The Devonshire Manuscript/My nowne Iohn poyntz . sins ye delight to know
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←I am as I am and so wil I be | My mothers maides . when they dyd sow or spin→ |
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f. [85v]
1 My nowne Iohn poyntz . sins ye delight to know
2 that{{th}+t+} cawsse why that homeward I me drawe
3 Ande fle the presse of courtes{es} wher soo they goo
4 Rathar then to lyve . thrall vnder the awe
5 of lordly lokes wrappid with{w+t+}in my cloke
6 to will & lust lerning to set A lawe
7 It is not for becawsse I skorne or moke
8 the{{th}+e+} powar of them / to whome fortune hath lent
9 charge over vs / of Right to strike the stroke
10 But trwe it is / that I have allwais ment
11 lesse to estime them then the com{_o}mon sort
12 {{th}+er+}{es} off owtward thinges that Iuge in their intent
13 with{w+t+}owt Regarde what dothe inwarde resort
14 I grawnt sumtime that of glorye the fyar
15 dothe twyche my hart / my lyst not to report
16 blame by . honowr / And honour to desyar
17 but how may I this honour now Atayne
18 that{{th}+t+} cannot dy the coloure blake A lyer
19 My poyntz I cannot from me tune to fayne
20 to cloke the trothe / for praisse with{w+t+}owt desart
21 of them that lyst all vice for to retayne
22 I camot honour them that{es}{{th}+t+} cannot settes their part
23 with{w+t+} venus And baccus all theire lyf long
24 nor holld my pece / of them allthoo I smart
25 II cannot crowche nor knelle . to do so grete A wrong
26 to worship them lyke gode . on erthe Alone
27 thar ar As wollffes{es} thes sely lambes{es} among
28 I cannot speke and loke lyke A saynct
29 vse willes{es} for witt / & make deceyt A plesure
30 And call crafft coumsell counsel for proffet styll to paint
f. [86r]
31 I Cannot wrest the law / to fill the coffer
32 with{w+t+} innocent blode to fede my sellff ffat
33 ande doo most hurt / where most hellp I offer
34 I am not he that can / Alow the state
35 off him Cesar / And dam cato to dye
36 that with{w+t+} is dethe / dyd skape owt off the gate
37 {es}{es} From Cesares handes if lyve donnot lye
38 ande wolld not lyve / whar lyberty was lost
39 so dyd is hart the comonn wele aplye
40 I am not he shuch eloquence to boste
41 to make the crow singing As the swane
42 nor call the lyond of cowardes{es} bestes{es} the moste
43 That cannot take A mous / As the cat can
44 ande he that dithe / for hungar of the golld
45 call him Alessaundre . And say that pan
46 Passithe Apollo in musike many folld
47 praysse syr thopias for A nobyll talle
48 and skorne the story that the knyght tolld
49 PPraysse him for counsell / that{{th}+t+} is drounkin of alle Ale
50 {{th}+e+}{es} gryn when he lawghes that berithe all the swaye
51 frowne when he frownes{es} / & grone when he is pale
52 On others lust to hang bothe night & daye
53 {u'}{es} None of thes poyntes wolld neuer frame in me
54 my wyt is nowght I cannot leane the wey
55 {t'}{es} Ande myche the lesse of thinges that greter be
56 that{{th}+t+} asken hellp of colours of deuysse
57 to Ioyne the mene / with{w+t+} eche extremyte
58 {{th}+e+}{w+t+} Wwith the nyryst vartwe to cloke Allway the vise
59 ande as to porposse / lyke wisse yt shall fall
60 to presse the vertwe that{{th}+t+} it may not Ryse
f. [86v]
61 As dronkennesse good fellyship to call
62 the frendly foo with{w+t+} is dobill face
63 {w+t+}{{th}+er+} say he is gentill and cowrtesse therewithall
64 And say that favell hathe A goodly grace
65 in eloquence . and crwelte to name
66 zelle of Iustice and chaunge in time & place
67 And he that suffrith offence with{w+t+}owt blame
68 call hm him pytyfull & him trwe & plaine
69 that raylyth rekles to euer{u'}y mans shame
70 Say he is Rude that cannot ly & faine
71 the leccher A louor / and tyranny
72 to be the Right of A pryncis Rayne
73 I cannot I :. no no :. yt will not be1
74 this ys the cawsse that I wolld neuer{u'} yet
75 {{th}+t+}{{th}+er+} hang on their slyves / that waye as thow may se
76 A chyp of chaunce more then A pound of wit
77 this makithe me Att home to hunt and hawke
78 And in fowlle wether At my boke to syt
79 In frost & snow then with{w+t+} my bow to stalke
80 no man dothe marke whereso I ryde or go
81 In lustie lees at libretie I walke.
82 And of theire newis I fele no wele nor woo.
83 Save that a clogg dothe hang yet at my hele /
84 no force for that for it is ordred so.
85 That I maye leape / bothe hedge and diche full wele.
86 I am not now in fraunce to Iudge the wyne
87 what saverye sauce theis delicates{es} to fele
88 Nor yet in{_i} spaine where on must him{_i} incline
89 rather then{_e} to be vtterlye to seme
90 {{th}+t+}{es} {w+t+} I meddle not with wyttesthat be so fine
f. [87r]
91 {es}{d'} No flaunders cherere lettes not me sight to deme
92 of blak and whit nor takes{es} my wyt awaye
93 {es}{w+t+} with bestelynesse they bestes do esteme
94 Nor I am not where christ is gyven in praye
95 for momnye money / poison / and treson at rome
96 {p'}{_o} {_o} a Commonpractise vsid2 night and daye
97 But here I am in kent . and christendome
98 amonges{es} the muses where I rede and Ryme
99 where if thou list my poyzz for to come
100 Thou shalte be Iudge I howe I do spende my tyme
Notes & Glosses
[edit | edit source] 1. The midline dots are pyramidal.
