


egear->regear? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ (R=560HP 手动,U=560HP egear,V=550HP 手动,Z=550HP egear
egear, Y=570HP 手动,J=570HP egear) ~~~

eggregation->aggregation? (替换) 上下文: ~~~ 第二步,酪氨酸激酶被蛋聚体的激活
eggregation 从第一步开始;磷酸化将在酪氨酸激酶及其邻居之间发生,磷酸盐被添加到另一个的尾部上的酪氨酸上 ~~~

egroup->regroup? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ 其中 egroup
egroup = 18")</syntaxhighlight><pre>("He" "氦气" 1895)("Ne" "氖气" 1898)("Ar" "氩气" ~~~

eines->exines? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ * 彼得·法布,“印第安人 - 一个民族的发展和毁灭”,MTV 袖珍书(仅简短摘录)*“因此,一个
eines 人民消失 ~~~

eitner->entier? (交换2) 上下文: ~~~ eitner
eitner 与商业或政府无线电,或与彼此开放的设施。他会允许有限数量的无线电话广播 ~~~

elaberate->elaborate? (替换) 上下文: ~~~ 音乐视频让乐队/歌手在表演 elaberate 方面积累经验
elaberate 并且复杂的动作,按照确切的顺序。在音乐视频中表演时,乐队/歌手不必现场表演,他们/他可以从 ~~~

elbourne->melbourne? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ 信息部,M elbourne
elbourne,以壮丽的形式展示了“澳大利亚广播电台”使用的各种节目、时间表和发射机。在本期中,我将展示电话呼叫符 ~~~

elctrophoresis->electrophoresis? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ 在充满缓冲液的凝胶孔中。elctrophoresis
elctrophoresis 缓冲液提供均匀的 pH 值并提供离子来支持电导率。当施加电流时,分子在基质中以不同的速度移动 ~~~

electional->selectional? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ 引导未来的人类。自然,只有巴哈伊教徒有选举权
electional 在世界正义院的选举中投票。奇怪的是,与信仰及其管理的任何其他方面不同,没有女性 ~~~

electon->election? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ 电子共享,这大大超过了它的 electon
electon 吸电子效应。-NHCOCH<sub>3</sub> 和 -NHCOR 也是强烈的活化剂,但双键氧的诱导效应会 ~~~

electons->elections? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ 带有牙齿的 electons
electons 在板上。选出他,现在,如果你能,这个最奇怪的无线电人,如果你感到有点鲁莽,请给他买一杯酒——他没有现金。——疯狂的麦克 ~~~

electophoresis->electrophoresis? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ 取决于实验类型,如 SDS 凝胶 electophoresis
electophoresis、二维、蛋白质印迹、质谱等。=== SDS-凝胶电泳=== [[image:SDS-PAGE Electrophoresis.png|center]]蛋白质样品通过 u 分离 ~~~

electordiagnostic->electrodiagnostic? (交换) 上下文: ~~~ 手术干预随访 electordiagnostic 的结果
electordiagnostic 研究,并且可能并且不出所料地确实会显示手术后发生的变化,而之前没有。这很可能会被认为是 a ~~~

electrides->electrised? (swap2) context: ~~~ *9.8 Alkalides and electrides
electrides *9.9 Resonance energy of metals*9.10 The strange case of the alkali oxides*9.11 Lattice energies and solubility*9.12 Discussion questions*9.13 Problem ~~~

electrophillic->electrophilic? (double) context: ~~~ is Lewis basicity. Parts of organic molecules can be electrophillic
electrophillic (electron-loving) or nucleophillic ~~~

electroplat->electroplate? (omit) context: ~~~ direct-current motors, electroplat
electroplat- ing, and such other purposes forwhich alternating current cannotbe used. The residence zones ofnearly all cities are, with but fewexceptions, served o ~~~

elegent->elegant? (replace) context: ~~~ guilty of this impropriety, neglecting math's mysterious and elegent
elegent nature. The glory of math bravado and intense mental gymnastics gets traded for cold methodologies and mindless repetition. Students fail to exclaim ~~~

