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f. [70r]
1 凯撒 whan{_a} the traytor of egipte
2 the honorable with{w+t+}thonorable hed ded him presente
3 Covering his gladnesse ded repre{p'}sente
4 plaint as it is with{w+t+} his tearis / outwarde asitis writ /
5 And Annyball Hannibal eke / whan fortune ded flitt
6 from{_o} him and to Rome ded her whele relente
7 ded laugh among thim when tearis had besprent
8 her cruell dispight inwardelye to shitt /
9 soo chaunsith yt oft that{y+t+} everye passhion
10 the minde hidithe bye collor con{_o}trarye
11 with{w+t+} faynid visage / now sad now merye /
12 wherebye If I laughe at any season
13 yt is by cause I have none other waye
14 to cloke my care but vndre sporte and playe /
fs s
这首诗被归因于托马斯·怀亚特爵士,[1] 由H8 录入。怀亚特的十四行诗改编自彼特拉克 的 Rime 102,据 R. A. Rebholz 说,这首诗可能参考了韦鲁特洛·达·卢卡对彼特拉克的评注。[2] 这首十四行诗的主题描述了需要向公众隐瞒自己的真实感受——这在整篇手稿中都是一个流行的主题。有关描绘隐藏主题的其他诗歌示例,请参见:“有些人说我爱,有些人说我嘲笑” (58v);“在我陪伴的地方” (62v);“我不是她,因为她的英勇” (65r);“我也可以在我的歌中躺下” (65v);“伪装成快乐的样子” (65v);和“当我想到” (82v-83r)。这首诗也出现在托特尔诗集 中,标题为“关于他人的假装悲伤和恋人的假装快乐”(第 45 项)。[3]
1 Ceaser] Caesar, LEge05 CEsar, STC_13860_03 whan] when that LEge05 STC_13860_03 traytor] traytour LEge05 STC_13860_03 egipte] Egipt LEge05 Egypt STC_13860_03
2 with] With STC_13860_03 thonorable] thonourable LEge05 hed] hed, LEge05 ded] did LEge05 STC_13860_03 presente] present: LEge05 present, STC_13860_03
3 Covering] covering LEge05 Coueryng STC_13860_03 gladnesse] gladnes: LEge05 hartes gladnesse, STC_13860_03 ded] did LEge05 STC_13860_03 represente] represent LEge05 STC_13860_03
4 plaint] playnt, LEge05 Plaint STC_13860_03 tearis /] teeres / LEge05 teares STC_13860_03 outwarde] owteward: LEge05 outward, STC_13860_03 asitis] as it is LEge05 STC_13860_03 writ /] writt LEge05 writ. STC_13860_03
5 And] and, LEge05 STC_13860_03 AnnyballHannibal eke /] Hannyball, eek, LEge05 Eke Hannibal, STC_13860_03 whan] when LEge05 STC_13860_03 ded flitt] him shitt LEge05 him outshyt STC_13860_03
6 from him] cleene from his reign: LEge05 Clene from his reigne, STC_13860_03 and] & LEge05 to Rome ded her whele relente] from all his intent: LEge05 from all his entent, STC_13860_03
7 ded laugh among thim] laught to his folke, / LEge05 Laught to his folke, STC_13860_03 when tearis had besprent] whome sorrowe did torment: LEge05 whom sorow did torment, STC_13860_03
8 her] his LEge05 His STC_13860_03 cruell] cruelle LEge05 cruel STC_13860_03 dispight] dispite / LEge05 despite STC_13860_03 inwardelye to shitt /] for too disgorge, & qwite. LEge05 for to disgorge and quit. STC_13860_03
9 soo] so, LEge05 So STC_13860_03 chaunsith] chaunceth LEge05 chanceth STC_13860_03 yt] it LEge05 me, STC_13860_03 oft] oft: LEge05 STC_13860_03 everye] every LEge05 euery STC_13860_03 passhion] passion LEge05 STC_13860_03
10 the] The STC_13860_03 minde] mynde LEge05 hidithe] hideth, LEge05 hideth STC_13860_03 bye] by LEge05 STC_13860_03 collor] coolour LEge05 colour STC_13860_03 contrarye] contrary: LEge05 contrary, STC_13860_03
11 with] With STC_13860_03 faynid visage /] fayned visage, LEge05 STC_13860_03 sad] sad, LEge05 STC_13860_03 merye /] mery. LEge05 STC_13860_03
12 wherebye] whereby, LEge05 Wherby, STC_13860_03 If I] if that I STC_13860_03 laughe] laught, LEge05 laugh STC_13860_03 at] LEge05 season] tyme, or season: LEge05 season: STC_13860_03
13 yt] it LEge05 It STC_13860_03 is] is: LEge05 by cause] for bicause LEge05 because STC_13860_03 have] haue STC_13860_03 none other] not hernother LEge05 waye] waye, LEge05 way STC_13860_03
14 to] too LEge05 To STC_13860_03 care] care: LEge05 care, STC_13860_03 but] but, LEge05 vndre] vnder LEge05 STC_13860_03 sporte] sporrt, LEge05 sport STC_13860_03 and] & LEge05 playe /] playe. LEge05 play. STC_13860_03