2. The scribe reverts to his habitual spelling practice of id suffixes.
[edit | edit source]Attributed to Sir Thomas Wyatt,[1] this poem was entered by H8. The poem also appears in Tottel's Miscellany under the title “Of the Courtiers life written to Iohn Poins” (item 125).[2] For his lyric, Wyatt adapted Luigi Alamanni’s satire Io ui diro (c. 1532). John Poyntz was a member of Henry VIII’s court and was in all probability Wyatt's friend. Rebholz mentions that this poem was probably written after Wyatt was released from prison in 1536.[3] H8 groups three poems that make allusions to the abuse of power of those who rule and to deceitful friends. Two other poems in the manuscript personify Desire as well: in “Cruell desire my master and my foo” (73r) the speaker speaks out against the tyrannical ruler Desire, and in “Greting to you bothe yn hertye wyse” (79r) the speaker cautions against false supporters. In “My nowne Iohn poyntz,” the narrator protests directly against the tyranny of power and the lack of freedom of subjects; he prefers to isolate himself in the country away from the flattering, deceitful court.
H8 seems conscious of the structure of the poem and emphasizes the terza rima form, though inconsistently, by using capital letters of differing sizes to mark stanza divisions. The scribe also seems to plan out the transcription of this lengthy poem by copying 30 lines on each page. Three lines that appear in other witnesses between lines 27 and 28 are omitted in this particular version.
Works Cited
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Textual Notes
[edit | edit source]Texts Collated
[edit | edit source]AAH09, L36529_04, LEge24, CCor16801, STC13860_16
[edit | edit source]1 My] Myne AAH09 L36529_04 CCor16801 MYne STC_13860_16 My nowne Iohn poyntz . sins ye delight to know] LEge24 nowne] owne AAH09 L36529_04 STC_13860_16 CCor16801 Iohn poyntz] I. P. AAH09 I. I. P. L36529_04 Ihon poyntz CCor16801 poyntz .] Poyns: STC_13860_16 ye] you AAH09 ye delight] you delite L36529_04 delight] delite STC_13860_16 CCor16801 know] knowe AAH09 L36529_04
2 that] the AAH09 L36529_04 that cawsse why that homeward I me drawe] LEge24 that cawsse] The causes STC_13860_16 the causes CCor16801 cawsse] cawse AAH09 L36529_04 why] whye AAH09 whie L36529_04 homeward] homweard AAH09 whomeward L36529_04 I] I do AAH09 L36529_04 drawe] draw AAH09 draw, STC_13860_16
3 Ande] and AAH09 L36529_04 CCor16801 >And STC_13860_16 Ande fle the presse of courtes wher soo they goo] LEge24 fle] flye AAH09 flee L36529_04 CCor16801 presse] preace AAH09 prese L36529_04 prease STC_13860_16 of] off CCor16801 courtes] Coortes AAH09 courtes, STC_13860_16 wher] where STC_13860_16 CCor16801 wher soo] whearso AAH09 wherso L36529_04 soo] so STC_13860_16 CCor16801 they] I CCor16801 goo] go AAH09 goe L36529_04 go: STC_13860_16
4 Rathar] Rather AAH09 L36529_04 STC_13860_16 CCor16801 Rathar then to lyve . thrall vnder the awe] LEge24 then] than AAH09 L36529_04 lyve .] lyve AAH09 liue L36529_04 STC_13860_16 lyue CCor16801 thrall] thralle L36529_04 awe] awe, STC_13860_16
5 of] Of STC_13860_16 of lordly lokes wrappid within my cloke] LEge24 lordly] Lordlye AAH09 lordely L36529_04 lokes] lookes AAH09 lokes, STC_13860_16 lokes wrappid] lookes / wrapped CCor16801 wrappid] wrapped AAH09 L36529_04 STC_13860_16 cloke] Cloke AAH09 cloke, STC_13860_16
6 to] To STC_13860_16 to will & lust lerning to set A lawe] LEge24 will &] wyll and CCor16801 & lust] and Lust, AAH09 and lust, L36529_04 & lust lerning] and lust learnyng STC_13860_16 lerning] learning AAH09 L36529_04 lernyng CCor16801 set] sett AAH09 A] a AAH09 L36529_04 STC_13860_16 CCor16801 lawe] lowe AAH09 L36529_04 law: STC_13860_16
7 It is not for becawsse I skorne or moke] LEge24 not for] not AAH09 L36529_04 CCor16801 not, STC_13860_16 becawsse] because AAH09 L36529_04 STC_13860_16 bycawse CCor16801 skorne] scorne AAH09 L36529_04 STC_13860_16 CCor16801 moke] mocke AAH09 L36529_04 STC_13860_16 CCor16801
8 the] The STC_13860_16 the powar of them / to whome fortune hath lent] LEge24 powar] powre AAH09 power L36529_04 STC_13860_16 CCor16801 them /] them AAH09 L36529_04 CCor16801 them: STC_13860_16 whome] whom L36529_04 STC_13860_16 fortune] powre AAH09 fortune here STC_13860_16
9 charge] chardge AAH09 charg L36529_04 Charge STC_13860_16 charge over vs / of Right to strike the stroke] LEge24 over] ouer L36529_04 STC_13860_16 CCor16801 vs /] vs AAH09 us L36529_04 vs, STC_13860_16 CCor16801 Right] right AAH09 L36529_04 ryght STC_13860_16 CCor16801 to strike the stroke] to stroke to strike to strik ye stroke CCor16801 strike] stryke AAH09 stroke] stroke. STC_13860_16
10 But] but AAH09 L36529_04 CCor16801 But trwe it is / that I have allwais ment] LEge24 trwe] trew AAH09 L36529_04 CCor16801 true STC_13860_16 is /] is AAH09 L36529_04 CCor16801 is, STC_13860_16 I have allwais] y haue allwaies CCor16801 have] haue AAH09 L36529_04 STC_13860_16 allwais] ever AAH09 allwaies L36529_04 alwayes STC_13860_16
