growe
42 nowe he comes wylle2^ he cum{_u}m allas no no
1. 参见 Petti.[1] 这种形式的标题更古老,但在 15 世纪后期仍在使用。
2. 尖号朝下。
这首诗是手稿中唯一一首由 亨利·霍华德,萨里伯爵创作的,由 玛丽·霍华德的手写。 玛格丽特·道格拉斯在诗的最后一行加上了“he cum”这个短语。 在她的文章“玛丽(霍华德)菲茨罗伊在德文郡手稿中的笔迹”中,海伦·巴伦将这首抒情诗归因于萨里,并声称它是在萨里在 1540 年代中期对法国的战役中服役期间写成的。[2] 巴伦认为,这首诗可能是在安妮·博林去世后,玛格丽特·道格拉斯拥有这本书时才被录入专辑。[3] 因此,这首诗很可能是萨里的姐姐在 1540 年代中期创作后不久抄写的,当时玛格丽特和玛丽·霍华德与 玛丽·谢尔顿一起出席宫廷。 这首诗反映了一个女人等待她的爱人从海上归来的想法。
这首诗也出现在 托特尔诗集中,标题为“抱怨她的爱人不在海边”。[4]
1 o] O STC_13860_19 o happy] Oh happie LHar78_2 happy] Happy STC_13860_19 dames] dames, STC_13860_19 enbraysbrayes] imbrace LHar78_2 embrace STC_13860_19
2 the ffrwte off yor delyet] The frute of your delight, STC_13860_19 ffrwte off yor delyet] fructe of your delight LHar78_2
3 helpe] Help STC_13860_19 bewalle] bewayle LHar78_2 bewaile STC_13860_19 woffulle] wofull LHar78_2 STC_13860_19 casse] case LHar78_2 case, STC_13860_19
4 &] and LHar78_2 And STC_13860_19 hewy plyet] heavie plight LHar78_2 heauy plight STC_13860_19
5 off] of LHar78_2 Of STC_13860_19 me] me, STC_13860_19 wontede] wonted LHar78_2 STC_13860_19 reIoyes] reioyse LHar78_2 reioyce STC_13860_19
6 the ffortwne off my pleassante choyes] The fortune of my pleasant choyce: STC_13860_19 ffortwne off ] fortune of LHar78_2 pleassante] pleasaunt LHar78_2 choyes] chayse c LHar78_2
7 good] Good LHar78_2 STC_13860_19 lades] ladies LHar78_2 Ladies, STC_13860_19 helpe] help STC_13860_19 ffelle] fyll LHar78_2 fill STC_13860_19 mowernenge] moorning STC_13860_19 mowernenge woyce] morninge voice LHar78_2 woyce] voyce. STC_13860_19
8 en ashepe ffrawghte with rememberances] LHar78_2 en ashepe ffrawghte] In ship, freight STC_13860_19 rememberances] rememberance STC_13860_19
9 off wordes & pleassures paste] LHar78_2 off wordes &] Of thoughts, and STC_13860_19 pleassures] pleasures STC_13860_19 paste] past, STC_13860_19
10 he ssaylles that haytht en gowernances] LHar78_2 he ssaylles that haytht en] He sailes that hath in STC_13860_19 gowernances] gouernance STC_13860_19
11 my lyffe whylle et maye laste] LHar78_2 My life, while it wil last: STC_13860_19
11.5 with sldenge] STC_13860_19
12 with] With STC_13860_19 with scaldenge sseythes ffor wante off gayle] LHar78_2 scaldenge] scalding STC_13860_19 sseythes ffor wante off gayle] sighes, for lack of gale, STC_13860_19
13 ffurthenge] Furdering STC_13860_19 ffurthenge his hope that is his ssaylle] LHar78_2 hope] hope, STC_13860_19 ssaylle] sail STC_13860_19
14 to warde me the sswete porte off hes awalle] LHar78_2 to warde me] Toward me, STC_13860_19 sswete] swete STC_13860_19 porte] port STC_13860_19 off hes awalle] of his auail. STC_13860_19
15 alas] Alas, STC_13860_19 alas howe offte I im in dremes I ssee] LHar78_2 howe] how STC_13860_19 offte I im] oft STC_13860_19 dremes] dreames STC_13860_19 ssee] se STC_13860_19
16 thovs] Those STC_13860_19 thovs yees that were my ffoode ffoode] LHar78_2 yees] eyes, STC_13860_19 ffoode ffoode] food, STC_13860_19
17 wyche ssumetyme sso dellyted me] LHar78_2 wyche ssumetyme sso] Which somtime so STC_13860_19 dellyted] delited STC_13860_19 me] me, STC_13860_19
18 that] That STC_13860_19 that yet they do me good] LHar78_2 good] good. STC_13860_19
19 where with I wake with hes his retorene retourne] LHar78_2 where with] Wherwith STC_13860_19 hes his retorene] his STC_13860_19 retourne] returne, STC_13860_19
20 whoosse b abssente fflame dootht make me boren] LHar78_2 whoosse b abssente fflame dootht] Whose absent flame did STC_13860_19 boren] burne. STC_13860_19
