


collander->colander? (double) context: ~~~ to the boil. The sweet liquid can be filtered through a collander
collander or a screen, but it is often more desirable to carefully drain the liquid away from the grain to avoid excessive aeration of the hot liquid, since thi ~~~

collectivos->collectives? (replace) context: ~~~ since the 1970’s: walking, buses, taxis, taxis collectivos
collectivos (taxi’s that would operate like buses), and eventually heavy rail. During the 1970’s, significant changes happened within the market of public tr ~~~

collegating->colligating? (replace) context: ~~~ *F10 enters Edge Mode where you select the linees collegating
collegating vertex to each other*F11 enters Face Mode where you select the faces described by the edges*F12 enters UV Mode which is used for textures ==Edit==That ~~~

collegenase->collagenase? (replace) context: ~~~ *Changing in transcription of collegenase

collimat->collimate? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ 束,这是一个平行边的束。这是通过一个collimat

colliseum->coliseum? (双重) 上下文: ~~~ 收集。然而,诸神黄昏之剑可以在colliseum
斗兽场赢得伊露米娜,另一把非常强大的剑。你喜欢做什么都可以,但通常来说,召唤兽会更有用。{{BookCat}}</text> <sha1> ~~~

collosum->callosum? (替换) 上下文: ~~~ *胼胝体发育不全

colomn->column? (替换) 上下文: ~~~ :* mat.att 属性全局矩阵 (行 = cl,colomn
= new.cl)== 作者 ==M. Vrac ([email protected]))== 另请参见 ==# [[../learn.and.project.clusters/]]{{BookCat}}</text> <sha1>liuospg2b7kc0 ~~~

colume->columel? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ 或进样阀。另一种方法是通过安装了colume的LC
色谱柱。虽然 Quattro II 是 LR ESI 的主要仪器,但 LCQ 是 ESI 中 LC/MS 和 LC/MSMS 的主要仪器。====Q-Tof====Q-Tof 是一种~~~

colutte->culotte? (交换2) 上下文: ~~~ 人群散去。政府随后包围了sans-colutte

comeds->comedos? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ (Adler, 1978 pp 74-80)。然而,“自从最后的帷幕comeds
comeds落下,我们真的无法知道性治疗是否对男孩有效”(Curtin, 1987 p 297)。Lew~~~

comfry->comfrey? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ *3 comfry
comfrey 每棵果树的植株 *对于某些害虫,请考虑使用来自 [Bokashi http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bokashi] 的微生物来战胜害虫{{BookCat}~~~

comig->coming? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ 从你的眼睛和耳朵告诉你的大脑有一辆车comig

commad->command? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ # 此实例需要在 commad
commad 为 'go' 时传递给 Go # 指示添加或更改的代码行 def Go(You, Direction, CurrentPlace, past):# 指针 =-2# Moved = True if Direction == "north" ~~~

commandra->comandra? (双重) 上下文: ~~~ 草本植物,灌木状五叶草,甜香艾草,北方commandra

commisures->commissures? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ 的组织,并由commisures隔开。commisures的位置

commod->commode? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ Separate premises have been set aside to a~commod
commod~ tethis staff and its equipment. These premises prov~desome 16,500 square feet of floor space, accommodatmgupwards of 40 officer~ continu<;msly enga ~~~

commodius->commodious? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ Mrs 4PG move to commodius
commodius new residence<blockquote>'''WYNNUM ITEMS.''' . . . '''WYNNUM HEIGHTS SOCIAL.''' Ben-My-Chree, Waterview-avenue, Wynnum Heights, was the scene of ~~~

commonally->communally? (替换) 上下文: ~~~ There are two commonally
commonally{ {typo help inline|reason=similar to communally|date=August 2022}} used forms of Phase Shift keying Modulation:Binary Phase Shift Keying (BPSK)Quadratu ~~~

commonned->commoned? (双重) 上下文: ~~~ and drain connections. All pairs have the gate terminals commonned
commonned and available. The bulk connections are to the power rails (V<sub>DD</sub> for the p-channel devices and V<sub>SS</sub> for th ~~~

commu->comma? (替换) 上下文: ~~~ position s·o far as up-to-date commu
commu- . nication ~~~

comodies->comedies? (替换) 上下文: ~~~ television shows. Emerging genres like Sitcoms (Situational comodies
comodies) , talk shows, and game shows enjoyed widespread popularity. Easy to cook, ready made meals called ''TV dinners'' were introduced during this time< ~~~