11 lesse] Lesse AAH09 STC_13860_16 lesse to estime them then the common sort] LEge24 to estime] to'esteme them, STC_13860_16 estime] esteeme AAH09 esteme L36529_04 CCor16801 them] them, STC_13860_16 then] than L36529_04 common] Commune CCor16801 sort] sorte AAH09 L36529_04 CCor16801
12 off] of AAH09 L36529_04 CCor16801 Of STC_13860_16 off owtward thinges that Iuge in their intent] LEge24 owtward] outward STC_13860_16 owtwarde CCor16801 thinges] things L36529_04 thinges: STC_13860_16 Iuge] iudge AAH09 L36529_04 STC_13860_16 iuge CCor16801 their] theire L36529_04 intent] entent AAH09 entent, STC_13860_16
13 withowt] Without AAH09 STC_13860_16 with owt L36529_04 withowt Regarde what dothe inwarde resort] LEge24 Regarde] regarde AAH09 L36529_04 regard CCor16801 Regarde what dothe inwarde resort] regard, what inward doth resort. STC_13860_16 what] that CCor16801 inwarde] inward AAH09 L36529_04 resort] resorte AAH09 L36529_04
14 I grawnt sumtime that of glorye the fyar] LEge24 grawnt] graunt AAH09 L36529_04 CCor16801 graunt, STC_13860_16 sumtime] somtyme AAH09 CCor16801 sometime STC_13860_16 that of glorye] of glory that STC_13860_16 glorye] glory L36529_04 fyar] fyre AAH09 fier L36529_04 fire STC_13860_16 fyer CCor16801
15 dothe] doth AAH09 L36529_04 dothe twyche my hart / my lyst not to report] LEge24 dothe twyche] Doth touch STC_13860_16 twyche] touche AAH09 CCor16801 touch L36529_04 hart /] hart AAH09 L36529_04 hart. STC_13860_16 harte CCor16801 my lyst] me list AAH09 melist L36529_04 Me list STC_13860_16 and me lust CCor16801 not to report] not repent CCor16801 report] reporte AAH09 L36529_04
16 blame] Blame STC_13860_16 blame by . honowr / And honour to desyar] LEge24 by .] by AAH09 L36529_04 STC_13860_16 CCor16801 honowr /] honour AAH09 CCor16801 honor L36529_04 honour, STC_13860_16 And] and AAH09 L36529_04 STC_13860_16 CCor16801 honour] honor L36529_04 desyar] desyre AAH09 desier L36529_04 CCor16801 desire. STC_13860_16
17 but] But STC_13860_16 but how may I this honour now Atayne] LEge24 how] howe CCor16801 I] I nowe AAH09 I now L36529_04 honour] honor L36529_04 now Atayne] attaine AAH09 assaigne L36529_04 Atayne] attaine? STC_13860_16 attayne CCor16801
18 that] That STC_13860_16 that cannot dy the coloure blake A lyer] AAH09 L36529_04 LEge24 cannot] can not STC_13860_16 dy] dye STC_13860_16 CCor16801 coloure] colour STC_13860_16 CCor16801 blake] blacke STC_13860_16 of blake CCor16801 A] a STC_13860_16 CCor16801 lyer] lyer. STC_13860_16
19 My poyntz I cannot from me tune to fayne] AAH09 L36529_04 LEge24 poyntz] Poyns, STC_13860_16 cannot] can not STC_13860_16 from me] frame my STC_13860_16 CCor16801 tune] tonge CCor16801 fayne] fayne: STC_13860_16
20 to] To STC_13860_16 to cloke the trothe / for praisse withowt desart] LEge24 trothe /] truthe AAH09 truth L36529_04 truth, STC_13860_16 trewthe CCor16801 praisse] prayse AAH09 STC_13860_16 CCor16801 praise L36529_04 withowt] without AAH09 L36529_04 STC_13860_16 CCor16801 desart] desert AAH09 CCor16801 desert, STC_13860_16
21 of] Of STC_13860_16 CCor16801 of them that lyst all vice for to retayne] LEge24 lyst] list AAH09 L36529_04 STC_13860_16 lust CCor16801 vice] vyce AAH09 uice L36529_04 nice STC_13860_16 vices CCor16801 for to] to CCor16801 retayne] retaine AAH09 L36529_04 retaine. STC_13860_16
22 I camotcannot honour them that settes their part] LEge24 camotcannot] can not AAH09 STC_13860_16 cannot L36529_04 Cannot CCor16801 honour] honor L36529_04 them] them, STC_13860_16 them them CCor16801 settes] set STC_13860_16 sett CCor16801 part] parte AAH09 L36529_04
23 with] With AAH09 STC_13860_16 wythe CCor16801 with venus And baccus all theire lyf long] LEge24 venus] Venus AAH09 Venus, STC_13860_16 And baccus] and Backus AAH09 L36529_04 and Bacchus, STC_13860_16 and bacchus CCor16801 theire] their AAH09 L36529_04 STC_13860_16 CCor16801 lyf] lif AAH09 life L36529_04 STC_13860_16 lyfe CCor16801 long] longe AAH09 CCor16801 long, L36529_04 long: STC_13860_16
24 nor] Nor STC_13860_16 nor holld my pece / of them allthoo I smart] LEge24 holld] holde AAH09 STC_13860_16 hold L36529_04 hollde CCor16801 pece /] peace AAH09 STC_13860_16 CCor16801 pease L36529_04 of] off CCor16801 them] theim L36529_04 them STC_13860_16 allthoo] though that AAH09 L36529_04 although STC_13860_16 althoughe CCor16801 smart] smarte L36529_04 smart; L36529_04 smart. STC_13860_16
25 II] I AAH09 L36529_04 STC_13860_16 CCor16801 II cannot crowche nor knelle . to do so grete A wrong] LEge24 cannot] can not AAH09 STC_13860_16 crowche] crouch, L36529_04 crouch STC_13860_16 crouche CCor16801 knelle .] kneele AAH09 kneale L36529_04 knele STC_13860_16 CCor16801 to do so grete A wrong] nor do suche wrong CCor16801 do so grete A wrong] such a wrong: STC_13860_16 grete] great AAH09 L36529_04 A] a AAH09 L36529_04 wrong] wronge AAH09
