contrest->contrast? (替换) 上下文: ~~~ each (30 coins, more if you enter the smaller melons in the contrest
contrest) ==Secret Shine #1==*'''Objective''': Collect 8 Red coins in the Dune Bud Sand Castle Secret area in less than 1:00.Start Episode 1 and enter the Bud S ~~~
controll->control? (双倍) 上下文: ~~~ If you want more controll
controll over your data, you can use many build-in options or use custom SQL.Let's try to find our data in descending order (3,2,1) >>Product.all(:order ~~~
controver->contriver? (替换) 上下文: ~~~ deed, be led through all the controver
controver- sies which naturally accompany the in-troduction ~~~
contructed->constructed? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ In fact, if the magic table is contructed
contructed properly, and we ''cross multiplied and subtracted'' the last two column correctly, then we will always get 1 or -1, provided the two numbers we start ~~~
contructors->constructors? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ The current contructors
contructors allow a certain maximum number fields. In case you require more than the current maximum number of fields (in <code>fields</code>), it is ~~~
convec->convect? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ (a) Those produced by convec
convec- tive conditions in the at-mosphere within, say luumiles radius of the station,which may be ter men "no-cal Storms."(b) Those originating at ~~~
conventinal->conventional? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ Radiotherapy dose was 41.4Gy in 23 fractions as per conventinal
conventinal dose fractionation schedule. Overall survival was significantly better in the chemoradiotherapy–surgery group (49.4 months versus 24 months favoring ~~~
conver->convert? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ rim=`echo ${radius} | sed -e 's/[eE]+*/\\*10\\^/'` # conver
conver e to 10rre=$(echo $ratio*$rim | bc -l) # real radiuscu=$(echo $center_im+$rim | bc -l)cd=$(echo $center_im-$rim | bc -l)cl=$(echo $center_re+$rre | bc ~~~
convered->converged? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ For example, cyclododecanone can be smoothly convered
convered to the corresponding [[lactam]], a [[monomer]] for the production of [[nylon 12]].<ref>{{cite journal | last= Furuya | first = Y. | coauthors = ~~~
convergance->convergence? (替换) 上下文: ~~~ And finally we obtain the region of convergance
convergance for this Z-transform::<math>|z| \ge \frac{1}{e^2}</math>}}{{info|1= ''z'' and ''s'' are complex variables, and therefore we need to take t ~~~
convergene->convergence? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ The region represents a center of triple junction plate convergene
convergene, due to the interaction of three major earth crusts (plates) in Neogene times (Simandjuntak, 1992). This convergence gave rise to the development of a ~~~