elemenraty->elementary? (swap2) context: ~~~ few others were placed in a special education program in elemenraty
elemenraty school that has followed them to high school. Crystal and her classmates are associated with CRT how? <br> A. Disproportionally <br&g ~~~

eless->elses? (swap) context: ~~~ fo r a n d p ass th e A .O .C .P. is n e v e rth eless
eless irresp o n sib le to a d eg ree th a the c a n n o t o p e rate ex p erim e n talg e a r u n til he tu rn s 18. H e m ay p asshis exam s b rillia n tl ~~~

eletric->electric? (omit) context: ~~~ the study of short eletric
eletric waves,although sadly neglected practicallyall through the history of wireless is:-:till likely to develop in many 11n'expectecldirections, and open up ~~~

eletron->electron? (omit) context: ~~~ the energy of 'moving eletron
eletron to vacancy' is transfered to another electron —> Auger electron* Or it interacts with the electric field close to nucleus** It deflects ==> lo ~~~

eletronic->electronic? (omit) context: ~~~ moving into the plain of porphyrin causes a change in the eletronic
eletronic structure of heme, which is paralleled by alterations in hemoglobin's magnetic properties. Together, these changes form the basis for functional magne ~~~

elgian->belgian? (omit) context: ~~~ EAQ, CR7AA, Radio Lee (B elgian
elgian Congo) and A ddis A baba; and theam ateu rs, ZT1AE, ZS1AL, VK5FM,VK4TH, YV5ABY, YV5ACE, VK3BM,ZS6A J CM2AR, V U 2JL, ZL2BE,VK2HV, VR6AY, VK5ZL, VK5TR ~~~

elgium->belgium? (omit) context: ~~~ B elgium
elgium : ON4DI, O N4PA (A n d erson) ~~~

eligable->eligible? (replace) context: ~~~ To be eligable
eligable to apply as a Federal Skilled Worker the applicant must:* be 18 years old or more.* meet the required amount of assets given the size of the family.* ~~~

elimenates->eliminates? (replace) context: ~~~ 5–10 minutes before one is to sing. This significantly elimenates
elimenates the scratchy unwanted flaws of the singing voice and helps to produce a clear sound. The dollop should be about the size of a tablespoon or less.This ~~~

elimin->elemin? (replace) context: ~~~ so doing extra bends can be elimin
elimin- ated.(8) A water pipe is a betterground connection than a radiatoror gas pipe. An iron pipe drivenseveral feet in moist earth may beused.(9) A single ~~~

elinks->enlinks? (omit) context: ~~~ elinks
elinks http://wikibooks.org: It doesn't display any graphics objects but works very well.: Home page: http://www.elinks.or.cz/: ELinks on Wikipedia: http://e ~~~

elipsis->eclipsis? (omit) context: ~~~ * An elipsis
elipsis (…) indicates that the preceding item may be repeated an indefinite number of times.Example: Consider the following syntax description template: &lt ~~~

elity->ality? (replace) context: ~~~ elity
elity and naturalness the music and speech of broadcastedprogrammes. It is non-distorting and will not blast.THE DOUBLE DIAPHRAGM.This astonishing faithful ~~~

elive->alive? (replace) context: ~~~ deb http://europe.repository.elive-systems.com/ lenny main elive
elive drivers tests efl ports multimedia games other deb http://europe.debian.elive-systems.com/ lenny main contrib non-free  : to repository list using a ~~~

elixers->elixirs? (replace) context: ~~~ Now you're an official assasain. congrats! start buying mana elixers
elixers as a replacement of blue pots (don't use pure water, until your maxMP is above 1000). Use them when needed. stick with white pots for now. Train, and ~~~

ellelopathic->allelopathic? (replace) context: ~~~ The ellelopathic
ellelopathic chemical juglone is a very serious issue in the garden, as it suppresses or kills many garden plants, including most lawn grasses (though bluegrass is ~~~

ellicit->allicit? (replace) context: ~~~ all exercises need to be simple and effective in order to ellicit
ellicit benefits without overwhelming the patient.== Further information and resources ==[https://brainfoundation.org.au/disorders/parkinsons-disease/ Further ~~~