26 to] To STC_13860_16 to worship them lyke gode . on erthe Alone] LEge24 worship] wurchippe CCor16801 them] theim L36529_04 lyke] as AAH09 like STC_13860_16 CCor16801 gode .] god AAH09 L36529_04 God CCor16801 gode . on erthe Alone] God on earth alone: STC_13860_16 erthe] earthe AAH09 earth L36529_04 Alone] alone AAH09 L36529_04 CCor16801 alone; L36529_04
27 thar] that AAH09 L36529_04 thar ar As wollffes thes sely lambes among] LEge24 thar ar As wollffes] That are as wolues STC_13860_16 that are like wolfes CCor16801 ar As wollffes thes sely] are as woolves theise sillie AAH09 As wollffes thes sely] as wolues theise sillie L36529_04 thes] these STC_13860_16 lambes] lambs AAH09 Lambes CCor16801 among] among. STC_13860_16
27.1 ] I can not with wordes complayne and mone AAH09 I cannot with wourdes complain and mone, L36529_04 I can not with my wordes complaine and mone, STC_13860_16 I cannot with my worde complayne and mone CCor16801
27.2 ] And suffer nought: nor smart without complaynt: STC_13860_16 and suffer nought / nor smart wythout complaynt CCor16801
27.3 ] Nor turne the worde that from my mouth is gone. STC_13860_16 Nor torne the worde that from my mouthe is gone CCor16801
28 I cannot speke and loke lyke A saynct] AAH09 L36529_04 LEge24 cannot] can not STC_13860_16 speke] speake STC_13860_16 CCor16801 and loke lyke A saynct] with loke ryght as a saynt CCor16801 lyke] like STC_13860_16 A saynct] as a saynt: STC_13860_16
29 vse] Vse STC_13860_16 vse willes for witt / & make deceyt A plesure] LEge24 willes] wyles AAH09 CCor16801 wiles L36529_04 STC_13860_16 witt /] witt AAH09 wit L36529_04 wit, STC_13860_16 wytt CCor16801 & make deceyt A] and make disceate a AAH09 and make disceite a L36529_04 and make disceyt a STC_13860_16 and vse deceyt a CCor16801 plesure] pleasure AAH09 L36529_04 CCor16801 pleasure: STC_13860_16
30 And] and AAH09 L36529_04 STC_13860_16 And call crafft coumsellcounsell for proffet styll to paint] LEge24 call] Call STC_13860_16 crafft] crafte AAH09 craft, L36529_04 craft STC_13860_16 CCor16801 coumsellcounsell] Counsaile AAH09 counsall, CCor16801 coumsellcounsell for proffet] counsaile, for profitte L36529_04 counsaile, for lucre STC_13860_16 proffet] profitt AAH09 profit CCor16801 styll] still AAH09 L36529_04 STC_13860_16 CCor16801 paint] paynt AAH09 CCor16801 paint, L36529_04 paint. STC_13860_16
31 I Cannot wrest the law / to fill the coffer] LEge24 Cannot] can not AAH09 STC_13860_16 cannnot L36529_04 cannot CCor16801 law /] law AAH09 L36529_04 STC_13860_16 lawe CCor16801 coffer] Cofer AAH09 coffer: STC_13860_16 cofer CCor16801
32 fill] fyll CCor16801 with] With STC_13860_16 with innocent blode to fede my sellff ffat] LEge24 blode] bloud AAH09 STC_13860_16 bloode L36529_04 fede] feede AAH09 feade L36529_04 sellff] selfe L36529_04 sellff ffat] self fatt AAH09 selfe fatte: STC_13860_16 selfe fatte CCor16801 ffat] fat L36529_04
33 ande] and AAH09 L36529_04 ande doo most hurt / where most hellp I offer] LEge24 ande doo] And do STC_13860_16 and do CCor16801 doo] do L36529_04 doo most hurt / where most hellp] do my self hurt wheare my self AAH09 hurt /] hurt L36529_04 hurt: STC_13860_16 hurte CCor16801 where] where that STC_13860_16 most hellp] my selfe L36529_04 moste helpe CCor16801 hellp] helpe STC_13860_16 offer] offer: L36529_04 offer. STC_13860_16
34 I am not he that can / Alow the state] LEge24 he] he, STC_13860_16 can / Alow] can allowe AAH09 L36529_04 CCor16801 can alowe STC_13860_16
35 off him Cesar / And dam] of highe Cesar and dampne AAH09 of high Cesar and dampne L36529_04 Of hye Ceasar, and damne STC_13860_16 off him Cesar / And dam cato to dye] LEge24 Cesar / And dam cato to dye] Caesar and Catho deme to dye /[gap][/gap] and deme cato to dy CCor16801 cato] Cato AAH09 L36529_04 STC_13860_16 dye] die AAH09 L36529_04 dye: STC_13860_16
36 that] That STC_13860_16 that with is dethe / dyd skape owt off the gate] LEge24 with] by CCor16801 is dethe / dyd skape owt] his deathe dide escape out CCor16801 is dethe / dyd skape owt off] his death did scape out of AAH09 L36529_04 STC_13860_16 gate] gate, STC_13860_16
37 From] from AAH09 L36529_04 CCor16801 From Cesares handes if lyve donnot lye] LEge24 Cesares] Cesars AAH09 L36529_04 Ceasars STC_13860_16 caesars CCor16801 handes] hands AAH09 handes, STC_13860_16 hand CCor16801 if lyve donnot lye] (if Liuie doth not lie.) L36529_04 lyve] Livie AAH09 Liuye STC_13860_16 livye CCor16801 donnot] do not AAH09 doth not STC_13860_16 did not CCor16801 lye] lye: STC_13860_16
