←随心所欲地评判 | 我亲爱的约翰·庞茨,既然你乐意知道→ |
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f. [85r]
1 我就是我,我将^我/永远1如此
2 但我究竟是怎样的,无人真正知晓
3 无论是邪恶还是善良 / 无论是奴隶还是自由
4 我就是我,我将永远如此
5 我过着无动于衷的生活
6 我无意做任何不诚实的事情 /
7 尽管人们的评判大相径庭
8 我就是我,我将永远如此 /
9 我不感到欣喜,也不诉说om{_o}苦
10 我克制欢乐和悲伤
11 并遵循中庸之道,犹如因为人们es{es}乐意
12 然而我就是我,无论快乐还是痛苦 /
13 不同的人根据他们的真实感受评判。
14 有些人以快乐,有些人以痛苦。
15 尽管如此,他们什么也不知。
16 我就是我,无论我去哪里 /
17 但既然评判者如此堕落
18 让每个人说出自己的评判en{_e}t
19 我将把它视为游戏和娱乐
20 因为我就是我,无论谁说我不对 /
21 评判得当之人,愿上帝赐福于他
22 评判错误之人,愿上帝改正他们
23 因此,请尽力做出最好的评判
24 因为我就是我,那里& 我将永远如此 /
25 然而,有些人以快乐
26 评判人们es{es}的想法 / 出于嫉妒和怨恨
27 但是无论是他们评判我错还是对
28 我就是我,我将永远如此
29 请所有阅读此文的人
30 像对待自己的信仰一样相信它
31 不要认为我改变了我的行为
32 因为我就是我,无论我最终如何
33 但那究竟是什么,我留给你们
34 随心所欲地评判,真假由你 /
35 你知道的并不比以前多 /
36 然而我就是我,无论发生什么事 /
37 我将永远不会离开om{_o}这种心态
38 而是向所有滥用我的人
39 我声明,正如你所见
40 我就是我,我将永远如此 /
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[edit | edit source]这首诗归功于托马斯·怀亚特爵士,[1] 由H8 录入。这首诗探讨了“自我”的概念:说话者探究了自己的内心状态与他人对自身状态的评判之间的差异。“随心所欲地评判”(84v),位于前一页,表达了类似的主题。这首诗是手稿中几首关于在公共场合伪装感情的条目之一(例如,见:“有些人说我爱,有些人说我嘲笑”(58v),“在我陪伴的地方”(62v),“我并非因她的武艺而闻名”(65r),“我同样可以在我的歌声中”(65v),“伪装出快乐的表情”(65v),“凯撒,当埃及的叛徒”(70r)和“当我回想起”(82v-83r))。
抄写员H8 通过写一个首字母大写字母,并缩进除了每节的第一行以外的所有行来标记每一节。
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[edit | edit source]1 我就是我,我将永远/如此] DBla07 我] ham Plat1 我,我将永远/如此] ham & 我将永远如此。 Plat1 wilI/be] 将永远如此,EBan.01
2 但] Bot EBan.01 但我究竟是怎样的,无人真正知晓] DBla07 怎样的] howe Plat1 怎样的,无人真正知晓] 我 . ham 无人真正知晓 Plat1 无人] nane EBan.01 知晓] knawis EBan.01 真正知晓] trewlie; EBan.01
3 无论是邪恶还是善良 / 无论是奴隶还是自由] DBla07 无论是] Be it EBan.01 是] it EBan.01 善良 /] weill, EBan.01 奴隶] bund EBan.01 自由] fre, EBan.01
4 我就是我,我将永远如此] DBla07 Plat1 如此] be. EBan.01
5 我过着无动于衷的生活] DBla07 过着] leid EBan.01 生活] lyfe EBan.01 生活] lyff in differntly. Plat1 无动于衷] indifferently, EBan.01
6 我无意做任何不诚实的事情 /] DBla07 无意] mene EBan.01 任何] na EBan.01 任何不诚实的事情] nothink Plat1 不诚实] bot honesty, EBan.01 诚实 /] honeste. Plat1
7 尽管人们的评判大相径庭] DBla07 尽管] Thoghe Plat1 人们的] folkes Plat1 评判] Iugge Plat1 大相径庭] diversly. Plat1
8 我] ytt I Plat1 我就是我,我将永远如此 /] DBla07 我] ham Plat1 我,我将] ham & Plat1 如此 /] be. EBan.01 be, Plat1
9 我不感到欣喜,也不诉说苦] Plat1 不] doo DBla07 不感到欣喜,也不诉说苦] nocht rew nor yit complane, EBan.01 欣喜] reIoyse DBla07 诉说苦] complayne DBla07
10 两者] both DBla07 Baith EBan.01 两者欢乐和悲伤我克制] Plat1 欢乐] myrth DBla07 mirth EBan.01 克制] refrayne DBla07 refrane, EBan.01
11 ande] 和 DBla07 以及 EBan.01 ande vse the meane suche sins folkes woll fayne] Plat1 meane] mene DBla07 meane suche sins folkes woll fayne] folkis that can nocht fane; EBan.01 suche sins] sens DBla07 folkes] folkys DBla07 woll] wyll DBla07