conversly->conversely? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ conversly
conversly, patients with HNPCC have ~80% risk of colon cancer and 30-50% risk of endometrial cancer*Also increased risk for ovarian, gastric, small intestine, h ~~~
convetion->convection? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ and get the potential. We stick on a minus sign for the convetion
convetion and we have,<math>\phi_{point source} = \frac{kq}{r}</math>.How simple.There are two main advantages to using potential. The first is tha ~~~
conveved->convived? (replace) context: ~~~ A motor launch conveved
conveved the excursioniststo Rodd Isl~itd, . where,after refreshments had been served,dancing and card games were indulgedin to the enjoyment of all.In welcomi ~~~
coordiante->coordinate? (swap) context: ~~~ Note that grid scan with exponential coordiante
coordiante mapping is different. Her is example by by Robert Munafo<ref>[https://mrob.com/pub/muency/exponentialmap.html From the Mandelbrot Set Glossary a ~~~
coperative->cooperative? (omit) context: ~~~ and therefore use more humanistic strategies such as coperative
coperative interactions and direct experiences. In contrast, teachers with a lower sense of personal efficacy tend to hold negative predictions about outcomes, a ~~~
copyin->copying? (omit) context: ~~~ //! e_threadprivate, e_copyin
copyin, and e_copyprivate. ROSE_DLL_API omp_construct_enum getDataSharingAttribute (SgSymbol* var, SgNode* anchor_node); //! Return the OpenMP data sharing ~~~
copys->copays? (omit) context: ~~~ %flip copys
copys what you have drawn to the screen ptb_ind_flip;endclear screen;</pre>{{BookCat}}</text> <sha1>sy2a7zif3dvh3r7q804sknko6tvvkxd</sha1> ~~~
coraline->caroline? (swap2) context: ~~~ marls, cherts, cherty limestones, sandy shales and lesser coraline
coraline and reefal limestones. Seram remained, for the most part, in this distal setting throughout the Cretaceous, Palaeogene and into the Miocene. Although ~~~
coration->ceration? (replace) context: ~~~ coration
coration. ” 11.40 a.m.: Gramophone recital. MID-DAY NEWS SESSION—I2.O noon: Melbourne Ob-servatory time signal. Express train information.12.1 p.m.: British ~~~
cornifed->cornified? (omit) context: ~~~ The epithelial lining of the mouth and pharynx is non-cornifed
cornifed squamous epithelium.[[File:Gray1024.png|thumb|Plate from Grays anatomy showing Salivary glands]]<!--[[File:Swallow food.png|thumb|1.The tongue push ~~~
corollata->corollate? (replace) context: ~~~ Euphorbia corollata
corollata File:Euphorbia corollata kz01.jpg pollen nectar spring flowers summer flowers DGC pollinator friendlyGeranium maculatum File:Zindel Park Trails (9) (3 ~~~
coronatus->coronates? (replace) context: ~~~ flore coronatus
coronatus the many-coloured flowers of prosperity;<br>quicquid enim florui though I may have flourished<br>felix et beatus, happy and blessed,< ~~~
