←yf chaunse assignid | patiens for my devise→ |
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f. [70v]
1 perdye 我说了不是,还有这个
2 而且从未想过要这样做
3 正如我所知
4 我对此没有权力
5 而且如果我做了,那命运
6 那首先把我锁住了
7 从不松开绳结
8 反而更紧地捆住我,让我痛苦 /
9 而且如果我做了每件事
10 可能会带来伤害或痛苦
11 持续地,我可能会悲痛{_i}ge
12 我心,无论我去哪里
13 可能会永远响起悲鸣{_i}g
14 为我的羞耻,永远
15 如果在我心中确实生出{_i}g
16 你说的话 /
17 如果我说每颗星星
18 在天堂之上
19 可能会对我皱眉,永远 [] rre
20 我对爱的希望
21 而且如果我做了这样的战争
22 就像你从特洛伊带来的
23 将我的一生远去
24 从{_o} 所有的快乐和欢愉 /
f. [71r]
25 而且如果我说了那样的话
26 捆住我的美丽that[[The Devonshire Manuscript/Appendix I: Paleographic Features|Template:Th+t+}]]
27 日复一日地增长
28 对我的伤口更加残酷
29 [[The Devonshire Manuscript/Appendix I: Paleographic Features|Template:Th+t+}]]{w+t+} with 所有的悲伤 that 可能会
30 将我的歌变成哀叹
31 我的生命可能会很快衰败
32 with{w+t+}out 无端的救济
33 如果我因为思想而清白
34 为什么你还要抱怨com{_o}plaine
35 那么这件事只是被
36 寻求让我更加痛苦 /
37 [[The Devonshire Manuscript/Appendix I: Paleographic Features|Template:Th+t+}]]{_e} thenthat that 你已经做到了
38 你现在必须弥补它
39 因此,你有义务
40 压制你的这种严酷yorsuche rigor to represse
41 正如我所ser{{s}8}uid
42 所以gra{gA}unte 现在给我我的报酬
43 你知道我从未偏离
44 你从未发现我撒谎
45 为了拉结,我服务过
46 我从未为利亚而心动
47 而且我一直在ser{{s}8}uid
48 with{w+t+}in 我的心,永远 / s
这首诗被认为是托马斯·怀亚特爵士的作品,[1] 诗是由H8抄录的。怀亚特改编了彼特拉克的Rime 206,一首canzone,用于他的诗。R. A. Rebholz 指出,怀亚特与彼特拉克不同,"没有限制自己整首诗只用三个韵脚,也没有改变诗行的长度"。 [2] 在两首诗中,情人都在抗议对他爱上另一个人的指控,但是"彼特拉克的诗更长 (59 行) 并且比怀亚特的更热情"。 [3] 这首诗也出现在托特尔的杂集中,标题为“The louer excuseth him of wordes wherwith he was vniustly charged” (第 91 项)。[4]
这首诗是十七个条目之一,其中玛格丽特·道格拉斯标记了“and thys”。保罗·雷姆利建议,这些注释与她诗歌中的另一个注释"lerne but to syng it" 相关,该注释出现在"now all of chaunge" (81r) 上,可能表明这些文本是用来学习以供娱乐的。 [5]
H8 没有在这首诗中明确或一致地标记诗节。
1 perdye] Perdy DBla15 PErdy STC_13860_21 saide] sayd DBla15 STC_13860_21 yt] hytt DBla15 it STC_13860_21 not] nott DBla15 not: STC_13860_21
2 nor] Nor STC_13860_21 never] newer DBla15 neuer STC_13860_21 thought] thowght DBla15 do] doo DBla15 do. STC_13860_21
3 as] As STC_13860_21 wott] wot: STC_13860_21
4 have] haue DBla15 STC_13860_21 powr] power STC_13860_21 thereto] thertoo DBla15 therto, STC_13860_21
5 and] And STC_13860_21 if] yff DBla15 ded] dyd DBla15 did, STC_13860_21 lott] lot, STC_13860_21
6 that] That STC_13860_21 first] furst DBla15 ded] did STC_13860_21 ded me enchaine] dyd chayne DBla15 enchaine] enchayne: STC_13860_21
7 do] May STC_13860_21 never] neuer STC_13860_21 knott] knoott DBla15 knot, STC_13860_21
8 but] But STC_13860_21 strayter] strayght STC_13860_21 to] it to STC_13860_21 payne /] payn DBla15 payne. STC_13860_21
9 And if I ded] and yff I dyd DBla15 ded] did STC_13860_21 eche] ech DBla15 STC_13860_21 thing] thyng DBla15 thing, STC_13860_21
10 that] That STC_13860_21 maye] may DBla15 STC_13860_21 harme] harm DBla15 woo] wo: STC_13860_21
11 contynuallye] contynually DBla15 Continually STC_13860_21 maye] may DBla15 STC_13860_21 wringe] wryng DBla15 wring STC_13860_21
12 my] My STC_13860_21 herte] hart DBla15 STC_13860_21 where so] wherso DBla15 I] hytt DBla15 goo] go. STC_13860_21
13 Reporte] report DBla15 Report STC_13860_21 maye] may DBla15 STC_13860_21 alwayes] always DBla15 Ring] ryng DBla15 ring STC_13860_21
14 of] off DBla15 Of STC_13860_21 of] on DBla15 STC_13860_21 aye] nay DBla15 aye: STC_13860_21
15 yf] If STC_13860_21 yn] In DBla15 in STC_13860_21 herte] hart DBla15 STC_13860_21 ded] dyd DBla15 did STC_13860_21 spring] spryng DBla15
16 the] theys DBla15 The STC_13860_21 worde] wordes DBla15 STC_13860_21 ye] you STC_13860_21 saye /] say DBla15 STC_13860_21
17 Yf] and yff DBla15 And if STC_13860_21 saide so] dyd DBla15 did STC_13860_21 eche] ech DBla15 STC_13860_21 sterre] starr DBla15 starre, STC_13860_21
18 that] That STC_13860_21 is] ys DBla15 yn] In DBla15 in STC_13860_21 heven] hevyn DBla15 heauen STC_13860_21 above] aboue DBla15 aboue, STC_13860_21