comodity->commodity? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ comodity
comodity : die Nahrung - en: food: das Mittel - en: means; medicine: die Zwiebel - en: onion: der Knoblauch - en: garlic: die Nudel - en: noodle: die Teigwaren ~~~

comosed->composed? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ * Þurrgarður: Sahara, comosed
comosed of ‘þurr’ (sec, aride) and ‘garður’ in the old meaning of ‘world’ (e.g. ‘Miðgarðr’). * öskungur: human being, from Askur, name o ~~~

compan->compand? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ pile or repair shop, several compan
compan- ies now repairing and re-exhaustingvacuum tubes. The next day a newU.V. 200 detector tube was purchas- ~~~

compe->comped? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ could supply them. His compe
compe- titor, however, could have sold thesame units, for his stock coveredabout everything needed for radio,but the only knowledge he had ofthem was their t ~~~

competive->completive? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ threatening to drive their margins down Nokia realised its competive
competive advantage was its communication system that it had developed since the 1970's that helped them keep in touch with remote logging operations. Nokia has ~~~

compli->complin? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ sess the same delicate and compli
compli- cated ~~~

complict->complect? (替换) 上下文: ~~~ consultant coming to a complex society, specially to a post-complict
complict society like Afghanistan, and making suggestions from a partly feminist and western idea of women empowerment and wanting this to be imposed; it funda ~~~

complx->complex? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ *(Normally forms a complx
complx with protein C to inhibit coagulation)*Not having enough protein S may lead to problems with blood clotting in the veins (venous thromboembolism or pu ~~~

componens->components? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ analysis, by means of pictograms, bar charts, percentage componens
componens bar charts or pie charts. </p><p>For sets having more than ten members, those members having similar values are grouped together in <b& ~~~

comprehansive->comprehensive? (replace) context: ~~~ 更高的呼唤。领导者的愿景应该促进一个全面的
comprehansive “新方式”,其中包括一位有创造力和充满活力的老师,合适的教学媒介(技术),以及学生,他们能够理解......

comprehen->comprehend? (omit) context: ~~~ 为业余爱好者和实验者,并包含一个全面的
comprehen- 所有组件的丰富库存,许多新颖有趣的线路,我们承担运费,免费邮寄价格单,W. HARRY WILES,电气和无线电用品......

compromissory->compromissary? (replace) context: ~~~ 协议,或者包含一个仲裁
compromissory 条款),必须根据联合国宪章第 102 条在联合国秘书处登记,否则无法在联合国任何机关面前援引......

comuted->commuted? (omit) context: ~~~ 其余的都被计算
comuted 与 <math>f_p</math> 函数。{| class="wikitable" style="font-style:font-size:50%; "|-! 阶段 <math>n \,</m......

concatunated->concatenated? (replace) context: ~~~(包括分隔符空格)。点被连接
concatunated 到一个字符串。没有终止符。{{BookCat}}</text> <sha1>sx2oe5pm9ie5cy2eylwe6fr1w6wrkc9</sha1> </revision> </page> <page>......

concen->concent? (omit) context: ~~~ 澳大利亚电台,我集中
concen- 关注较弱的信号。为了避免我在深夜进行 DX 时打扰家里的其他成员,有时会使用电话。经过几次......

concentrately->concentratedly? (omit) context: ~~~ 黑云母作为单一的镁铁矿物,大多数集中
concentrately 在中部地区萨丹塔-库拉威之间暴露出来。与这些伟晶岩岩脉一起,也发现了煌斑岩岩脉(明尼特型)。新近纪前......

concets->conceits? (omit) context: ~~~ 将其转换为有用的格式需要许多工具和概念
concets。下面列出了一些主要的*[[w:Data modeling|数据建模]]*[[w:Data warehouse|数据仓库]],[[w:Data mart|数据超市]]和[[w:Spre......

conclus->cinclus? (replace) context: ~~~ 天文学家得出结论
conclus- 认为从地球向火星(行星)发送信号可能是可能的。如果火星上真的存在智慧生物——这是非常可疑的——他们......

concomittant->concomitant? (double) context: ~~~ 骨髓中的信号异常可能表明伴随的
concomittant{ {typo help inline|reason=类似于伴随的|date=2022 年 8 月}} 骨髓炎。MRI 对检测化脓性......