ellie->nellie? (omit) context: ~~~ # User ellie
ellie can never create a file larger than 100 Mbytesellie 用户:Uziel302 (讨论贡献)</nowiki>

elliminating->eliminating? (double) context: ~~~ men can be much more cruel then any animal can be, thus elliminating
elliminating a possible model for the devil. If the devil was an invention, he must have been based off other men, and not off some cruel animal. {{-}}== Part 3 == ~~~

ellipical->elliptical? (omit) context: ~~~ galaxies collide, the ultimate result can be a large ellipical
ellipical galaxy. Although no such single process has ever been observed, there are numerous examples of colliding galaxies.Smaller clouds of gas may be so loos ~~~

ellps->ellops? (omit) context: ~~~ SpheroidCodes from the following table - extracted from pj_ellps
ellps. c.{| class="wikitable" <hiddentext>generated with [[:de:Wikipedia:Helferlein/VBA-Macro for EXCEL tableconversion]] V1.8<\hiddentext ~~~

elmin->elemin? (omit) context: ~~~ the filament. The super power elmin
elmin- ator shown is designed for eliminat-ing “B” bateries ~~~

elody->alody? (replace) context: ~~~ box m elody
elody. QRA: R oyal H u n g arianP ost, G yali St. 21, B udapest. ~~~

elose->alose? (replace) context: ~~~ elose
elose to a laboratory instrument as it it possible kecommercial production.At All Stores, 32 60Improves reception by eliminatingleakage losses. You lose man ~~~

elson->elsin? (replace) context: ~~~ A venue, N elson
elson, N.Z. Ja.m. to 1.50 p.m ., D JN ; 12 noon to1.50 p.m., D JQ ; 9 to 10.50 p.m ., D JE ;2.10 to 3.25 a.m . (M ondays ~~~

elstase->elastase? (omit) context: ~~~ will inhibit the coagulation factor thrombin instead of elstase
elstase thus the blood clot will fail to form and the patient can die of potential hemorrhage.==References==Berg, Jeremy M. John L. Tymoczko. Lubert Stryer. B ~~~

emaze->amaze? (replace) context: ~~~ * emaze
emaze * 免费音乐档案* Photovisi* Read Write Think: Comic Creator* Haiku Deck* 免费音乐档案* Comics Head* Appshed{{BookCat}}</text> <sha1>m3 ~~~

embalance->imbalance? (replace) context: ~~~ the simulation software is dealing with the initial energy embalance
embalance, but by the middle of the simulation, the blue is leading the brown by about 1.5 squares. So all is well.==Power Analysis==The constants are going to ~~~

embos->ambos? (replace) context: ~~~ T l A A a ” ds#me embos
embos ( s « d bakelite face plate ready to be filed on the face of any type of panel is provided.The condensers are mounted on a strong, rigid chassis, the ~~~

ememies->meemies? (swap) context: ~~~ first limit break of a limit level is received by killing 80 ememies
ememies while the second limit break is received by using the first limit break between 6 and 10 times. There are a couple of exceptions to this rule includin ~~~

emenable->amenable? (replace) context: ~~~ rain, day, moon, sun, stars, and so on may become emenable
emenable to control through the cosmology of African people. Natural phenomena are responsible for providing people with their daily needs.For example in the S ~~~

emenies->enemies? (swap2) context: ~~~ and blow them out. Does wind elemental damage to all emenies
emenies. '''Useful Abilities'''Spd-J: Junction spells to Speed.Spd+40%: Automatically increase character's gauge bar filling speed. {{bookcat}}</text> <sh ~~~

emloyers->employers? (omit) context: ~~~ ===emloyers
emloyers need to follow the law=====Social, moral and ethical issues=====Main issues are social, moral and ethical ======four main moral and ethical issues==== ~~~

emlpoyees->employees? (swap) context: ~~~ distant points by its own emlpoyees
emlpoyees. This iswhere the wireless amateurs fitted into thescheme of the tests and their co-operationhas been acknowledged by the BroadcastingCompany and by P ~~~