38 ande] and AAH09 L36529_04 And STC_13860_16 CCor16801 ande wolld not lyve / whar lyberty was lost] LEge24 wolld] will AAH09 would STC_13860_16 wold CCor16801 wolld not lyve / whar lyberty] willwould not liue where libertie L36529_04 lyve / whar] lyve wheare AAH09 lyve / whar lyberty] liue, where libertie STC_13860_16 lyue wher Libertye CCor16801 lyberty] lybertie AAH09 lost] lost, STC_13860_16
39 so dyd is] So did his AAH09 STC_13860_16 CCor16801 so dyd is hart the comonn wele aplye] LEge24 dyd is] did his L36529_04 comonn] Common AAH09 comon L36529_04 CCor16801 common STC_13860_16 wele] weale AAH09 L36529_04 wele aplye] wealth apply. STC_13860_16 welthe applye CCor16801 aplye] applie AAH09 L36529_04
40 I am not he shuch eloquence to boste] LEge24 am] ame CCor16801 he] he, STC_13860_16 shuch] suche AAH09 CCor16801 sutche L36529_04 such STC_13860_16 eloquence] eloquens L36529_04 boste] bost L36529_04 STC_13860_16 CCor16801 bost: STC_13860_16
41 to] To STC_13860_16 to make the crow singing As the swane] LEge24 make the crow singing As the swane] marke the singing crowe as the swanne CCor16801 crow] Crowe AAH09 crowe L36529_04 crow in STC_13860_16 singing] singyng, STC_13860_16 As] as AAH09 L36529_04 STC_13860_16 swane] Swanne AAH09 swanne, L36529_04 swanne: STC_13860_16
42 nor] Nor STC_13860_16 nor call the lyond of cowardes bestes the moste] LEge24 call] calle L36529_04 lyond] lyon AAH09 STC_13860_16 lyond of cowardes] lion of coward of L36529_04 lyon off coward CCor16801 cowardes] Coward AAH09 coward STC_13860_16 bestes] beastes AAH09 L36529_04 STC_13860_16 moste] most, L36529_04 most. STC_13860_16 most CCor16801
43 That] that AAH09 L36529_04 That cannot take A mous / As the cat can] LEge24 cannot] can not AAH09 STC_13860_16 A mous / As the cat] a mowce as the Catt AAH09 A mous / As] a mouce as L36529_04 a mouse as STC_13860_16 a mouse as CCor16801 cat] catt CCor16801 can] can; L36529_04 can. STC_13860_16
44 ande] and AAH09 L36529_04 CCor16801 And STC_13860_16 ande he that dithe / for hungar of the golld] LEge24 dithe /] dieth L36529_04 STC_13860_16 diethe CCor16801 dithe / for hungar] dyeth for Hunger AAH09 of the golld] off gold CCor16801 hungar] hunger L36529_04 honger STC_13860_16 golld] golde AAH09 L36529_04 golde, STC_13860_16
45 call] Call STC_13860_16 CCor16801 call him Alessaundre . And say that pan] LEge24 him Alessaundre . And] hym Alexander and AAH09 Alessaundre . And] Alexander, and L36529_04 STC_13860_16 Alexander and CCor16801 say] saye CCor16801 pan] Pan AAH09 L36529_04 STC_13860_16
46 Passithe] passeth AAH09 L36529_04 Passeth STC_13860_16 passeth CCor16801 Passithe Apollo in musike many folld] LEge24 Apollo] appollo AAH09 Appollo L36529_04 STC_13860_16 musike] mvsyke AAH09 musicke L36529_04 many folld] many folde AAH09 manyfold; L36529_04 manifold: STC_13860_16 many a fold CCor16801
47 praysse] prayse AAH09 praise L36529_04 Praise STC_13860_16 prayes CCor16801 praysse syr thopias for A nobyll talle] LEge24 syr] Sir L36529_04 sir CCor16801 syr thopias for A nobyll] Sir Topas for a noble AAH09 thopias] Topias L36529_04 Topas STC_13860_16 thopas CCor16801 A nobyll talle] a noble taile, L36529_04 a noble tale, STC_13860_16 a noble tale CCor16801 talle] tale AAH09
48 and] And STC_13860_16 and skorne the story that the knyght tolld] LEge24 skorne] scorne AAH09 L36529_04 STC_13860_16 CCor16801 the] the the L36529_04 story] storye AAH09 CCor16801 knyght] knight AAH09 L36529_04 STC_13860_16 CCor16801 tolld] tolde AAH09 told L36529_04 tolde: STC_13860_16
49 PPraysse] praise L36529_04 Praise LEge24 Prayse STC_13860_16 prayse CCor16801 PPraysse him for counsell /] prayse hym for Counsaile AAH09 counsell /] counsaile L36529_04 counceill LEge24 counsell, STC_13860_16 counsall CCor16801 drounkin] dronck AAH09 droncke LEge24 dronke STC_13860_16 drounkin of alle Ale] dronke asale of ale; L36529_04 dronke off Ale CCor16801 alle Ale] ale AAH09 LEge24 ale: STC_13860_16
50 gryn] grynne AAH09 L36529_04 LEge24 Grinne STC_13860_16 Grynne CCor16801 lawghes] laughes, AAH09 L36529_04 STC_13860_16 laugheth LEge24 CCor16801 berithe] bereth LEge24 beareth STC_13860_16 beres CCor16801 berithe all] beareth AAH09 L36529_04 swaye] sway, L36529_04 sway: STC_13860_16
51 frowne] ffrowne AAH09 froune, L36529_04 frown LEge24 Frowne, STC_13860_16 frownes /] frowneth, AAH09 CCor16801 frouneth, L36529_04 frowneth LEge24 frownes: STC_13860_16 &] and AAH09 L36529_04 STC_13860_16 CCor16801 he is] heis L36529_04 he LEge24 pale] pale, L36529_04 pale: STC_13860_16
52 On] on AAH09 L36529_04 In LEge24 others] othres LEge24 lust] lustes AAH09 L36529_04 bothe] both AAH09 L36529_04 STC_13860_16 boeth LEge24 night] nyght LEge24 night &] day and night and AAH09 night & daye] day and night, L36529_04 &] and CCor16801 & daye] and day. STC_13860_16 daye] day AAH09
53 None] none AAH09 L36529_04 LEge24 None of] non off CCor16801 thes] theise AAH09 these L36529_04 LEge24 STC_13860_16 poyntes wolld] points will L36529_04 poyntz wyll CCor16801 wolld] would LEge24 STC_13860_16 wolld neuer] will ever AAH09 neuer] euer L36529_04 STC_13860_16 CCor16801 ever LEge24 in] wyth CCor16801 me] me: L36529_04 me. STC_13860_16