condens->condemns? (omit) context: ~~~ 主电容器和副电容器
condens- 器,之后再次调整耦合,直到获得最清晰和最响亮的语音。如果你使用的是软阀,它将需要一个精细的......

conected->confected? (omit) context: ~~~ 成像部门的交换机,每个 MAC 端口 2 个(串联)连接
conected 到除医院其他所有设备之外的所有其他成像设备,以及连接到医院网络的路由器。- 无胶片打印解决方案,适用于非诊断......

confed->cornfed? (omit) context: ~~~ 通过使用 confed 等程序
confed,可以分析测序 DNA 的低质量区域,以查找异常,如缺失或污染读数。此步骤主要是一个完成或......

confictionary->confectionary? (replace) context: ~~~ #ਬਰਫੀ = 印度糖果
confictionary 由牛奶制成 #ਪੇਠਾ = 糖浆中的南瓜 #ਪੰਜੀਰੀ = 用小麦粉和干果制成的干菜 #ਪਿੰਨੀ = 像潘......

conficts->confects? (replace) context: ~~~ 因为 Listview 试图自行完成很多事情,并可能产生冲突
conficts),因为 struct MUI_NList_TestPos_Result 太大 !!! 注意 struct MUI_NList_TestPos_Result 中的列是可见的列号码......

confiden->confident? (省略) 上下文:~~~ serted Pitt Street he waxed confiden
confiden- tial. ‘我每天早上都坐那艘船(4.30_L 但是大多数时候我不得不走到车站。我想今天是我的幸运日。’“到达目的地后,他 g ~~~

conguence->congruence? (省略) 上下文:~~~ front. It would involve the therapist demonstrating conguence
conguence with what they are experiencing at the gut level, what is present in their awareness, and what they are expressing to the client. According to Rogers ~~~

conicles->cornicles? (省略) 上下文:~~~ Legs and antannae are yellow in colour. Bulbous abdomen and conicles
conicles on the abdomen.==症状和体征==叶卷曲,煤烟病。==生态==<!--分布、入侵性、繁殖等-->==寄主植物==*'' ~~~

conjugeted->conjugated? (替换) 上下文:~~~ (chahta/chahte/chahti/chahti~) + To be (hona, conjugeted
conjugeted) = Want to + Verbमैं जाना चाहता हुं。 (mai~ jana chahta hu~) = 我想去。 वह खाना चाहता है。 ( ~~~

conjunc->conjunct? (省略) 上下文:~~~ Amalgamated Wireless (Australasia) Limited in conjunc

connec->connect? (省略) 上下文:~~~ It will be noticed that the connec
connec- tions ~~~

connee->coneen? (交换2) 上下文:~~~ re connee
connee ted across the condensere st it, a slight click only willbe heard as the contact is com 'pleted; if the condenser is short-circuited, a loud click wil ~~~

connexins->connexions? (省略) 上下文:~~~ Ca2+ concentration, pH, or phosphorylation of connexins
connexins can profoundly alter the easy with which ions annd proteins may pass through the pore. As there is no synaptic delay in transmission of current from c ~~~

conrol->control? (省略) 上下文:~~~ a. internal locus of conrol
conrol b. external locus of controlc. locus of controld. strong self esteem2. A student that fails a test and says it was the teachers fault is said to have ~~~

conse->cense? (替换) 上下文:~~~ corrosion and conse
conse- quent short circuits.They are of standard di-mension ~~~

constitues->constitutes? (省略) 上下文:~~~ ] constitues
constitues the boundary between this future oviduct and the peritoneal cavity [<b>cpc</b>]. <br><b>persisting bilateral attachment in the ~~~

constraing->construing? (替换) 上下文:~~~ constraint: accounting for gene regulation (in the constraing
constraing based model). (source: http://);Metabolic network: a database for metabolic pathways and diseases. (source: http://)====摘要====作者描述了 ~~~

constru->construe? (省略) 上下文:~~~ doing th e ir vario u s jobs, such as constru
constru c tin g aeroplanes, assem bling m oto r cars and tra c to rs, etc. B roadcast ~~~

construc->construct? (省略) 上下文:~~~ tenders were invited for the construc
construc- tion of the main trunk station in GreatBritain, it was stipulated that thecontractor must obtain a license fromthe British authorities to transmit mes ~~~

constue->construe? (省略) 上下文:~~~ wondering if someone feels the same way that you do. If you constue
constue{ {typo help inline|reason=similar to consute|date=August 2022}} an idea and continue to perceive certain ideas then there will be little room for chang ~~~