19 maye] may DBla15 May STC_13860_21 frowne] frown DBla15 tomarre] to mar DBla15 to marre STC_13860_21
20 the] The STC_13860_21 have] haue DBla15 STC_13860_21 yn] In DBla15 in STC_13860_21 love] loue DBla15 loue. STC_13860_21
21 and] And STC_13860_21 if] yff DBla15 ded] dyd DBla15 did STC_13860_21 suche] such DBla15 STC_13860_21 warre] war DBla15 warre, STC_13860_21
22 as] As STC_13860_21 thy] the DBla15 they STC_13860_21 brought] browght DBla15 owt of] In to DBla15 vnto STC_13860_21 troye] troy DBla15 Troye, STC_13860_21
23 bring] bryng DBla15 Bring STC_13860_21 lyf] lyfe DBla15 life STC_13860_21 a farre] afar DBla15 as farre STC_13860_21
24 from] From STC_13860_21 this] hys DBla15 his STC_13860_21 luste] lust DBla15 STC_13860_21 and] & DBla15 Ioye /] Ioy DBla15 ioye. STC_13860_21
25 and] And STC_13860_21 if] yf DBla15 ded] dyd DBla15 did STC_13860_21 saye] say DBla15 say: STC_13860_21
26 the] The STC_13860_21 bewtye] bewty DBla15 beautie STC_13860_21 bounde] bownd DBla15 bounde, STC_13860_21
27 encresse] Incresse DBla15 Encrease STC_13860_21 daye] day DBla15 STC_13860_21 daye] day DBla15 STC_13860_21
28 more] More STC_13860_21 wounde] world DBla15 wounde: STC_13860_21
29 with] wyth DBla15 With STC_13860_21 maye] may DBla15 may, STC_13860_21
30 to] To STC_13860_21 playnte] playnt DBla15 plaint STC_13860_21 maye] may DBla15 STC_13860_21 torne] turn DBla15 turne STC_13860_21 song] song: STC_13860_21
31 my] My STC_13860_21 lif] lyfe DBla15 life STC_13860_21 maye] may DBla15 STC_13860_21 dekaye] decay DBla15 decay, STC_13860_21
32 without] wythowt DBla15 Without STC_13860_21 bye] my DBla15 by STC_13860_21 wrong] worng DBla15 wrong. STC_13860_21
33 Yf] yf DBla15 If STC_13860_21 I] DBla15 clere] cleare STC_13860_21 for] from DBla15 STC_13860_21 thought] thowght why do ye then complayn DBla15 thought, STC_13860_21
34 whye] why DBla15 Why STC_13860_21 ye] you STC_13860_21 complaine] complayn DBla15 complayne? STC_13860_21
35 then] Then STC_13860_21 ys] is STC_13860_21 this] thys DBla15 thing] thyng DBla15 sought] sought. STC_13860_21
36 to] To STC_13860_21 torne] put DBla15 turne STC_13860_21 me] my hart STC_13860_21 more] STC_13860_21 payne /] payn DBla15 payne, STC_13860_21
37 then] Then STC_13860_21 that] this STC_13860_21 ye] you STC_13860_21 wrought] wrowght DBla15 wrought, STC_13860_21
38 ye] You STC_13860_21 muste] must DBla15 STC_13860_21 yt] hyt DBla15 it STC_13860_21 redresse] redresse, STC_13860_21
39 of] off DBla15 Of STC_13860_21 right] ryght DBla15 therefore] therefore DBla15 STC_13860_21 ye] you STC_13860_21
40 yor] DBla15 STC_13860_21 suche] such DBla15 Such STC_13860_21 rigor] rygor DBla15 rigour STC_13860_21 represse] represse. STC_13860_21
41 And] and DBla15 deseruid] deseruyd DBla15 deserued: STC_13860_21
42 so] So STC_13860_21 graunte] grant DBla15 graunt STC_13860_21 nowe] now DBla15 STC_13860_21 hire] hyer DBla15 hire: STC_13860_21
43 ye] You STC_13860_21 kno] know STC_13860_21 nevr] never DBla15 neuer STC_13860_21 swervid] swarvyd DBla15 swerued, STC_13860_21
44 ye] You STC_13860_21 never] neuer STC_13860_21 fownd] found DBla15 founde STC_13860_21 lyre] lyer DBla15 lyer. STC_13860_21
45 for] For STC_13860_21 rachell] rakhell DBla15 Rachel STC_13860_21 have] haue DBla15 STC_13860_21 seruid] seruyd DBla15 serued, STC_13860_21
46 for lya] For Lea STC_13860_21 carid] caryd DBla15 cared STC_13860_21 never] neuer: STC_13860_21
47 and] And STC_13860_21 her] her DBla15 have] haue DBla15 STC_13860_21 Reseruid] reseruyd DBla15 reserued STC_13860_21
48 within] wythIn DBla15 Within STC_13860_21 harte] hart DBla15 STC_13860_21 ever /] euer DBla15 euer. STC_13860_21