corotos->cotoros? (swap2) context: ~~~ karuochiz n. [Am. Sp. corotos
corotos, playthings, tools, trash] belongings, junkkaskas n. argument, controversykata n. [~Kikongo nkata] coil of cloth or banana leaf to carry burdens on ~~~
corperate->corporate? (replace) context: ~~~ Both Intel and AMD CPUs have features designed for corperate
corperate users that are opaque to regular users, and have represented security risks in the past. The [[w:Intel Management Engine|Intel Management Engine]] has ~~~
correpondences->correspondences? (omit) context: ~~~ the investigators. Despite the fact that the cross correpondences
correpondences have been carefully scrutinized in several lengthy articles and books, Booth devotes a mere 8 pages to the phenomenon, and offers an analysis of not e ~~~
corresonding->corresponding? (omit) context: ~~~ corresonding
corresonding (unpolarized) absorbance. Therefore, VCD of biopolymers requires the use of very sensitive, specially built instrumentation as well as time-averaging ~~~
correspending->corresponding? (replace) context: ~~~ A list should appear of your selected grouping and correspending
correspending evaluations. To see a graph view, use the '''Switch view''' button. {{chapnav|Neglected Tropical Diseases|Demographics}}[[pt:GNU Health/Relatórios]]< ~~~
corresponences->correspondences? (omit) context: ~~~ nature of Booth’s “explanation” of the cross corresponences
corresponences, that is, that “they could have been the result of information transfers between those mediums who did write one another though they may never have ~~~
correspons->corresponds? (省略) 上下文:~~~提供,有一个优化的组合,这也与
correspons我们的常识。换句话说,这种分析结果既具有统计学意义,又具有实际意义。但是,我认为田口方法 ~~~
corretion->correction? (省略) 上下文:~~~是一个粘性校正
corretion因子,其值在 1.1 到 1.7 之间变化,取决于土壤类型和积水深度,但平均值为 1.4;<math>\theta_i</math> 是初始 ~~~
corriders->corridors? (替换) 上下文:~~~当哈利、纳威和赫敏被发现正在走廊里游荡
corriders晚上,格兰芬多学院共扣了 150 分,这使他们排名垫底。迪安可能是被抓到的格兰芬多学生之一,因为 ~~~
corrolation->correlation? (替换) 上下文:~~~意味着您需要进行一些实验以找到相关性
corrolation在您获得的结果之间。这将有助于更好地理解问题,并帮助您制定数学模型。===示例===您有 b ~~~
corrsponding->corresponding? (省略) 上下文:~~~每个 12 个子立方体都得到补偿,以匹配相应的
corrsponding标准 Talairach 模板,通过数学方法 ~~~
corticosteriods->corticosteroids? (交换) 上下文:~~~缺氧、营养不良)和治疗(口服皮质类固醇
corticosteriods)或大多数患者所处的久坐不动的生活方式。<ref>T Troosters,(2004)。慢性阻塞性肺疾病的耐力训练与力量训练。~~~
cortis->certis? (替换) 上下文:~~~致密介质(内淋巴,在耳蜗的柯蒂氏器所在的内淋巴管中
cortis被放置)如果没有耳骨将鼓膜的振动传递到 ~~~
cosidering->considering? (省略) 上下文:~~~V=流体速度,不考虑
cosidering可压缩性<br />M=马赫数{{BookCat}}</text> <sha1>bbzkrsty9og4eggs65j0yn6d1arhacy</sha1> </revision> </page> <page> <tit ~~~
cosinus->cosines? (替换) 上下文:~~~3/5 等于余弦
cosinus该向量与 X 轴的角度,4/5 是余弦 ~~~
cosists->consists? (省略) 上下文:~~~赛车手,然后与赢得您汽车的家伙进行比赛。职业模式包括
cosists* 您必须获得第一名才能完成的比赛* 完成警察追捕中的里程碑* 收集赏金* 完成黑名单中要求的条件 ~~~
cosole->console? (省略) 上下文:~~~* 引入命令并使用控制台
cosole。* 从 Tucan 远程运行模拟。* 设置 Intel MKL 以提高计算性能。===[[OpenVOGEL/User's guide/Guide 3 Part 2|第 2 部分:运行 ~~~