consu->consul? (忽略) 上下文:~~~ 案子 ’ 我正在权衡 consu
consu 时代 > \ ess* mOStOf 当然 它一定不能为一个人 mom-* i • • i .i . j-ent T ima gmed 那 oidinaiv com-mercial 沟通 可以 es-tablishe ~~~

consulation->consolation? (替换) 上下文:~~~ 和人类营养中的脂肪酸 专家协商报告
consulation。 (2008 年 11 月 14 日)。2015 年 12 月 1 日检索自 http://www.fao.org/3/a-i1953e.pdf==6.1.2 甘油三酯==甘油三酯是脂肪的一种类型,存在于 n ~~~

consumee->consume? (双重) 上下文:~~~ 在空视图内的小工具会使视图显示 consumee
consumee。 :: [[File:OberonGadgetsIntro40.png]]    [[File:OberonGadgetsIntro41.png]]右边最后一个例子展示了一个 cam ~~~

consump->consumpt? (忽略) 上下文:~~~ 或者同伴压力考虑真正改变他们的 consump
consump- tion 行为。哥斯达黎加会议强调,消费者需要参与更有效的 - ~~~

consumtion->consumation? (忽略) 上下文:~~~ 幸福研究已经明确表明,大量的电视 consumtion
consumtion 导致不幸福。它会导致依恋、攻击性、恐惧和愚蠢。不是外在的快乐,而是内在的幸福是生命的中心。我们 ne ~~~

contantly->constantly? (忽略) 上下文:~~~ 他受到的伤害。此外,他可以 contantly
contantly 廉价地使用廉价的灵魂之箭,他可以非常轻松地自己升级到 50-52 级。在 52 级,他最好与团队一起使用长柄武器进行 AoE,然后在 58 级获得 ~~~

contemporanous->contemporaneous? (忽略) 上下文:~~~ 它被描述为与某些行动 contemporanous 的词语。
contemporanous 与某些行动同时发生。陈述有时被接受为“与行动相关的词语”。<ref>R. v. Ly (1996), 193 A.R. 149; [1996] A.J. No. 1 ~~~

contemporay->contemporary? (忽略) 上下文:~~~ 第四 contemporay
contemporay 是伊姆雷·拉卡托斯,他在科学哲学圈子里最出名的是他对他所称的伪科学的攻击。他的 demarca ~~~

continuents->continuants? (替换) 上下文:~~~ 您还可以替换 continuents
continuents 为爆破音。您用 /w/ 替换 /b/,用 /s/ 替换 /t/,用 /z/ 替换 /d/。例如,您说“wank”而不是“bank”,以及“z ~~~

continus->continues? (忽略) 上下文:~~~ 体重的 %8±1)。血细胞悬浮在 continus
continus 血浆液中,可以分为红细胞(红细胞,占形成元素的近 95%)、白细胞(白细胞,平均为 ~~~

continuus->continues? (替换) 上下文:~~~ * 距离估计(更高级,continus
continuus,但只给出径向值 = 距离)DEM/J* 博特切坐标或复势(最佳)“[[分形/多重布洛 s ~~~

contiuation->continuation? (忽略) 上下文:~~~ 委员会说 CBS 还没有准备好,并命令 contiuation
contiuation 的现有系统。RCA 承诺其电子彩色系统将在五年内(1947 年)完全兼容,需要一个适配器才能看到 colo ~~~

contol->control? (忽略) 上下文:~~~ 和水壶元件的电阻。保险丝不能 contol
contol 电流。{{BookCat}}</text> <sha1>c7zy35oijbu87qndttdykrxqgrzd3rx</sha1> </revision> </page> <page> <title>GCSE 科学/电学 mu ~~~

contraints->constraints? (忽略) 上下文:~~~ 因此,可以获得 contraints
contraints 用于线性规划问题,方法是依次考虑每个代理/任务:由于每个代理都分配给一项工作,我们可以推断::对于代理 A:&l ~~~

contralt->contralti? (忽略) 上下文:~~~ 多莉·伯德特。contralt
contralt .LES RICHMOND,钢琴:“精选”。幽默项目:“银色海洋”,四重奏四重奏,“耶鲁烟道”,四重奏。TASMA TIERNAN; ~~~

contravens->contravenes? (省略) 上下文:~~~ RIP 被当地议会禁止。有些人甚至认为该法案违反