21 bwt] But STC_13860_19 bwt whan I ffynde the lake lorde howe I mowren] LHar78_2 whan] when STC_13860_19 ffynde] find STC_13860_19 lake] lacke, STC_13860_19 lorde] Lord STC_13860_19 howe] how STC_13860_19 mowren] mourne? STC_13860_19
22 whan] When STC_13860_19 whan owther loweres en armes acrosse] LHar78_2 owther] other STC_13860_19 loweres en] louers in STC_13860_19 acrosse] acrosse, STC_13860_19
23 roIoyes] Reioyce STC_13860_19 roIoyes ther cheffe dellyet] LHar78_2 ther] their STC_13860_19 cheffe] chiefe STC_13860_19 dellyet] delight: STC_13860_19
23.5 drowenede en tereres teares to mow ren] LHar78_2 STC_13860_19
24 drowened] Drowned STC_13860_19 drowened en teares to mowren my losse] LHar78_2 en] in STC_13860_19 mowren] mourne STC_13860_19 losse] losse, STC_13860_19
25 I stande the better neyghtes] LHar78_2 stande] stand STC_13860_19 better] bitter STC_13860_19 neyghtes] night, STC_13860_19
26 in] In STC_13860_19 in my wyndowe wher I maye ssee] LHar78_2 wyndowe] window, STC_13860_19 wher] where STC_13860_19 maye] may STC_13860_19 ssee] see, STC_13860_19
27 beffore] Before STC_13860_19 beffore the wyndes howe the clowdes ffleye] LHar78_2 wyndes] windes STC_13860_19 howe] how STC_13860_19 clowdes] cloudes STC_13860_19 ffleye] flee. STC_13860_19
28 loo] Lo, STC_13860_19 loo whate amarryner lowe hays made meme] LHar78_2 whate] what STC_13860_19 amarryner] a mariner STC_13860_19 lowe] loue STC_13860_19 hays] hath STC_13860_19 meme] me. STC_13860_19
29 & en grene way wawes when the ssallte ffloode] LHar78_2 & en grene way] And in grene STC_13860_19 wawes] waues STC_13860_19 ssallte ffloode] salt flood STC_13860_19
30 dootht sswalle w by rayges off wynde] LHar78_2 Doth rise, by rage of winde: STC_13860_19
31 a thwssande ffayncssys en that moode] LHar78_2 a thwssande ffayncssys en] A thousand fansies in STC_13860_19 moode] mood STC_13860_19
32 assalles] Assayle STC_13860_19 assalles my resteles mynde] LHar78_2 resteles] restlesse STC_13860_19 mynde] mind. STC_13860_19
33 allas] Alas, STC_13860_19 allas nowe drenches my sswete ffoo] LHar78_2 nowe] now STC_13860_19 drenches] drencheth STC_13860_19 sswete] swete STC_13860_19 ffoo] fo, STC_13860_19
34 that] That STC_13860_19 that with sspoyle off my hartte harte ded goo] LHar78_2 sspoyle] the spoyle STC_13860_19 off] of STC_13860_19 hartte harte ded goo] hart did go, STC_13860_19
35 & lyfte me but allas whye ded he sso] LHar78_2 &] And STC_13860_19 lyfte] left STC_13860_19 allas] (alas) STC_13860_19 whye] why STC_13860_19 ded] did STC_13860_19 sso] so? STC_13860_19
36 & whan the ssces wax clamecalme agane] LHar78_2 &] And STC_13860_19 whan] when STC_13860_19 ssces] seas STC_13860_19 wax] waxe STC_13860_19 clamecalme agane] calme againe, STC_13860_19
37 to] To STC_13860_19 to chasse ffrom me anoye] LHar78_2 chasse] chase STC_13860_19 ffrom] fro STC_13860_19 anoye] annoye. STC_13860_19
38 my dowteffwlle hope makes me to playne] LHar78_2 My doutfull hope doth cause me plaine: STC_13860_19
39 sso] So STC_13860_19 sso drede cwtes off my Ioye] LHar78_2 drede] dreade STC_13860_19 cwtes off] cuts of STC_13860_19 Ioye] ioye. STC_13860_19
40 thus] Thus STC_13860_19 thus es my mowrtht meynglede with woo] LHar78_2 es] is STC_13860_19 mowrtht meynglede with woo] wealth mingled with wo, STC_13860_19
41 & of eyche thowet adowete dowtht growe] LHar78_2 And of ech thought a dout doth growe, STC_13860_19
42 nowe] Now, STC_13860_19 nowe he comes wylle] LHar78_2 wylle] will he come? alas, no no. STC_13860_19