costantly->constantly? (省略) 上下文:~~~另一方已经完成。因为队长必须不断
costrains->constrains? (省略) 上下文:~~~具有预期质量,并在时间和成本限制内
costrains在项目计划文档中定义。<br> === <br>状态报告应跟踪的七个领域<br> ===#进度和范围状态 #Majo ~~~
costwise->coastwise? (省略) 上下文:~~~* 便宜。(磁盘在成本方面比数据库便宜
costwise尤其是如果您需要 DBA)。文件系统缺点:* 管理起来有点困难。您可能仍然需要数据库来跟踪图像。~~~
couner->coiner? (替换) 上下文: ~~~ var generation = 1 # generation couner
couner var numgenerations = 50 # how often should we evolve? ## initialize board to all zeroes sub initboard(board) for var y = 0, height ~~~
counterterroism->counterterrorism? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ 337. counterterroism
counterterroism :338. coup d' état :339. covenantor:340. covertness*:341. cozenage:342. craniosacral:343. crape myrtle, crepe myrtle:344. crêpe de Chine:345. cribba ~~~
countertransferance->countertransference? (替换) 上下文: ~~~ is important for the psychiatrist to be aware of countertransferance
countertransferance and transference reactions between themselves and the suicidal patient. Dealing with suicidal individuals can uncover the psychiatrist’s own feeling ~~~
countervaling->countervailing? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ Capitolist economic system would prevailed over the countervaling
countervaling communist economy championed by the Soviet Union. America would eventually become the sole super power in the World. ==Information (1969 AD - future)= ~~~
countr->counter? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ countr
countr, · refrig·eration Hctivitiesas well. Appointed to presentposition, March, 1937. Pri,·ateaddress: 32 Pine Avenue. FiYeDock, N.S."\V. Born 2114 / ~~~
coursware->courseware? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ Multilingual Center--Spanish] Another form of coursware
coursware to help learn Spanish. Seems a little more business-Spanish oriented. You can do practice exercises and also watch movies in Spanish to learn the lang ~~~
courteousy->courteously? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ =====Corllary: Real name hence real courteousy
courteousy= ====As a corollary: Editing in one's real name is not required in this series but it exists in this series. Editing in your real name means that you d ~~~
couseling->counseling? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ own success. They must find a solution, but you can offer couseling
couseling. <big>'''Counseling: The Student's Problem'''</big>:*Once you have decided whose problem it is you can act. :*If a students brings their pr ~~~
cousing->causing? (替换) 上下文: ~~~ 4AW's cousing
cousing injured in a motorcycle accident<blockquote>'''MOTOR COLLISIONS.''' . . . A fractured right leg was the injury received by '''Norman Walz''', an ~~~
coversations->conversations? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ of past conversations. The use of private recorded coversations
