←看哪,爱情的力量,她如何轻蔑 | 他们从我身边逃去,那些曾经寻找我的人→ |
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f. [69v]
1 你对那个毫无信心的家伙毫无信心
2 {es}{{th}+u+} 但你必须爱他,有充分的理由
3 因为正如pro{p2}verb 说得非常清楚
4 每件事物都寻求与其相似的 /
5 {_on}{_o} {{th}+u+} 而你拥有你自身状况的
6 然而这不是我所关注的事情
7 我的感情既不炽热也不冷淡
8 因为既然你的心如此反复无常 /
9 你毫无信心 /
10 我认为你毫无例外地是真实的with{w+t+}
11 但我发现我缺乏dastrestion discretion
12 将信心寄托在如此可疑的wordes{es}
13 你的思想过于轻浮,变化无常 /
14 经常毫无occacoion{_i}{w+t+} 地发生改变
15 你毫无信心
1 thou] Thou LEge41 haste] hast LEge41 eke] LEge41
2 bye good] by LEge41
3 the proverbe saith right] saieth a proverbe LEge41
4 everye thinkg] eche thing LEge41 sekith] seketh LEge41 semblable /] semblable LEge41
5 thyne] thyn LEge41 owne condicion] conditions LEge41
6 ys yt] is it LEge41 vppon] on LEge41
7 nother] nor LEge41 hot] hote LEge41 colde] cold LEge41 is my] ofis myn LEge41
8 sins] syns LEge41 thi] thyn LEge41 this] LEge41 mutable /] mutable LEge41
9 haste] hast LEge41 faith /] faith LEge41
10 demid] thought LEge41 trwe] true / LEge41 without] withoute LEge41
11 perceyve] perceve LEge41 dastrestiondiscretion] discretion LEge41
12 fasten] fasshion LEge41 so doblable] mutable LEge41
13 thye] thy LEge41 and variable /] & variable LEge41
14 without] withoute LEge41 occacion] occasion LEge41
15 thou] Thou LEge41