德文郡手稿/lo in thy hat thow hast be gone
< 德文郡手稿
←wan I be thyng my wontyd was | Wyly no dought ye be a wry→ |
f. [59r]
1 lo in thy hat hate thow hast be gone
2 to rage and rayll and rekuer how
3 and in thy rayge fforrthwith{w+t+} to run
4 fforther then resen can alov
5 but let them leve that lest to bow
6 or with{w+t+} thy words may so be wone
7 ffor as ffor me I dare a woo
8 to do agen as I hawe done
这首诗是由玛格丽特·道格拉斯的手迹写成的,但作者未署名。这首诗可能描述了她对托马斯·霍华德的爱情的热门话题。例如,第 7-8 行断言她的蔑视:“ffor me I dare a woo/ to do agen as I hawe done。”值得注意的是,由玛格丽特·道格拉斯输入的"my hart ys sent not remove" (58v) 和"wan I be thyng my wontyd was" (59r) 似乎与她与托马斯·霍华德的恋爱关系困境有关:要么展示了她的蔑视(例如,“My hart ys set not remove”和“O myserable sorow withowten cure”),要么表达了对这对情侣的支持(例如,“When I bethynk my wontet ways”)。