coversations in a criminal trial usually requires a voir dire to be held.A police officer can give evidence of the accused's natural voice at time arrest to establ ~~~
cpiled->cliped? (交换2) 上下文: ~~~ 20020504 JL - Many minor changes to allow Scalos to cpiled
cpiled with GCC. - Replaced handmade CLI startup detaching code by standard cback. ~~~
craftpersons->craftspersons? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ Dancers, actors, and athletes, … also important for craftpersons
craftpersons, surgeons, mechanics, and other technically oriented professionals.5) Spatial intelligence – features the potential to recognize and manipulate the ~~~
cranipharyngiomas->craniopharyngiomas? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ plans (122 sellar/parasellar, 89 pituitary, 7 cranipharyngiomas
cranipharyngiomas) . Prior RT in 11% patients. Median F/U 40 months**RT: median max 10 Gy (0.4-16.0)**Radiation optic neuropathy: 4 patients (2%) at median 48 months. Al ~~~
crashs->crashes? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ Working with CD's causes crashs
crashs or Scalos doesn't work correctly.Most Filesystems doesn't support the ExAll function correctly. Disable "Use ExAll" in Scalos prefs.Or use a ~~~
crators->craters? (替换) 上下文: ~~~ 并将它们全部扔到陨石坑里
crators 它们将不再振荡。==P.23 - 特别展览 "无线电"=='''特别展览 "无线电"''' 不要错过特别展览 ~~~
creaed->creaked? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ 可以发布并找到。UDDI规范是在 ~~~
creaed 由微软、阿里巴巴和 IBM 创建,并定义了一种数据结构和应用程序编程接口 (API)。;<span id=3RR style="font-weight: bold&q ~~~
creativty->creativity? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ 。我也很喜欢你的创造力
creativty 你在结论中使用。</ol>建议<ol><li>。使用学术来源可以使这篇文章更具可信度。<li>。尝试 ~~~
creats->creates? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ 性别 : 两个人之间的互动,通常会创造
creats 一个孩子,除非有保护措施来阻止这种情况; 会面 : 要见波塞冬的人,开始航海,骑马,或者去蓝调俱乐部。& ~~~
creddy->craddy? (替换) 上下文: ~~~ JWM -- creddy
creddy. [email protected][http://www.youtube.com/creddyeddy][http://www.myspace.com/creddyeddy]== 参考资料 ==#[http://www-users.cs.york.ac.uk/alistair/survival ~~~
creices->crevices? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ 质膜芽,称为小窝,位于小裂缝上
creices 在许多哺乳动物细胞的表面。这些可以占细胞表面积的三分之一左右。鉴于它们的结构,它们通常参与en ~~~
crevases->crevasse? (交换) 上下文: ~~~ 是找到足够的网。寻找的最佳地点是在裂缝中
crevases,以及树枝。有些人认为止血带是可行的选择,但是,它们有时会很危险,因为它们会阻止血液流过 p ~~~
creves->craves? (替换) 上下文: ~~~ 在你的左手,确保拇指托位于 creves
creves 你的拇指和食指之间,用你的手指握住下节的按键。#现在将两端连接在一起,确保将它们扭曲回 ~~~
cribed->caribed? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ cribed
cribed 在我们上一期中。松耦合器有一个优点,即当业余爱好者开始使用阀门时,他仍然可以与阀门一起使用它 incr •■'nr-tinii ~~~
cribing->caribing? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ cribing
cribing 向他描述了他(比尔)完善的便携式发射机,并根据他对讲述奇迹的兴趣来判断对史密斯的看法。~~~
cricketeers->cricketers? (双重) 上下文: ~~~ - 64% 的板球运动员
cricketeers 接受采访的运动员认为,在线招聘网站对有抱负的职业运动员将非常有效。'''商业模式画布的演变 fo ~~~
cription->scription? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ cription
