determinites->determinates? (替换) 上下文:~~~ (Abdallah, 2008). 早期,智商测试是决定性的因素
determinites 用来判断智力 (Abdallah, p. 25)。加德纳 (1999) 和霍尔 (2000) 都注意到,这些测试只评估了学生的学业成绩 ~~~
detniled->dentiled? (交换) 上下文:~~~ BEGINNERS, by A. P. )!organ. A practical Handbook, giving detniled
detniled instruction and operation of n boy's V\Tireess Outfit.No, 6 .-EXPERIMENTAL WIRELESS CONSTRUCTION, by A. P.Morgan. A practicnl Handbook, ~iving ~~~
diaerasis->diaeresis? (替换) 上下文:~~~ as well: â, ê, î, ô, û. And also a tréma (French for diaerasis
diaerasis) for vowels: ä, ë, ï, ö, ü, ÿ and combined letters: æ and œ===Vocabulary: Greetings==={| |Salut||Hi./Bye.||(informal)|-|Bonjour||Hello||(mor ~~~
diagnal->diagonal? (省略) 上下文:~~~ Sometimes you can get the same card twice in one of the diagnal
diagnal lines.*C-?-?-? Row 1*?-C-?-? Row 2Just continue the above routine of checking the other cards. Sometimes you can get unlucky and have this combination ~~~
diagnos->diagnose? (省略) 上下文:~~~ scope of grade 4, thus shifting a number of previously diagnos
diagnos *'''1966''' PMID 5948714 -- "Classification of prostatic carcinomas." (Gleason DF, Cancer Chemother Rep. 1966 Mar;50(3):125-8.)*'''2005''' P ~~~
diagrammes->diagrammers? (省略) 上下文:~~~ when there is an eclipse of the moon. Then draw simplw diagrammes
diagrammes. Place the "sun" model in the center. Place the "earth" some distance from the sun, and show how it travels in a near circle aroun ~~~
diaku->diaka? (替换) 上下文:~~~ is no reason for them to take aggro and die to some random diaku
diaku. Hold them back.B. Outer collapse or, 'Whoops, the tanks are dead'. This is a tough one to fix because it's always possible you do everything right, a ~~~
dialls->dials? (双倍) 上下文:~~~ clocks and dialls
dialls, &c.|Wuskont peyâuog| `They will come.'|Teáqua naúntick ewò| `What comes hee for?'|Yo áppitch ewò| `Let him sit there.'|Unhappò kòsh| `Is ~~~
dialte->dilate? (交换) 上下文:~~~ when applied to the eyes, for examples, causes the pupils to dialte
dialte by inhibiting the parasympathetic tendency for the pupils to constrict.2. Nicotinic Receptors.- They are responsive to nicotine that are found near th ~~~
diamorphic->adiamorphic? (省略) 上下文:~~~ 一些化合物是diamorphic
diamorphic,并且可以具有闪锌矿或纤锌矿结构。这些具有中间极性的化合物的例子包括 CdS 和 ZnS。SiO<s ~~~
dianed->dained? (交换) 上下文:~~~ *如果典当人没有在上述期限届满后两年内以典当时收到的原价赎回典当的财产
dianed,则典当权人取得该财产的 所有权。 ~~~
dianostic->diagnostic? (省略) 上下文:~~~ 代谢组学有可能成为一种标准的dianostic
dianostic 工具,用于维持健康,诊断疾病,并为我们提供一个生物体内生化过程的准确模型。=== '''应用''' === ~~~
diaphram->diaphragm? (省略) 上下文:~~~ 较小的样本将生成更好的图片。关闭diaphram
diaphram 在冷凝器上可以防止样品在显微镜下显得褪色。学生应该只关注细胞的有色层。对于 ~~~
diarrhoe->diarrhoea? (省略) 上下文:~~~ % 与 62.7 % (NS),SD 20.7 % 与 23.0 % (NS),3/4 级diarrhoe
diarrhoe{ {typo help inline|reason=类似于 diarrhoea|date=August 2022}} 11.2 % 与 10.8 % (NS)** pCR (5-FU 或 CAPE) 无 OX 19.1 % 与 (5-FU 或 CAPE) + OX 20.9 ~~~
diassociate->disassociate? (省略) 上下文:~~~ 在氧气中。这些区域的低 pH 值导致氧气diassociate
