德文郡手稿/yf chaunse assignid
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f. [70v]
1 yf chaunse assignid
2 ware to my mynde
3 bye very kinde of de
4 of1 destenye
5 yet wolde I crave
6 nought els to have
7 but onlye lif & librte
8 then ware I sure
9 I might endure
10 the dispeleasure displeasure
11 of crueltye
12 where nowe I plaine
13 alas in vayne
14 lacking my lif for libretye /
15 for with{w+t+}out ton
16 tother is gone
17 and there can none
18 yt remedye /
19 yf ton be paste
20 tothr dothe waste
21 and all for lack of libretye /
22 and so I dryve / as yet alyve
23 as yet alyve
24 altho I stryve
25 with{w+t+} miserye
26 Drawing my brethe
27 loking for dethe
28 & losse of lif for libretye
29 But thou{{th}+u+} that still
30 maiste at thy will
31 turne all this ill
32 aduer{u'}sitye
33 for the Repaire
34 of my welfare
35 graunte me but lif & librtye
36 And if not so
37 then let all goo
38 to writchid woo
39 and lett me dye
40 for ton or tother
41 there ys none othr
42 my deth or lyf with{w+t+} librtyes
1. "of" 这个词可能是后来添加的。
2. 小写字母中的大写字母标志着诗节的断裂。
这首诗归因于托马斯·怀亚特爵士,[1] 由H8 录入。R. A. Rebholz 指出,这首诗的解读取决于“生命”和“自由”三种不同的含义;如果读者将这首诗解读为诗人对一位拒绝他爱意的女士的抱怨,“生命”和“自由”代表着诗人重新获得活力,当他可以自由地表达爱意时,他可以维持他的力量,即使她拒绝他。“生命”和“自由”也可能代表着诗人摆脱对这位女士的爱意的束缚。或者,如果读者从政治角度解读这首诗,“生命”和“自由”可能代表着诗人摆脱束缚或监禁的自由。[2]
H8 使用小写字母中的大写字母来标记诗节的断裂。
1 yf] If DBla08 LEge13 chaunse] chaunce DBla08 LEge13 assignid] assygnyd DBla08 assynd LEge13
2 ware] wer DBla08 were LEge13 mynde] mynd DBla08
3 bye] by DBla08 LEge13 kinde of de] kynd DBla08 LEge13
4 destenye] destine DBla08 destyne LEge13
5 wolde] wold DBla08 would LEge13 crave] crave DBla08
6 nought els to have] DBla08
7 but onlye lif & librte] DBla08 onlye] LEge13 lif] liff LEge13 librte] libertie LEge13
8 then] Then LEge13 then ware I sure] DBla08 ware] were LEge13
9 I might endure] DBla08 might] myght LEge13
10 the dispeleasuredispleasure] DBla08 dispeleasuredispleasure] displeasure LEge13
11 of crueltye] DBla08 crueltye] crueltie LEge13
12 where nowe I plaine] DBla08 nowe] now LEge13 plaine] plain LEge13
13 alas in vayne] DBla08 vayne] vain LEge13
14 lacking my lif for libretye /] DBla08 lif] liff LEge13 libretye /] libertie LEge13
15 for] ffor LEge13 for without ton] DBla08 without] withoute LEge13 ton] thone LEge13
16 tother] thothre LEge13 tother is gone] DBla08
17 and there can none] DBla08
18 yt] it LEge13 yt remedye /] DBla08 remedye /] remedy LEge13
19 yf] if LEge13 yf ton be paste] DBla08 ton] thone LEge13 paste] past LEge13
20 tothr] thothre LEge13 tothr dothe waste] DBla08 dothe] doeth LEge13 waste] wast LEge13
21 and all for lack of libretye /] DBla08 libretye /] libertie LEge13
22 and] And LEge13 and so I dryve / as yet alyve] DBla08 dryve /] dryve LEge13 as yet alyve] LEge13
23 as yet alyve] DBla08
24 altho] all tho LEge13 altho I stryve] DBla08
25 with miserye] DBla08 miserye] myserie LEge13
26 Drawing] drawing LEge13 Drawing my brethe] DBla08 brethe] breth LEge13
27 loking] lowking LEge13 loking for dethe] DBla08 dethe] deth LEge13
28 & losse of lif for libretye] DBla08 lif] liffe LEge13 libretye] libertie LEge13
29 But thou that still] DBla08
30 maiste] maist LEge13 maiste at thy will] DBla08
31 turne] torn LEge13 turne all this ill] DBla08
32 aduersitye] DBla08 aduersitie LEge13
33 for the Repaire] DBla08 the Repaire] ye repare LEge13
34 of my welfare] DBla08
35 graunte] graunt LEge13 graunte me but lif & librtye] DBla08 lif] liff LEge13 librtye] libertie LEge13
36 And if not so] DBla08
37 then let all goo] DBla08
38 to writchid woo] DBla08 writchid] wretched LEge13
39 and lett me dye] DBla08 lett] let LEge13
40 for ton or tother] DBla08 ton] thone LEge13 tother] thothre LEge13
41 there ys none othr] DBla08 ys] is LEge13 othr] othre LEge13
42 my deth or lyf with librtye] DBla08 lyf] liff LEge13 librtye] libertie LEge13