cription. 没有入场费..参加比赛的唯一条件是拍摄一张清晰的照片,并将其连同描述和详细资料一起发送。~~~
cripus->cripes? (替换) 上下文: ~~~ b) C. cripus
cripus 4. B5. G6. B{{BookCat}}</text> <sha1>kd87eg0pdu9l156c2mxwflkcxmhy0o2</sha1> </revision> </page> <page> <title>General Biology/Classificat ~~~
criteon->cretion? (交换2) 上下文: ~~~ Bonferroni 校正标准
criteon P 值:为了在同一数据上测试两个独立的假设,并在 0.05 显着性水平上进行测试,人们将使用 s,而不是使用 0.05 的 p 值阈值。~~~
critera->criteria? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ 如果他们通过 'allowteams' 和 'allowclasses' 标准
critera. 当玩家在上面生成时,它将像往常一样触发活动。检查生成点以查看哪些团队有效 - 如果没有 "团队 lo ~~~
criti->critic? (省略) 上下文:~~~ falling-off of plate current at a criti
criti- 临界电压,在此电压之后,可能会出现负电流。通过增加与 D:i(图 2D)的距离,发现了一个最小电位区域(Mi,~~~
criticims->criticism? (交换) 上下文:~~~ Some notable historical criticims
criticims 关于版权的一些著名历史批评:# 它是一个“可转让和可继承的”垄断#“对识字的税收”# 产生“人为稀缺,高价格”~~~
criticla->critical? (交换) 上下文:~~~ criticla
criticla 轨道是 SD 的边界*/GiveInnerRadiusOf(orbit):=lmin(map(GiveDistanceFromCenterTo,orbit))$/* 西格尔圆盘的外半径;criticla~~~
crometer->acrometer? (省略) 上下文:~~~ crometer
crometer,齿轮游标卡尺,.00139/6,.0005 84/-,.00025 31/-。没有齿轮游标卡尺 7/- 少。没有刻度盘 4/- 少。用希思非介电电容器改进您的设备~~~
crooss->cross? (双倍) 上下文:~~~ gel used for SDS-PAGE is made out of acrylamide which form crooss
crooss- 连接的聚丙烯酰胺聚合物。标准凝胶通常由两层组成,最上面的一层称为堆积凝胶,下面的一层称为~~~
croses->corses? (交换) 上下文:~~~ // find such ER for LSM/J that level curves croses
croses 临界点及其前像double GiveER(int i_Max){ complex double z= 0.0; // criical ~~~
crossbeds->crossbreds? (省略) 上下文:~~~ Thirdly, the crossbeds
crossbeds 向我们展示了风的普遍方向,我们将在后面的[[../Paleocurrents/|古流方向文章]]中讨论。==石化沙漠:~~~
crotales->crotalus? (替换) 上下文:~~~ instruments such as the tintinnabulum, tympanum and crotales
crotical->cortical? (交换) 上下文:~~~ usuallly crotical
crotical 点复数 zp; // 周期点 zp = GivePeriodic( c , z0, period, EPS2, ER2); // printf (" c = %f ; %f \n&q ~~~
crowes->crewes? (替换) 上下文:~~~ |Chìcks ánawat.| `The Cocke crowes
crowes. '|Neesquttónckqussu.| `A babler, or prater.'|Cunneesquttonckqussìmmin.|- `You prate.'{Obs.} 他们从频繁的麻烦中比喻性地转移~~~
crrops->crops? (双倍) 上下文:~~~ sprinklers and an iridium hoe. Make a massive square of crrops
crrops 然后等待它们生长。应该有大约 650 株或更多的作物。尝试使用花椰菜、甜瓜或南瓜,因为它们可以卖出高价。这也可能有助于~~~
crshing->crashing? (省略) 上下文:~~~ Later that year, the Persian general Tamchosro inflicted a crshing
crshing 在当年晚些时候,波斯将军坦霍斯罗对由查士丁尼率领的罗马人造成了惨败。公元 578 年,波斯人用 2 万骑兵入侵了罗马亚美尼亚。与此同时,坦霍斯罗入侵了阿米达~~~
cruble->crible? (替换) 上下文:~~~ Blocks of chalk tend to cruble
cruble 块状粉笔容易碎裂,弄得一团糟,所以一些健身房不允许使用它们。液体粉笔是将粉笔粉末与挥发性液体混合在一起,这种液体会在几分钟内蒸发~~~
cruical->crucial? (交换) 上下文:~~~ acid/base presence can be cruical
cruical 均匀性效应:均匀(溶液)与非均匀(两个或多个相);表面积;粒度催化剂效应:催化剂加速反应~~~
crustacian->crustacean? (替换) 上下文:~~~ stylized in 'punk rock' hair. Uses a piece of a giant crustacian
crustacian 他用一块巨大的甲壳类动物做他的贝斯琴的琴身。*蒂霍 - 印第哥乐队的鼓手。他比普通佐拉人高大一些,并且拥有一套大型鼓。知道~~~
crystaline->crystalline? (省略) 上下文:~~~ hard or solid. The atoms may be arranged in a very rigid crystaline