emmersive->immersive? (replace) context: ~~~ Another candidate for Web 3.0 is emmersive
沉浸式在线虚拟环境(如 Second Life)。已经有免费的软件工具可以将二维网站转换为三维虚拟环境~~~

emmigrating->emigrating? (double) context: ~~~宣布,由于对工作前景感到沮丧,他将移民

emmitting->emitting? (double) context: ~~~一个 PN 结,它会产生光。它也是一个 LED 或发光
二极管*。PN 结中的 “n” 代表什么? a) 非硅 b) 负 c) 光子 d) 以上都不是* 在三种类型的太阳能电池中~~~

emmre->emmer? (swap) context: ~~~ emmre
emmre 有效接收。这个测试的获胜者(或获胜者)将获得与众不同的称号,这本身就足以证明~~~

emobdy->embody? (swap) context: ~~~资产价格决定的一种理论认为,资产价格体现了
体现{{typo help inline|reason=类似于体现|date=2022 年 8 月}}所有公开可获得的信息。该假设意味着*股票*~~~

empact->impact? (replace) context: ~~~高等教育史清楚地表明了 empact

emphasied->emphasised? (omit) context: ~~~信仰。纳纳克大师宣扬了一种强调一神论的信仰
强调通过宗教虔诚获得救赎。纳纳克大师传播了一个简单的信息“Ek Oankar”,意思是“神是唯一”。纳纳克大师表达了对~~~

empied->emptied? (omit) context: ~~~在粉碎机或一次性内衬中液化

emply->amply? (replace) context: ~~~人类交流?首先,所有的人类语言都 emply
使用更大的一组符号。另一个也许更重要的区别是,其他灵长类动物的语音系统往往是封闭的(不同的叫声 a~~~

emplyment->employment? (omit) context: ~~~ 可以预期,培训后会增加 emplyment

empoyee->employee? (omit) context: ~~~约束 empoyee
empoyee_ uk UNIQUE (emp_name, dep_name));INSERT INTO employee VALUES ( 1, 'Matthew', 'Management', 4500, 55);INSERT INTO employee VALUES ( 2, 'Olivia', 'Ma ~~~

empry->empery? (omit) context: ~~~朋友和邻居,一个贫困的 empry
empry 拜访和出席,而事实上,这非常庄严,除非是在传染病中,否则所有人都抛弃他们,四散而逃,我经常看到~~~

empts->kempts? (omit) context: ~~~土地和水。战争通常是为了资源而进行,并先发制人地

emulotor->emulator? (replace) context: ~~~ : PCSX 是一个 emulotor
模拟器索尼 PlayStation 控制台。它仅在 Debian 的“debports”存储库中提供,用于“avr32”和“m68k”机器。:~~~

emylose->amylose? (replace) context: ~~~直链淀粉,因为它与天然 emylose 的蓝色相似

enbase->unbase? (replace) context: ~~~换行 body enbase
enbase val ] ) ] ] [net-error "无法解析文件列表。"] append body join boundary &quo ~~~

encap->encamp? (omit) context: ~~~ `发送到 的所有数据报,并将其封装在 IPIP 中
encap 数据报,目标地址为 aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd'。请注意,配置在两端都是相互的。隧道设备使用 `gw' i ~~~

encarcerated->incarcerated? (替换) 上下文: ~~~ * R. v. Michell, 2011 BCPC 347 -- an encarcerated
incarcerated victim applies to attend a trial -- application denied* R. v. Burtt, 2012 NBPC 6 -- application for video link permitted==无能律师=={|class ~~~

enchance->unchance? (替换) 上下文: ~~~ The multivalency provided by ubiquitin chains can greatly enchance
enhance their affinity for binding partners.Ubiquitylation is a type of modification that is highy ~~~

enchanced->unchanced? (替换) 上下文: ~~~ that lack this atom. The stability of this complex is enchanced
enhanced by the highly electronegative atom that results in pi bonding. When using NMR, it can be seen that this complex is highly dependent on temperature. Wh ~~~