54 my wyt] My wit STC_13860_16 My witt CCor16801 wyt] witt AAH09 wit L36529_04 LEge24 nowght] nawght AAH09 naught L36529_04 nought LEge24 CCor16801 nought, STC_13860_16 cannot] can not AAH09 STC_13860_16 leane] learne AAH09 L36529_04 STC_13860_16 lerne LEge24 the wey] to waye AAH09 to way L36529_04 wey] waye LEge24 CCor16801 way. STC_13860_16
55 Ande] and AAH09 And LEge24 STC_13860_16 CCor16801 Ande myche] and mutch L36529_04 myche] moche AAH09 CCor16801 much LEge24 STC_13860_16 of] off CCor16801 thinges] things L36529_04 greter] greatter AAH09 greater L36529_04 LEge24 STC_13860_16 greatest CCor16801 be] bee; L36529_04 be, STC_13860_16
56 that] then LEge24 That STC_13860_16 asken] aske AAH09 L36529_04 hellp] helpp AAH09 helpe L36529_04 LEge24 STC_13860_16 of colours] of of Coullours AAH09 of] to AAH09 L36529_04 STC_13860_16 deuysse] devyse AAH09 deuise L36529_04 STC_13860_16 devise LEge24
57 to] To STC_13860_16 Ioyne] ioyne AAH09 L36529_04 STC_13860_16 mene /] meane AAH09 L36529_04 STC_13860_16 mene LEge24 eche] eache AAH09 each L36529_04 ech STC_13860_16 extremyte] extreamytie AAH09 extremitie L36529_04 LEge24 extremitie: STC_13860_16
58 Wwith] with AAH09 L36529_04 With LEge24 STC_13860_16 the nyryst vartwe] nearest vertue ay STC_13860_16 nyryst] neryst LEge24 nyryst vartwe] nearest vertue, AAH09 nearest uertue L36529_04 vartwe] vertue LEge24 Allway] all way AAH09 alway L36529_04 alwaye LEge24 STC_13860_16 vise] vyce AAH09 vice, L36529_04 vice. STC_13860_16
59 ande] and AAH09 L36529_04 LEge24 And STC_13860_16 porposse /] purpose AAH09 L36529_04 STC_13860_16 pourpose LEge24 lyke wisse yt] likewise it STC_13860_16 lyke] like L36529_04 LEge24 wisse] wise L36529_04 LEge24 wisse yt] wyse it AAH09 yt] it L36529_04 LEge24 fall] fall: STC_13860_16
60 to] To STC_13860_16 presse] expresse LEge24 vertwe] vertue AAH09 LEge24 STC_13860_16 uertue L36529_04 Ryse] ryse AAH09 rise, L36529_04 rise LEge24 rise. STC_13860_16
60.1 ] And as to purpose likewise it shall fall, STC_13860_16
60.2 ] To presse the vertue that it may not rise. STC_13860_16
61 As] as AAH09 L36529_04 dronkennesse] droncknenes AAH09 dronkennes L36529_04 dronkenes LEge24 dronkynnes CCor16801 good] goode LEge24 fellyship] fellowship AAH09 L36529_04 felloweshipp LEge24 felowship STC_13860_16 felowschippe CCor16801 call] call, L36529_04 call: STC_13860_16
62 the] The STC_13860_16 foo] foe AAH09 L36529_04 ffoo LEge24 foo with is dobill face] foe, with his faire double face, STC_13860_16 is dobill] his doble AAH09 his dowble LEge24 his double CCor16801 is dobill face] his dowble face, L36529_04
63 say] Say STC_13860_16 CCor16801 he] this CCor16801 gentill] gentell AAH09 gentle STC_13860_16 CCor16801 gentill and cowrtesse therewithall] gentle snd curteis therwithall, L36529_04 and cowrtesse] & courtois LEge24 cowrtesse] curtyse AAH09 curties STC_13860_16 curteis CCor16801 therewithall] there with all AAH09 therewithall. STC_13860_16 therwithall CCor16801
64 And] and CCor16801 And say] and AAH09 L36529_04 Affirme STC_13860_16 favell] fauell L36529_04 STC_13860_16 hathe] hath AAH09 L36529_04 LEge24 STC_13860_16 A] a AAH09 L36529_04 LEge24 STC_13860_16 CCor16801 goodly] goodlye AAH09 grace] grace, STC_13860_16
65 in] In L36529_04 STC_13860_16 CCor16801 eloquence .] eloquence AAH09 LEge24 eloquens, L36529_04 eloquence: STC_13860_16 eloquence / CCor16801 and crwelte] And cruelty STC_13860_16 And crueltye CCor16801 crwelte] creweltie AAH09 crueltie L36529_04 LEge24
66 zelle] zeale AAH09 Zeale L36529_04 STC_13860_16 zele LEge24 zelle of Iustice] Zeale off iustice, CCor16801 Iustice] iustice AAH09 iustice, L36529_04 Iustice: STC_13860_16 and] And STC_13860_16 chaunge] chang L36529_04 change STC_13860_16 CCor16801 time] tyme AAH09 L36529_04 LEge24 CCor16801 &] and AAH09 CCor16801 & place] and place, L36529_04 and place. STC_13860_16
67 And] and AAH09 L36529_04 suffrith] suffreth AAH09 L36529_04 STC_13860_16 CCor16801 sufferth LEge24 withowt] without AAH09 L36529_04 CCor16801 withoute LEge24 withoutt STC_13860_16 blame] blame: STC_13860_16
68 call] Call STC_13860_16 hm him] him L36529_04 LEge24 STC_13860_16 CCor16801 hm him pytyfull & him trwe &] hym pitifull and hym trew and AAH09 pytyfull] pitifull, L36529_04 STC_13860_16 pitefull LEge24 pityfull CCor16801 &] and L36529_04 STC_13860_16 And CCor16801 trwe] trewe L36529_04 CCor16801 true LEge24 STC_13860_16 &] and L36529_04 & plaine] and plaine, STC_13860_16 plaine] playne AAH09 CCor16801 playn LEge24
69 that] That STC_13860_16 raylyth] raileth AAH09 LEge24 rayleth L36529_04 STC_13860_16 CCor16801 rekles] recklesse AAH09 recklis L36529_04 recheles CCor16801 rekles to euery] rechlesse vnto ech STC_13860_16 euery] every AAH09 LEge24 mans] manes CCor16801 shame] shame; L36529_04 shame. STC_13860_16