晶体结构,但结构内仍存在振动;[[w:Liquid|液体]]:原子可以自由移动,但不像气体那样分离。L ~~~
结晶->结晶? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ 结晶较少
结晶,更长的链更难排列成阵列* 热处理提高了结晶度* n= 每个单元的重复单元数 <math> n {{=}} { \rh ~~~
晶状体->晶状体? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ 是晶状体,主要由称为晶状体的蛋白质组成
晶状体。晶状体通过睫状小带连接到睫状体,睫状体包含控制晶状体形状以进行调节的睫状肌。还 ~~~
结晶->结晶? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ 罗斯琳·富兰克林 - 晶体学家 - 结晶
结晶 DNA 并拍摄了 X 光照片 - X 光晶体学。发现重复螺旋模式。查伽夫 (1950) - 生物化学家 - 分析了 DNA 并制定了行为规则 ~~~
晶体->隐体? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ 纤维。我们不列出碳纳米管纤维或单晶体
晶体固体如金刚石,因为我们还没有办法生产足够大或足够多的块体或数量用于大型太空项目。他们有非凡的 ~~~
cstar->costar? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ 发射机现在正在考虑。希望 cstar
cstar。t 传输 a~ 今年年底。比利时刚果,新的 250 瓦 .3tatio!l 在 Leor,ddville 运营,呼号为 OQ·2AA,在 9525 或 . ~~~
ctest->cutest? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ ctest
ctest 如果您有链接问题,请参阅下面的故障排除。== 故障排除 =='''链接器错误'''如果您在链接期间遇到错误,第一步是 ~~~
cther->cither? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ KZIB,9500kc.,31.SSm.,马尼拉:然而,cther
cther 晚上信号强 (Pepin, '-Nashfold1Bantow, D'gnam, Chapmon)。KZEG/KZRF,6140kc.,48.86m.,马尼拉:可能是晚上最强的 49 米信号 ~~~
ctile->clite? (交换2) 上下文: ~~~ **注意:另请参阅 ctile
ctile, matne, plana.*'''ladru''' 牛奶 `lactic'**Rafsi: lad**定义: x1 由/包含/是来自来源 x2 的牛奶;(形容词:) x1 是 lact ~~~
ctime->ctimo? (替换) 上下文: ~~~ ctime
ctime gt;#include <vector>#include <algorithm>using namespace std;int main(){ srand(time(NULL)); random_device rd; mt19937 gen{ rd() }; unsigned ~~~
ctors->actors? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ ctors
ctors. cfm*Schwarz, G., & Brown, P. (2005). Media Literacy: Transforming Curriculum and Teaching. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing.*Yosso, T. (2002, Marc ~~~
cture->acture? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ cture
cture 充满了许多划痕,几乎没有阴影。该系统似乎适用于连环画、纵横字谜等,但不适用于光线和阴影图像 ~~~
cuase->cause? (交换) 上下文: ~~~ 出口增长急剧放缓,导致
cuase 关于这个世界上第二大经济体系的 shílì d yōulǜ。实力的担忧。</pre>====2012-08-11=========双枪袭击事件 A ~~~
cuccos->coccos? (替换) 上下文: ~~~ ===杀死狗和 cuccos
cuccos 没有火棒===走到狗或 cucco 旁边,用粉末喷它。这在[[塞尔达传说:众神的三角力量]]中不起作用。'''===杀死 ~~~
cukoos->cuckoos? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ 作为进化军备竞赛的一个例子,cukoos
cukoos 已经适应了宿主的行为。回来后,如果与宿主自身鸡蛋不匹配,或是在产卵后很长时间才添加,宿主可能会拒绝这种外来卵。 ~~~
cular->acular? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ cular
cular 码头晚上 7 点,但聚会人数不得超过 40 人。尚未与 Eenshaw 先生(或 Atkinson 先生)联系的俱乐部 ~~~
cularly->ocularly? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ cularly
尤其 是女性,不知道如何在麦克风前说话;这些人不能对着电话说话,还以为他们喊得越大声就越甜美~~~
cummings->scummings? (省略) 上下文:~~~ 问题,这就是为什么我们可以读懂 e. e. cummings 的诗歌
cummings 而不吐出错误信息。Python 并不那么宽容。如果你的程序中存在任何语法错误,Python 会打印错误信息 ~~~
cummulative->commulative? (替换) 上下文:~~~ 同样,累积
累积 相对频率可以使用 > cumsum(AgeFreqTable)/length(SmokeCProg$AGE) (0,39] (39,49] (49,59] (59,69] (69,79] ~~~
cummutative->commutative? (替换) 上下文:~~~ 注意矩阵乘法不是交换的