12 yet] EBan.01 yet I am as I am be it plesure or payne /] Plat1 it] hit DBla07 plesure] pleasure DBla07 plesour EBan.01 payne /] payne DBla07 pane. EBan.01
13 Dyvers] Diuerss EBan.01 Dyvers do] Men doo DBla07 Dyvers do Iudge as theye doo troo] Sum therebe that dothe mystrowe Plat1 Iudge] Iuge DBla07 juge EBan.01 theye] the DBla07 theye doo troo.] thay trow, EBan.01 troo.] trow DBla07
14 some] sum DBla07 Plat1 Sum EBan.01 plesure /] pleasure DBla07 Plat1 plesour EBan.01 and some] & sum DBla07 Plat1 some] sum EBan.01 woo.] woo DBla07 wo, EBan.01
15 yet] Yit EBan.01 no] DBla07 thing] nothing DBla07 thing thekye knoo.] thinke they knowe. Plat1 thekye] the DBla07 thekye knoo.] thay knaw; EBan.01 knoo.] know DBla07
16 but] EBan.01 ffor Plat1 am] I am DBla07 EBan.01 I ham Plat1 am] ham Plat1 where so ever] whersoeuer DBla07 quhair evir EBan.01 wher euer Plat1 goo /] goo. DBla07 go. EBan.01 goo, Plat1
17 But sins Iudgers do thus dekaye] Plat1 sins] sens DBla07 sins Iudgers do thus dekaye] sen that jugeris do tak that wey, EBan.01 Iudgers] that Iudggers DBla07 do thus dekaye] take that way DBla07
18 let] Lat EBan.01 let everye] Let euery DBla07 let everye man his Iudgement saye] Plat1 everye] every EBan.01 Iudgement] jugement EBan.01 saye] say DBla07 say, EBan.01
19 I will yt take yn sporte and playe] Plat1 will] wyll DBla07 yt] hit DBla07 it EBan.01 take] tak EBan.01 yn] in DBla07 EBan.01 sporte] sport DBla07 EBan.01 playe] play DBla07 pley, EBan.01
20 for] yet DBla07 For EBan.01 for I am as I am who so ever saye naye /] Plat1 who so ever] woosoeuer DBla07 who so ever saye naye /] quha evir sa nay. EBan.01 saye] say DBla07 naye /] nay DBla07
21 Who] Quha EBan.01 Who Iudgithe well / well god him sende] Plat1 Iudgithe] Iudggis DBla07 jugeis EBan.01 well /] well DBla07 weill, EBan.01 well god] god well DBla07 weill God EBan.01 him sende] them send DBla07 him send, EBan.01
22 who] whoo DBla07 who Iudgithe evill god] Quha jugeis evill, God EBan.01 who Iudgithe evill god theim amende] Plat1 Iudgithe] Iudgith DBla07 evill] yll DBla07 theim] them DBla07 thame EBan.01 amende] amend, EBan.01
23 to Iudge] To juge EBan.01 to Iudge the best therefore intende] Plat1 Iudge] Iuge DBla07 therefore] therfore DBla07 thairfoir EBan.01 intende] intend; EBan.01
24 for] EBan.01 for I am as I am there & so will I ende /] Plat1 there & so] and soo DBla07 there &] and EBan.01 will] wyll DBla07 ende /] ende DBla07 end. EBan.01
25 Yet some there be that] yet sum the at DBla07 Yet some there] Yit sum thair EBan.01 Yet some there be that take delight] Sun therbe that dothe delyght. Plat1 take delight] takis delyt EBan.01 delight] delyght DBla07
