德文郡手稿/O ye louers that hygh vpon the whele
←O very lord / o loue / o god alas | It was my choyse yt was no chaunce /→ |
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f. [30r]
1 O ye louers that hygh vpon the whele
2 ben sette of fortune in good aventure
3 god grawnte that ye fynden aye loue of stele
4 and longe maye yowr lyfe in ioye endure
5 but whan ye comen by my sepulture
6 remembre that yowr felowe resteth there
7 for I louyd eke thowgh I vnworthy were
由 TH2 输入,这是 乔叟 的 《特洛伊罗斯与克丽西德》 第四卷 323-39 的摘录。 TH2 可能从辛的乔叟版本(约 1532 年)中抄录了这些诗行。在这段话中,特洛伊罗斯刚得知克丽西德被逐出特洛伊,并哀叹命运的反复无常。特洛伊罗斯要求幸运的情人们路过他的墓地时想起他——他们不幸的同类。德文郡手稿中包含了《特洛伊罗斯与克丽西德》的其他诗节(见:“And now my pen alas wyth wyche I wryte” (29v(1));“O very lord / o loue / o god alas” (29v(2));“for thylke grownde that bearyth the wedes wycke” (59v);“yff yt be so that ye so creuel be” (91r(2));“Wo worthe the fayre gemme vertulesse” (91v(1));“for loue ys yet the moste stormy lyfe” (91v(2));“Also wyckyd tonges byn so prest” (91v(3));“And who that sayth that for to love ys vyce” (92r);以及“but now helpe god to quenche all thys sorow” (93r)。手稿中的其他中世纪和乔叟选段,可能从辛的版本中抄录,包括霍克利夫的选段,“Womans harte vnto no creweltye” (89v(1)) 和 “ys thys afayre avaunte / ys thys honor” (89v(2));理查德·罗斯的 《无情美人》,“O marble herte and yet more harde perde” (90r(1)) 和 “Alas what shuld yt be to yow preiudyce” (90r(2));辛的版本首次印刷的乔叟式“爱之良药”“yff all the erthe were parchment scrybable” (90r);以及乔叟的 《阿内丽达与阿西提斯》,“for thowgh I had yow to morow agayne” (91r)。
1 louers that] louers/that T5068.16
2 ben] Ben T5068.16 fortune in] fortune/in T5068.16 aventure] auenture T5068.16
3 god grawnte] God lene T5068.16
4 and] And T5068.16 maye] mote T5068.16 yowr] your T5068.16
5 but] But T5068.16
6 remembre] Remembreth T5068.16 yowr] your T5068.16
7 for] For T5068.16 louyd] loued T5068.16 eke thowgh I] eke/though I T5068.16