70 Say] say L36529_04 Rude] rude AAH09 L36529_04 LEge24 CCor16801 rude, STC_13860_16 cannot] can not AAH09 STC_13860_16 ly] lye LEge24 ly &] lye and AAH09 CCor16801 ly & faine] lye and faine, L36529_04 lye and faine: STC_13860_16 faine] fayne AAH09 CCor16801 fayn LEge24
71 the] The STC_13860_16 leccher] lethcer L36529_04 letcher LEge24 STC_13860_16 leccher A louor / and tyranny] Lecher a lover and tyrrannye AAH09 lecher a louer / And tyrannye CCor16801 A] a L36529_04 STC_13860_16 A louor / and tyranny] a lover and tirannye LEge24 louor /] louer, L36529_04 STC_13860_16 tyranny] tirranye L36529_04
72 to] To STC_13860_16 Right] right AAH09 L36529_04 LEge24 STC_13860_16 Right of] ryght off CCor16801 A] a LEge24 STC_13860_16 A pryncis Rayne] a Princes raigne AAH09 L36529_04 a princes rayne CCor16801 pryncis] prynces LEge24 Prynces STC_13860_16 Rayne] reigne LEge24 rayghne. STC_13860_16
73 I cannot I] I can not I, AAH09 I cannot I L36529_04 I can not, I STC_13860_16 :. no no :. yt] nor it AAH09 no nor yet L36529_04 no no it LEge24 no, no, it STC_13860_16 no no it CCor16801 will] wyll CCor16801 be] be: L36529_04 be. STC_13860_16
74 this] This STC_13860_16 ys] is AAH09 L36529_04 LEge24 STC_13860_16 CCor16801 cawsse] cause AAH09 L36529_04 LEge24 STC_13860_16 cawsse that] cause CCor16801 wolld] wold AAH09 L36529_04 could LEge24 STC_13860_16 CCor16801 neuer] never AAH09 LEge24
75 hang] Hang STC_13860_16 their] theire L36529_04 slyves /] sleeves AAH09 sleues, L36529_04 slevis LEge24 sleues CCor16801 slyves / that waye as thow may se] sleues, that weygh (as tough mayst se) STC_13860_16 waye] way L36529_04 LEge24 thow] thou L36529_04 LEge24 may] maist LEge24 may se] maist see AAH09 mayst see L36529_04 CCor16801
76 A chyp] a Chipp AAH09 a chip L36529_04 chyp] chypp LEge24 chippe STC_13860_16 CCor16801 chaunce] chance STC_13860_16 then] than AAH09 L36529_04 A] a AAH09 L36529_04 STC_13860_16 A pound] a pownde LEge24 CCor16801 pound] pounde STC_13860_16 wit] witt AAH09 witt: L36529_04 wit. LEge24 wytt CCor16801
77 this] This L36529_04 STC_13860_16 makithe] maketh AAH09 L36529_04 LEge24 STC_13860_16 CCor16801 Att] , at AAH09 at LEge24 STC_13860_16 CCor16801 Att home] at whome L36529_04 hunt and] hounte & to LEge24 hawke] hauke, L36529_04 hauke: STC_13860_16 hauke CCor16801
78 And] and AAH09 L36529_04 LEge24 CCor16801 fowlle] fowle AAH09 LEge24 STC_13860_16 foule L36529_04 the fowle CCor16801 wether] weather AAH09 wether At] weder at LEge24 At] at AAH09 L36529_04 STC_13860_16 CCor16801 boke] booke AAH09 LEge24 book CCor16801 syt] sytt AAH09 CCor16801 sit L36529_04 sitt LEge24 sit: STC_13860_16
79 In] in AAH09 &] and AAH09 L36529_04 CCor16801 & snow] and snow, STC_13860_16 snow] snowe AAH09 L36529_04 LEge24 with my bow to stalke] at my book to sitt with my bowe to stalke CCor16801 bow] bowe AAH09 L36529_04 stalke] stawke LEge24 stalke; L36529_04 stalke. STC_13860_16
80 no] No STC_13860_16 dothe] doth AAH09 L36529_04 STC_13860_16 doeth LEge24 whereso] wheare that AAH09 where L36529_04 where so LEge24 STC_13860_16 wher to CCor16801 I] that i L36529_04 ryde] ride L36529_04 LEge24 STC_13860_16 go] goe AAH09 goe; L36529_04 goo LEge24 CCor16801 go. STC_13860_16
81 In] in AAH09 In lustie] in lusty LEge24 CCor16801 lustie] Lustie AAH09 lusty STC_13860_16 lees] leases AAH09 L36529_04 leas STC_13860_16 libretie] lybertie AAH09 L36529_04 liberte LEge24 libertie STC_13860_16 CCor16801 walke.] walke AAH09 L36529_04 LEge24 CCor16801 walke: STC_13860_16
82 And] and AAH09 L36529_04 CCor16801 of] off CCor16801 theire] these AAH09 L36529_04 LEge24 STC_13860_16 thes CCor16801 newis] newes AAH09 L36529_04 LEge24 STC_13860_16 CCor16801 fele] feele AAH09 feale L36529_04 fole LEge24 no] nother AAH09 nether L36529_04 nor LEge24 STC_13860_16 CCor16801 wele] weale AAH09 STC_13860_16 well L36529_04 CCor16801 nor] ne CCor16801 woo.] woe AAH09 woo, L36529_04 woo LEge24 CCor16801 wo: STC_13860_16
83 Save] saue L36529_04 CCor16801 sauf LEge24 Saue STC_13860_16 that] of CCor16801 clogg] clogge L36529_04 STC_13860_16 dothe] doth AAH09 L36529_04 STC_13860_16 doeth LEge24 dothe hang yet at my hele /] that yet doth hang at my heele CCor16801 yet] yet still AAH09 hele /] heele AAH09 heale, L36529_04 hele LEge24 heele. STC_13860_16
84 no] No STC_13860_16 no force] noforce L36529_04 force] fors CCor16801 that] that, AAH09 L36529_04 STC_13860_16 ordred] ordered AAH09 L36529_04 LEge24 so.] so AAH09 LEge24 soe, L36529_04 so: STC_13860_16 CCor16801
85 That] that AAH09 L36529_04 CCor16801 maye] may AAH09 L36529_04 LEge24 STC_13860_16 CCor16801 leape /] leap AAH09 leape L36529_04 STC_13860_16 lepe LEge24 leppe CCor16801 bothe] both AAH09 STC_13860_16 boeth LEge24 and diche] & dike LEge24 diche] dytche AAH09 dike STC_13860_16 wele.] well AAH09 LEge24 well: L36529_04 wele, STC_13860_16 weelle CCor16801