交换 的。所以 MxN 不等于 NxM 2x3 矩阵是 IBO 在任何考试中要求的最复杂的手工计算,随后的矩阵(3x3,~~~
cunducted->conducted? (替换) 上下文:~~~ 是一个由医疗保健专业人员组成的团队。该研究进行于
进行 于英国。临床医生团队被提供了运动干预措施的想法草案,以便临床医生能够专注于他们在 ~~~
cunducting->conducting? (替换) 上下文:~~~ 在进行
进行 员工绩效 ~~~
cunieform->cuneiform? (交换) 上下文:~~~ 这些标记直接导致了上述楔形文字
楔形文字。{{BookCat}}</text> <sha1>4921y238pjkl2s78zx7j0wcm0o0doc3</sha1> </revision> </page> <page> <title>Cookbook:Raw Sugar</title> <ns>102</ ~~~
cunna->canna? (替换) 上下文:~~~ |Machàge cunna
canna miteôuwin?|- `Doe you find nothing.'|Wónckatack| `Another.'|Tunnatí| Where.|Ntauhaunanatinnehómmin|- `I cannot looke or search.'|Ntauhaunanamiteo� ~~~
cupan->cupman? (省略) 上下文:~~~ *cha robh cupan
cupan aig Iain:Iain did not have a cup (literally 'a cup was not at Iain')===Expressing 'to own'===There is no actual verb which translates as 'to own'. To ~~~
curline->carline? (替换) 上下文:~~~ int curline
curline = 0, cur_pos=0; while (curline <= crsr_Ncomplete.MinY) { if (curline == crsr_Ncomplete.MinY ~~~
currect->carrect? (替换) 上下文:~~~ 到不同的齿轮涉及到将链条从当前
正确 的前链轮和后链轮组合中脱开,以便它运行在不同的齿轮组合上,而这种改变需要骑行者踩踏 (即,th ~~~
curretly->currently? (省略) 上下文:~~~ 通过 OpenGL 调用。由于历史原因,OpenVOGEL 目前
目前 仅使用兼容性模式调用 (即 OpenGL 1.4) 而不是核心配置文件。如本章开头所述,OpenGL 与 pr ~~~
currette->curette? (双重) 上下文:~~~ 覆盖的软组织。脉冲冲洗和使用骨刮刀
刮刀 有助于该过程。在显微镜下检查刚冲洗过的开放性胫骨是有指导意义的,即使在 10 升 ~~~
curriculm->curriculum? (省略) 上下文:~~~ 为了实现出版整个学校课程的目标
课程,威廉和弗洛拉·休伊特基金会以及安德鲁·W·梅隆基金会慷慨地提供了财务支持。当时,这是 ~~~
currow->carrow? (替换) 上下文: ~~~ } while (trail_col != curcol || trail_row != currow
currow) ; reset_periodicity = 1; /* 重置跟踪/填充后的周期性 */ color = bkcolor; } } return 0; }/*************** ~~~
currriculum->curriculum? (双倍) 上下文: ~~~ C)资源将增加,教育currriculum
currriculum 将得到改善
cursy->corsy? (替换) 上下文: ~~~ ULONG cur_cursx = 0, cur_cursy
cursy = 0; get(self, MUIA_TextEditor_CursorX, &cur_cursx); get(self, MUIA_TextEditor_CursorY, &cur_cursy) ~~~
curteously->courteously? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ 我希望他能对博丹先生更礼貌一些,
curteously 或者更有力地驳斥他。’这种古老的信仰并不容易被根除,许多作家开始 ~~~
custon->ceston? (替换) 上下文: ~~~ 当您打开 SteamMaster 时,一个 custon
custon “SteamMaster” 菜单将添加到 Excel 中。 SteamMaster 作为电子表格完全可用,无需使用任何自动化功能 ~~~
cuting->cating? (替换) 上下文: ~~~ 阿尔法不动点的迭代。它只适用于切割
cuting 点(外部射线落地的位置)。其他点仍然没有被命中。==Bof61==*[http://www.nahee.com/FOTD/FotD_10-02-19.html 使用 bof61 进行着色 i ~~~
cyling->clying? (交换) 上下文: ~~~ 20021130 JL - 添加了对 cyling 的支持
cyling 通过 TAB 键循环窗口中的图标。 - 重建了窗口代码以使用 TT 布局引擎。 - 修复了 SCA_SortNode() 中的错误 ~~~
cytochrom->cytochrome? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ 通过胃肠道并被细胞色素代谢
cytochrom P450 在与质膜蛋白结合之前。虽然氯雷他定被认为是“非镇静”抗组胺药,但剂量相关的镇静作用已被观察到 ~~~
cytokin->cytokine? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ 当 αvβ8 激活 TGFβ1 和 TGFβ3 的亚型时,细胞因子
cytokin 有助于控制神经血管发育。整合素 αvβ8 激活的树突状细胞中的 TGFβ 也在控制自我伤害中发挥作用 ~~~
cytokins->cytokines? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ 到组织,炎症是由类花生酸和细胞因子产生的
cytokins 由受攻击的细胞释放。类花生酸诱导发热和血管扩张,而白三烯吸引白细胞。细胞因子 rec ~~~