diassociate 从血红蛋白中释放出来,释放到最需要它的身体组织中。[[Image:Effect of Ph on Hemoglobin's Oxygen Affinity.jpg]] 随着 pH 值的增加,s ~~~
diators->dilators? (省略) 上下文:~~~ diators
diators,如果它们设计正确。它们具有相对较低的阻力的优点。 ~~~
dibilitating->debilitating? (替换) 上下文:~~~ MS 是一种dibilitating
dibilitating 疾病,许多患者报告了阻止他们进行锻炼的障碍,这些障碍包括:<br>* 疲劳<sup>[10]</sup><b ~~~
dibug->debug? (替换) 上下文:~~~ Insight、Biosym 用户组发送加入请求到:dibug
dibug- [email protected]。ELETQM-L,电化学新闻组,涵盖合成、化学过程、电池和储能、腐蚀、生物学 ~~~
dicap->decap? (替换) 上下文:~~~ dicap
dicap,I*4 mles,SANDOWN PARK 赛马。下午 4:50 — JOHNSTON’S STUDIO BOYS:精选,“狐步舞”。下午 4:15 — PENNANT 蟋蟀比赛描述 - 决赛。下午 4: 30 ~~~
dications->dictations? (省略) 上下文:~~~ dications
dications 指出逐渐过渡到秋季和冬季条件,这些指示已经得到官方观察员的报告确认。已经 ~~~
dichorism->dichroism? (交换) 上下文:~~~ 在重新折叠过程中发生变化。例如,在圆二色性
dichorism 中,来自远处使用的紫外线提供折叠过程中二级结构出现的测量值。近距离的紫外线监测 f ~~~
dicounting->discounting? (省略) 上下文:~~~ 诊断标准,并且强行将它们拟合会导致dicounting
dicounting 或忽略其他重要的症状。此外,症状的触发因素可能不存在于世界其他地区,因此仅对 ~~~
dicussing->discussing? (omit) context: ~~~ 政府限制糖、盐和脂肪,因为它正在讨论
dicussing to solve the problem of obesity. 劳资在讨论解决肥胖问题,强烈要求政府限制糖,~~~
dicycles->dicyclies? (omit) context: ~~~ 车轮平行于彼此,这些车辆被称为双轮车
dicycles, or one wheel in front of the other, tandemly placed wheels. 两轮机器人必须不断移动才能保持直立,它们可以通过以下方式做到这一点:~~~
diethlstilbestrol->diethylstilbestrol? (omit) context: ~~~ 目标组织或细胞。例如,己烯雌酚
diethlstilbestrol diphosphate or 6-mercaptopurine. 然后是 IB 型,它位于肝脏的代谢组织、胃肠道粘膜细胞或肺部,以及 examp ~~~
dietry->dietary? (omit) context: ~~~ 心率,使用支气管扩张剂,并确保适当的膳食
dietry intake before, during and after exercise.=== Research ===''In-hospital Exercise Training Programs in Children with Cystic Fibrosis''<ref>7. Selv ~~~
difectives->defectives? (replace) context: ~~~ 不规则的、及物的、不及物的、反身的、缺陷的
difectives and modals. Sicilian has one verb that is auxiliary. '''[[Verbu Ausiliari|Auxiliary Verbs]]''''''[[Verbi Rigulari|Regular Verbs]]''''''[[Verbi Irrigul ~~~
diferences->deferences? (replace) context: ~~~ 一些差异
diferences * <span style="color:blue;">White</span> sand : '''a nu'u <span style="color:blue;">vulavula</span>'''* &l ~~~
diferens->deferens? (replace) context: ~~~ :输精管
diferens- a pipe used by the sperm cells while traveling to the urethra.:Seminal vesiclesecretes extra fluids that supply the sperm with nutrients (alkaline sec ~~~
difers->defers? (replace) context: ~~~ 可以安装在花鼓上。飞轮花鼓的设计不同
difers from a proper track hub, so special care must be taken with the installation. 由于固定齿轮自行车的制动可以通过抵抗 t ~~~
differening->differencing? (omit) context: ~~~ 浓度,而不是来自浓海水。不同的
differening ionic compositions of tidally connected lagoons and inland salt lakes make the development of any such relationship fairly site specific, so it is rar ~~~
differental->differential? (omit) context: ~~~ 包括构造过程的折叠,导致不同的
differental stress. Rock is the. Flattened and deformed with the mineral recrystalise ~~~
differentated->differentiated? (omit) context: ~~~ 而不是术语本身,实际上并没有区分
differentated, only the scalars which represent the vector's components in each direction differentiate. Assuming that each component is not a constant and thus has ~~~