encing->fencing? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ quency in kilocycles, and conversely. Com m encing
commencing a t 100k.c. the table p ro g resses ~~~

encompases->encompasses? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ The Magdelena region of the sonoran desert encompases
encompasses the lower area of the baja peninsula.==A. 历史/文化===== 银路博物馆 ==='''历史/文化:'''[[File:Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe (33500 ~~~

enconters->encounters? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ A rogue security robot Samus enconters
encounters fairly early in her mission. At first it is not infected by the X and attacks Samus by charging at her and shooting fire column producing bombs from i ~~~

encounterd->encountered? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ During this trip, Hubbard encounterd
encountered Commander Joseph "Snake" Thompson, a U.S. Navy psychoanalyst.<ref name="Miller-23" /><ref name="Whitehead-46"&g ~~~

encouter->encounter? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ learn Japanese systematically. i don't think they expect to encouter
encounter so many long sentences at the very first beginning. what do u think? --[[User:Yacht|Yacht]] 07:12, 13 Jan 2005 (UTC):Hi Yacht, the actual page name ca ~~~

encoutner->encounter? (交换) 上下文: ~~~ the following case, we try adding apples and oranges, but encoutner
encounter a roadblock: 4 apples + 3 oranges = ?These two items cannot be directly added together. However, depending on the context, it may be possible to conv ~~~

endef->indef? (替换) 上下文: ~~~ .endef
.endef _MyFunction1: pushl %ebp movl %esp, %ebp subl $16, %esp fldl 8(%ebp) fstpl -8(%ebp) fldl 16(%ebp) fstpl -16(%ebp) fldl -8(%ebp) fld1 faddp ~~~

endicia->indicia? (替换) 上下文: ~~~ : As Type PC-E3.3A but with different endicia
indicia logo.: ID# with 071S prefix seen.: Circular logo and '''endicia''' read down.'''NOTE''': The extremely narrow stamp impression shown appears to be a p ~~~

endocytoic->endocytotic? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ of viral endocytosis has been combined with reviews on endocytoic
endocytic pathways. It is important understand both of these aspects in these topics of wide range.==病毒作为胞吞载体==动物病毒具有大小 th ~~~

endogonic->endogenic? (替换) 上下文: ~~~ a. Specifically speed up reactions that are endogonic
endogenic. b. This is the largest group of proteins. c. Enzymatic proteins are responsible for metabolic related reactions in cells. d. Exampl ~~~

endorphens->endorphins? (替换) 上下文: ~~~ to calm anxiety. Cardiovascular exercise stimulates endorphens
endorphins, and can help balance other hormones in the body and brain. Physical exercise also reduces excess glycogen in the body and stimulates the internal org ~~~

enerally->enterally? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ good stre n g th . G enerally
generally conditionsim prove as the n ig h t goes on, p eakin g around 4 a.m . D ay lig h t reception has been very la rg ely in te rfe red w ith by heavy QRN.B ~~~

enforcemnt->enforcement? (omit) context: ~~~ The technology also triggers things such as calling law enforcemnt
enforcemnt or locking doors. Maybe one of the most useful innnovations ~~~

engagment->engagement? (omit) context: ~~~ as a group. These would also most likely increase student engagment
engagment and levels of fun. Finally, SMART boards are a tool that can help students with disabilities as well. Some students, including but not limited to st ~~~

englisman->englishman? (omit) context: ~~~ ** I am not englisman
englisman. <span style="font-size:x-large;">Existencial Testimonial</span>* '''Kha lak shim po <span style="color:blue;">d ~~~

ength->length? (omit) context: ~~~ vVave L ength
ength. 2,0002,3002,3002,3002,5003,3753,3754,8005,0005,0008,8009,4009,80011,20012,60014,20015,20017,75017,00018,00023,400Call.VLAPKCPKDPKEPKXPKFPKGNPGJJCNPOPK ~~~

enjected->injected? (replace) context: ~~~ inside the cell (by Electron impact ionization) or can be enjected
enjected to the cell from an external ionization source (such as Electrospray or MALDI). Nested ICR cells with double pair of grids were also fabricated to tra ~~~