86 am] ame LEge24 now] AAH09 L36529_04 fraunce] ffraunce LEge24 Fraunce, STC_13860_16 france CCor16801 Iudge] iudge AAH09 STC_13860_16 iudg L36529_04 iuge CCor16801 wyne] wine L36529_04 STC_13860_16 wine: STC_13860_16
87 what saverye sauce theis] with saffry sauce they LEge24 Wyth sauory sawces thes CCor16801 what saverye] With savry STC_13860_16 saverye] sauerie L36529_04 sauce] sawce AAH09 theis] these AAH09 theise L36529_04 those STC_13860_16 delicates] dilicates CCor16801 fele] feele AAH09 CCor16801 fele; L36529_04 fele. STC_13860_16
88 Nor] nor AAH09 not L36529_04 spaine] spayne AAH09 CCor16801 spaigne LEge24 Spaine STC_13860_16 where] wheare AAH09 wher CCor16801 on] one AAH09 L36529_04 STC_13860_16 CCor16801 oon LEge24 him] hym AAH09 incline] enclyne AAH09 CCor16801 encline; L36529_04 inclyne LEge24 incline, STC_13860_16
89 rather] Rather STC_13860_16 then] than AAH09 L36529_04 be] be, STC_13860_16 vtterlye] outwardlye AAH09 outwardly L36529_04 owtewerdly LEge24 outwardly STC_13860_16 owtwardly CCor16801 seme] seeme AAH09 CCor16801 seame, L36529_04 seme. STC_13860_16
90 meddle] meddill LEge24 medle CCor16801 wyttes] wittes AAH09 L36529_04 LEge24 fine] fyne AAH09 LEge24 fine; L36529_04 fine, STC_13860_16 ffyne CCor16801
91 No] nor AAH09 L36529_04 CCor16801 Nor LEge24 STC_13860_16 flaunders] fflaunders LEge24 Flaunders STC_13860_16 flannders CCor16801 cherere] cheere AAH09 chere L36529_04 STC_13860_16 CCor16801 chiere LEge24 lettes] letts L36529_04 letteth LEge24 CCor16801 not me] nat my L36529_04 me] my LEge24 STC_13860_16 CCor16801 me sight to deme] my wittes to dymmedeeme AAH09 sight] syght STC_13860_16 wyt CCor16801 deme] dime L36529_04
92 of blak] Of blacke STC_13860_16 off black CCor16801 blak] black AAH09 LEge24 blak and whit] blacke nor white, L36529_04 and whit] nor whytt, AAH09 and whyght; CCor16801 whit] white LEge24 white, STC_13860_16 wyttes CCor16801 takes] taketh LEge24 wyt] wittes AAH09 L36529_04 STC_13860_16 wit LEge24 awaye] away L36529_04 STC_13860_16
93 with] With AAH09 STC_13860_16 bestelynesse] beastlynesse, AAH09 beastlynes L36529_04 bestlynes LEge24 beastlinesse: STC_13860_16 bestlines CCor16801 they] the AAH09 L36529_04 those CCor16801 they bestes do esteme] such do those beastes esteme. STC_13860_16 bestes] beastes AAH09 L36529_04 CCor16801 beestes LEge24 do] so so AAH09 do so L36529_04 LEge24 esteme] esteeme AAH09 esteame: L36529_04
94 Nor] nor AAH09 L36529_04 Nor I am not where] Nor am I wher CCor16801 am] ame LEge24 not] not, STC_13860_16 where] wheare AAH09 wher L36529_04 christ] Chryste AAH09 Christ L36529_04 CCor16801 Christe LEge24 truth STC_13860_16 gyven] geven AAH09 LEge24 geuen L36529_04 STC_13860_16 CCor16801 praye] pray AAH09 L36529_04 LEge24 pray, STC_13860_16
95 for momnyemonnye / poison /] For money, poyson, STC_13860_16 ffor mony poyson CCor16801 momnyemonnye / poison /] monye, poyson, AAH09 monye, poyson L36529_04 mony poisen LEge24 treson] treason AAH09 L36529_04 CCor16801 traison LEge24 treason: STC_13860_16 at] of STC_13860_16 rome] Rome AAH09 LEge24 CCor16801 Rome, L36529_04 some STC_13860_16
96 a] A STC_13860_16 Common] common AAH09 STC_13860_16 commune LEge24 Common practise] comon place L36529_04 common prattice CCor16801 practise] plague AAH09 practise, STC_13860_16 vsid] vsed AAH09 L36529_04 LEge24 STC_13860_16 CCor16801 night] nyght LEge24 STC_13860_16 daye] day AAH09 day: L36529_04 daie LEge24 day. STC_13860_16
97 But] but AAH09 L36529_04 CCor16801 here] heare AAH09 L36529_04 here I am] I am here STC_13860_16 am] ame LEge24 kent .] Kent AAH09 kent, L36529_04 kent LEge24 STC_13860_16 CCor16801 and] & LEge24 christendome] Christendome AAH09 Christendome, L36529_04 christendome: STC_13860_16 cristendome CCor16801
98 amonges] among AAH09 L36529_04 CCor16801 emong LEge24 Among STC_13860_16 muses] Mvses AAH09 Muses, STC_13860_16 musus muses CCor16801 where] wheare AAH09 L36529_04 rede] read L36529_04 reade STC_13860_16 do rede CCor16801 rede and] read in AAH09 and] & LEge24 Ryme] rime, L36529_04 ryme LEge24 ryme, STC_13860_16 Rime CCor16801
99 where] Wheare AAH09 wher L36529_04 Where LEge24 STC_13860_16 Wher CCor16801 if] yf L36529_04 thou] thow AAH09 CCor16801 list] lust CCor16801 my poyznz for] myne owne Iohn Poyns STC_13860_16 poyznz] I. P. AAH09 L36529_04 poynz LEge24 Poynts CCor16801 come] cume L36529_04 com LEge24 come: STC_13860_16
100 Thou] thow AAH09 L36529_04 CCor16801 shalte] shalt AAH09 L36529_04 LEge24 STC_13860_16 CCor16801 Iudge] iudge AAH09 L36529_04 iudge, STC_13860_16 Judge CCor16801 I howe] how AAH09 L36529_04 LEge24 STC_13860_16 CCor16801 do] do L36529_04 do spende] Dispende CCor16801 spende] spend AAH09 L36529_04 LEge24 tyme] tyme./ AAH09 time. L36529_04 STC_13860_16