differes->differers? (omit) context: ~~~ 看看上面的例子。它不同于
differes from the finder method above only that a conditional for the players which should be returned is added. @ejb.finder signature="Collection findB ~~~
differrence->difference? (double) context: ~~~ 一个有趣的性别差异
differrence was shown by Pennebaker (1982). A mediating variable in the non-specific symptom report was the time frame of the symptom measure. Women were found to ~~~
diffrences->differences? (omit) context: ~~~ 它有一些区别
diffrences than to M16 Becase it is Fully Auto and Packs More Of a Punch. But you do have to kill an opfor to get it.{{BookCat}}</text> <sha1>l1t7njccsj784a ~~~
dificult->difficult? (omit) context: ~~~ 他知道关于失踪教皇的事情,但朱利叶斯觉得很难
dificult to believe such a story. Nevertheless, he helps him retrieve the money from the bank and gives him a train ticket in his name. By coincidence, when Am ~~~
dificulties->difficulties? (omit) context: ~~~ high rvalues, where dificulties
difficulties would arise in the manufacture, sincethe fineness of the wire would constitute a definite problem.These resistors can be connected,like batteries, in ~~~
dificulty->difficulty? (omit) context: ~~~ dificulty
difficulty in getting them, send me aP.O. and I will return its value instamps.Wishing the "R. W." long life andevery success. -K. G. S. Wright(A W177D ~~~
dilineates->delineates? (replace) context: ~~~ it dilineates
delineates the universe of possible members.<center>[[Image:Linalg_venn_forall.png|x200px]]</center>To prove that a statement holds in all cases,we m ~~~
dimesions->dimensions? (omit) context: ~~~ direct connection to the actual tensions, feelings, and dimesions
dimensions you are interpreting and expressing in your work. Drawing can be an invaluable way to develop a direct connection to the world around you and develop ~~~
dimineralization->demineralization? (replace) context: ~~~ an important role in the dynamic equilibrium of dimineralization
demineralization- remineralization of the tooth surface. Therefore, food's form, frequency of sugar and alcohol intake, and combination of vital nutrients and minerals ~~~
dimissed->dismissed? (omit) context: ~~~ mandatory and if you miss so many days of school, you are dimissed
dismissed from the program until the next semester. (B. Cartwright, personal communication, September 30, 2008).<table WIDTH="60%" ALIGN="righ ~~~
dioicious->dioecious? (replace) context: ~~~ Liverwort species may be either dioicous or monoicous. In dioicious
dioecious liverworts, female and male sex organs are borne on different and separate gametophyte plants. In monoicious ~~~
diphteria->diphtheria? (omit) context: ~~~ a RC-specific promoter that directs the expression of a diphteria
diphtheria toxin Achain gene [DT-A tsM ]) have more lateral roots, and these, in turn, are more highly branched than those of wild-type plants (Tsugeki & Fed ~~~