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f. [60r]
1 对那些不认识你的人
2 你可能看起来是
3 充满 欢 乐 和{w+t+}毫无瑕疵 明晰
4 但确实对我而言
5 你那习惯性的善良
6 是经过证明确实为人所知
7 以至于我不会蒙蔽
8 我的眼睛将成为我 现在 本来
9 我不会闭眼看
10 我不会那样取悦你
11 我不会偏袒你
12 我不会成为你的傻瓜
13 我不会成为那样的人
14 那样就会 欺骗哄骗 吞噬 你
15 我不会,即使我能
16 我不会展现我的 贫 力量
17 但我是那个愿意 愿意
18 始终如一地看到,正如我所见
19 你从 恶 恶 中获得的善意
20 我的眼睛将始终保持清晰
21 免受蒙蔽爱情的尘 埃 埃
22 那些口蜜腹剑的人有时
23 信任或他们所做出的证明 并且会变坏
24 并且会变坏当他们想要攀爬
这首诗在手稿中被归功于埃德蒙·克尼维特,由玛丽·谢尔顿抄录。虽然玛丽转录了这首诗,但说话者是男性。因此,说话者的表达和对女性力量的否定证明是相当强烈的。例如,在第 9 行和第 16 行重复 “我不会”,就展现了这种力量的否定;第 15 行,“我不会,即使我能”,则展现了令人不寒而栗的意志宣言。
1 to] To AAH19 knows] know AAH19 ye] you AAH19
2 ye] you AAH19 aper] appeare AAH19
3 ffol chercler] full cleare AAH19 withowt] without AAH19 spot] spott AAH19
4 bot sewarly] but truly AAH19 onto] vnto AAH19
5 so ys] Suche is AAH19 yowur] your AAH19 wontoed] wonted AAH19
6 be] by AAH19 proffe] profe AAH19 sewarly] surely AAH19
7 that] as AAH19 wel] will AAH19
8 my nys] myne eyes AAH19 shal] shall AAH19 my] myne AAH19 nowe nowen] owen AAH19
9 wel] will AAH19 wynke] wynk AAH19 se] see AAH19
10 wel] will AAH19 pleas] please AAH19 so] soe AAH19
11 wel] will AAH19 ffawar] favour AAH19
12 wel] will AAH19 thy] thye AAH19 ffo] foe AAH19
13 wel] will AAH19 be that man] though I can AAH19
14 that so shal the deffawawardevour] I will not shew my powre AAH19
15 wel not thow I kan] will be no suche man AAH19
16 wel] will AAH19 show my porepower] the devour AAH19
17 bot] But AAH19 ham] am AAH19 wel wel] will AAH19
18 se stel] See still AAH19 hawe] have AAH19 sen] seene AAH19
19 thy] your AAH19 ffrom] from AAH19 thy elill] your yll AAH19
20 my] myne AAH19 nyes] eyes AAH19 shal] shall AAH19 stel] still AAH19 clene] cleere AAH19
21 mothys off blyndyd] motes of blynding AAH19 lowe] love AAH19
22 wche mowthy] that leadeth AAH19 somtym] somtyme AAH19
23 the] they AAH19 proffe and ffal wan] prove AAH19
24 ffal wan] fall, when AAH19 the] they AAH19 wold] wolde AAH19 clym] clyme AAH19
25 ] I will not feele the fytt AAH19
26 ] of ioye that fooles do feele AAH19
27 ] when their chief ioye they hytt AAH19
28 ] whiche tourneth as the wheele AAH19
29 ] that lyftes them hye or low AAH19
30 ] whiche is now vpp now downe AAH19
31 ] as floodes do ebb and flow AAH19
32 ] good luck from towne to towne AAH19
33 ] Suche feavers hote and colde AAH19
34 ] suche panges of ioye and payne AAH19
35 ] suche fyttes as do them holde AAH19
36 ] and do by rages raigne AAH19
37 ] shall never sease my hart AAH19
38 ] my freedome shall excuse AAH19
39 ] that thraldom of suche smarte AAH19
40 ] synce I so well may chuse AAH19
41 ] And I indyfferent man AAH19
42 ] can see and holde my peace AAH19
43 ] by profe how well you can AAH19
44 ] begyn to love and ceace AAH19
45 ] and so by sight I shall AAH19
46 ] suffyse my self as well AAH19
47 ] as thowgh I feltt the fall AAH19
48 ] whiche they did feele that fell AAH19