26 to] To EBan.01 Iudge] juge EBan.01 Iugge Plat1 folkes] folkis EBan.01 thought /] thowght DBla07 thocht EBan.01 Plat1 for] by DBla07 envye] inwy EBan.01 envy Plat1 envye & spight] outwarde sight DBla07 inwy and spyt, EBan.01 envy & spythe. Plat1 &] and EBan.01 spight] spyt, EBan.01 spythe. Plat1
27 but] But Plat1 but whyther Itheye Iude] Bot quhiddir thay juge EBan.01 whyther] whether DBla07 Plat1 Itheye] the DBla07 they Plat1 Iude] Iudge DBla07 Iuge Plat1 me] DBla07 Plat1 wrong] wrang EBan.01 wronge Plat1 right] Ryght DBla07 ryt, EBan.01 ryght. Plat1
28 am] ham Plat1 am and so do] ham & soo will Plat1 so do] soo doo DBla07 do] will EBan.01 wright] wryt. EBan.01 wryght Plat1
29 prayeng] Praying EBan.01 prayeng you] I pray ye DBla07 prayeng you all that this doo rede] Plat1 you] yow EBan.01 doo rede] dois reid, EBan.01
30 to] To EBan.01 to truste yt as you doo yor crede] Plat1 truste] trust DBla07 trest EBan.01 yt] hit DBla07 it EBan.01 you] ye DBla07 you doo] ye do EBan.01 yor] your DBla07 EBan.01 crede] cred DBla07 creid, EBan.01
31 and not] And nocht EBan.01 and not to think I chaunge my wede] Plat1 not] thynck not DBla07 to think I] that I wyll DBla07 I] that I EBan.01 chaunge] change DBla07 chenge EBan.01 wede] weid, EBan.01
32 for] EBan.01 for I am as I am howe ever I spede] Plat1 howe] how DBla07 EBan.01 ever] sooeuer DBla07 evir EBan.01 spede] speid. EBan.01
33 But] Bot EBan.01 But how that is I leve to you] Plat1 is] ys DBla07 leve] Leue DBla07 leif EBan.01 you] yow, Eban.01
34 Iudge] Juge Eban.01 Iudge as ye list false or true /] Plat1 list] Lyst DBla07 false] fals Eban.01 owdir fals Eban.01 true /] trew DBla07 trew, Eban.01
35 ye kno no more] Ye knaw no moir Eban.01 ye kno no more then afore ye knewe /] Plat1 kno] know DBla07 then] than Eban.01 afore] afoir Eban.01 knewe /] knew DBla07 knew; Eban.01
36 yet] but DBla07 Eban.01 yet I am as I am whatever ensue /] Plat1 whatever ensue /] what soeuer insew DBla07 quhat evir eschew. Eban.01
37 And from this minde I will not flyee] Plat1 from] frome DBla07 Eban.01 minde] mynd DBla07 Eban.01 will] wyll DBla07 not flyee] nocht fle, Eban.01 flyee] flye DBla07
38 but] Bot Eban.01 but to you all that misiuge me] Plat1 you] yow Eban.01 DBla07 that] them that DBla07 misiuge] myseIudge DBla07 misiugeis Eban.01 me] me, Eban.01
39 I do proteste as ye maye see] Plat1 proteste] protest DBla07 Eban.01 maye] may Eban.01 maye see] doo se DBla07 see] se, Eban.01
40 that] That Eban.01 that I am as I am and so will I bee /] Plat1 so] soo DBla07 will] wyll DBla07 bee /] Dy DBla07 be. Eban.01