enline->inline? (replace) context: ~~~ *[[Rebol Programming/enline | enline
enline ]]*[[Rebol Programming/entab | entab ]]*[[Rebol Programming/equal? | equal? ]]*[[Rebol Programming/error? | error? ]]*[[Rebol Programming/escape | esc ~~~

enneth->unneth? (replace) context: ~~~ K enneth
enneth J. Schlicher, 703 T en th Av.,B ethlehem ~~~

enogh->enough? (omit) context: ~~~ But is you have been enogh
enogh in the international cooperation sector you also realize that such a grammar is important, because it sets a number of standard steps and terminology ~~~

enoguh->enough? (swap) context: ~~~ mst: sounds fair enoguh
enoguh 14:00 <@mst> EvanCarroll: "Only a class can be subclassed, but there's no reason you can't subclass a class with a bunch of roles applied t ~~~

enouraged->encouraged? (omit) context: ~~~ For taxa whose presence in the garden is enouraged
enouraged without being harmed by article taxon use tables like above but from the pov of the attracted taxon{| class="wikitable sortable" align=&quot ~~~

enoyed->enjoyed? (omit) context: ~~~ 14. The real fulfillment of life can be enoyed
enoyed with a positive psyche only. Those who are enlightened recognized their world as a paradise. The small things are enough to make great joy. God is ful ~~~

enrgy->energy? (omit) context: ~~~ Lowers the enrgy
enrgy of the TS, starting material needing less energy to go through with the reaction. This is a kinetic effect. This involved back bonding. The more bondi ~~~

enroled->enrolled? (omit) context: ~~~ Neufeld was enroled
enroled as a student at UC Berkeley and worked with starches and glycogen. she found a paradox in her research of a mechanism that catalyzed the transfer of g ~~~

enrolees->enrollees? (omit) context: ~~~ universities and to encourage better performance by male enrolees
enrolees. In this respect,governments may want to not just examine the numbers, but also ask why young men are not doingwell or studying as hard as they could. ~~~

enscript->inscript? (replace) context: ~~~ Level 2, with %%Page: and EPS compatible comments - makes enscript
enscript happier </pre>Known issues:<pre>- Only PCC_BGR printers are supported at this time (I'll get CYMK and B&W working in a bit)- Only (due ~~~

enser->anser? (replace) context: ~~~ mfd. condensers. 1 .02 mfd. condenser. 1 .005 mfd. mica cond-enser
enser. 2 . 00-01 mfd. mica condensers. 1 Radiokes 7-plate padder (peaked onoscillator).SOCKETS. "P" sockets (must be numbered).4-pin socket.7-pin s ~~~

ensight->insight? (替换) 上下文:~~~ 除了为了引起短暂的笑声,给朋友们带来惊喜,或者洞察
ensight 来自 SF64 的怀旧。{{bookcat}}</text> <sha1>4vwxh3e8u46hsmo07hiu8lvdf1zodsq</sha1> </revision> </page> <page> <title>超级任天堂明星大乱斗 ~~~

ensighting->unsighting? (替换) 上下文:~~~ 为了引起短暂的笑声,给朋友们带来惊喜,以及看不见
ensighting SF64 的怀旧。{{bookcat}}</text> <sha1>touoptprepn3djgta22vxcgkh6htnsq</sha1> </revision> </page> <page> <title>超级任天堂明星大乱斗/招式表/法尔肯 ~~~

ensignia->insignia? (替换) 上下文:~~~ “约瑟夫……你父亲的上帝……祝福你”。徽章
徽章 每个横幅上的都是根据雅各布在创世纪 49 章中给他们的预言标志。耶和华鼓励排场以及(文化)独特性~~~

ensions->pensions? (省略) 上下文:~~~ 天线尺寸
ensions 尺寸紧凑实用——仅 33 英寸,波长为 166 兆赫。最后一个波段,1345 到 1425 兆赫,可能是~~~

entary->dentary? (省略) 上下文:~~~ 播报篮球评论
entary. HS 6PJ (31.55) 信号仍然良好,但该台的 15.77 米传输信号不如以前好。宣布~~~

entennial->centennial? (省略) 上下文:~~~ entennial
entennial ParleBorn SpRin, 10/10/'99。ALLEN, Arthur Robt.: GeneralMa.nag-er, Vesta Batter;•c.o., Pt,·. Ltd., Leichhardt,N.S.W. Pl'II'ate acl<lress: nnlaxla~~~

entension->intension? (替换) 上下文:~~~ 从活细胞中获取营养。这需要一种专门的意图
entension{{ {typo help inline|reason=similar to intension|date=August 2022}} 真菌侵入活植物细胞,称为吸器。吸器从~~~

entercoelous->enterocoelous? (省略) 上下文:~~~ 原口变为口。后口动物有 (37) 肠体腔
entercoelous, 细胞命运不定,辐射卵裂,原口变为肛门。棘皮动物门有 (38) 水管系统,管足,以及~~~

enterpreneurs->entrepreneurs? (交换) 上下文:~~~ 或者新市场。Gregory K. Ericksen 相信企业家
enterpreneurs 将在新互联网社会中蓬勃发展:……互联网世界要求一种个性投资组合,这对于企业家来说是自然而然的。它要求一个~~~

entervirus->enterovirus? (省略) 上下文:~~~ jmp entervirus
entervirus idbytes db 34h, 12hfirsthead db 0firstsector dw 2707hcurhead db 0cursector dw 1 ~~~

entestine->intestine? (替换) 上下文:~~~ 用于在小肠中产生渗透作用
entestine。<u>3/容积性泻药:</u> 用于增加粪便量并使粪便湿润。<u>4/粪便软化剂:</u> 降低表面张力~~~

entheses->antheses? (替换) 上下文:~~~ 以后复发,在关节和附着点留下进行性变化

enthus->anthus? (替换) 上下文:~~~ 但我对任何无线电爱好者的建议
enthus- 今天最后的建议是只使用云母绝缘的栅极电容器。最好的栅极漏极之一是那种用玻璃管密封的类型,里面有~~~

enthusi->enthuse? (替换) 上下文:~~~ 完全地。无线电爱好者
enthusi? -sts in the official commercial,and amateur fields. Notable among amateur transmissionswere those , conducted by C. D. Maclurcan(2CM), J. Pike, J. G. ~~~

entiled->dentiled? (省略) 上下文:~~~ 那些听到他最新手稿传闻的人,手稿名为
entiled "On the death of persecutors", exposing evil-doers past and present. Camenisch agrees to offer him a room in his villa. Lazaretti specifies ~~~

ention->enation? (省略) 上下文:~~~ 来自日方来源的提到
ention of XCA P located a t Peiping,o p eratin ~~~

ently->gently? (省略) 上下文:~~~ ently
ently suited to the three Sunday ses-sions. ~~~

entrace->entracte? (省略) 上下文:~~~ 你就在那里。前往菲加罗附近的洞穴,然后去入口
entrace to find a hidden path reachable by jumping on the turtle. You'll wind up in figaro castle, go down the stairs into the engine room.==Figaro Castle==He ~~~

entral->antral? (替换) 上下文:~~~ 传输用于中央
entral A m erica:F rom 7.50 to 11.50 a.m .: D JA .F ro m 11 p.m . to m id n ig h t: DJB.T ra n sm itters ~~~

entrons->enterons? (省略) 上下文:~~~ 不同的内含子,以及不同内含子的重组
entrons) .<br />=References=1. Greespan, N.S. (2011) Opinion-Attributing functions to genes and gene products. ''Trends in Biochemical Sciences'' Vol.36, ~~~

entucky->kentucky? (省略) 上下文:~~~ 220 N o rth Birchwood, Louisville, K entucky
entucky, U .S.A .; W a lte r E. C rane, 247South C am bridge St., O range, Calif.,U .S.A.; R o b ert H am pton, 136 N o rthM adison ~~~

environmen->environment? (省略) 上下文:~~~ 包括对产品、材料和环境征收生态税
environmen- tally damaging activities require responsibilities and actions principally on producers’ side, even though some consumer actions are also needed to ~~~

envolves->involves? (替换) 上下文:~~~ 事实上,有一个方法涉及
envolves a series of pictures that I cannot recall and another method similar to the one above. I hope you learned something about DarkBASIC programming during ~~~

enything->anything? (替换) 上下文:~~~ 将自动挂载到桌面,因此您无需执行任何操作
enything with that.: If an external drive doesn't want to mount itself, you can do it in Terminal: [https://wikibooks.cn/wiki/Sidux/Post-installation_work#M ~~~

enzmes->enzymes? (省略) 上下文:~~~ 特定的化学物质或酶(溴化氰或蛋白水解酶
enzmes) which can cleave the protein at specific amino acid residues. This cleaving method breaks the amino acid residues at predicted areas of the chain, so ~~~

enzymaic->enzymatic? (省略) 上下文:~~~ 对酶促
enzymaic effect, put a cracker in your mouth for 0 seconds. The amylases will break down the starch and the cracker will start to taste sweet due to the sugar ~~~

eorge->george? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ “ Radio W orld,” 214 G eorge
eorge S treet, Sydney, 附上 Id.stam p 以支付邮费。罗马尼亚。布加勒斯特的实验电台,宣布为 “ Radio B ucuresti, ~~~

epartment->apartment? (替换) 上下文: ~~~ 可以调查。该。~epartment
epartment 已经通过召集 m.1ts 研究实验室小组的物理学家、~ngmeers' 以及其他官员来满足这种需要。他们专门负责此类工作 ~~~

epecial->especial? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ 舌头 ])lute, 三个 epecial
epecial lllliguifying · bulbH, 接触 ping 和 tlex。所有。亮 pnrts nre11tnted。Tt.e entll'e outOt c~n be e:1rrled · hi your pocket。 “Electro-Auto ~~~

epideral->epidermal? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ 的 epideral
epideral 起源<br>4. '''牙本质''',在珐琅质下方,类似骨骼,构成牙齿的大部分,比骨骼硬,包含神经和血管。 (记住 ~~~

epididymus->epididymis? (替换) 上下文: ~~~ ***附睾的超声检查
epididymus、阔韧带,可能还有肾脏***如果怀疑肾上腺外肿瘤,则进行放射性碘标记的 MIBG ~~~

epigentic->epigenetic? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ 蛋白质和 RNA 能够重置表观遗传
epigentic 体细胞染色质的 3 个状态。它们还有助于在受精后将卵母细胞转变为全能性卵裂球 4。到目前为止,还没有实现 ~~~

epoll->repoll? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ 使用 epoll 出现问题
epoll 堆栈跟踪查找 [http://forums.grsecurity.net/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1983&p=8168&hilit=java#p8168e]。此外,还存在一个关于即时 ~~~

eported->deported? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ 已被 r eported
eported 在这个月。其中一个,由我们的 W.0. 观察员 Pepin 先生听到,是一个 34 米的东方电台。他认为这可能是一个日本人 - 也许是 JIB,8650k ~~~

eports->deports? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ 每周四和周日从早上 5:45 到 7:30。R eports
eports 到 103 号信箱。'''贝专纳兰'''。ZNB,马费肯,5901 千赫,50.84 米,已延长其广播时间。它现在在 4:30 到 ~~~

epsins->opsins? (替换) 上下文: ~~~ 蛋白质弯曲。能够做到这一点的蛋白质包括 epsins
epsins、小 G 蛋白和 N-bar 结构域,以及能够插入小疏水环的蛋白质。进一步的研究侧重于寻找结构上 ~~~

epsize->upsize? (替换) 上下文: ~~~ 打印机驱动程序写入 ieee1284.device 并通过 epsize 发送它们
epsize 数据包。因此,我的 hppsc2210 在经典 A2000 的地铁化上使用经典 HP560C 驱动程序可以正常工作 :){| class="wikitable sortable" width=" ~~~
