


geminition->gemination? (替换) 上下文:~~~ 一些词语同时经历辅音双写
和辅音弱化。* Tıp ''(来自阿拉伯语 tibb)'' + -i -> Tıbbı ''(医学)''* Ret ''(来自阿拉伯语 redd)'' + etmek -> Red ~~~

gence->egence? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ gence
gence. 下午 1:30: “晚间新闻”中午新闻服务;制片人发行协会的报告。下午 1:20: 演播室音乐。下午 1:28: 证券交易所,第二 ~~~

gendamerie->gendarmerie? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ 一项法律,然后是奥斯曼 gendarmerie
gendamerie 将会执行这项法律。砍伐树木是为了方便获得柴火,这对于很多目的都是必需的。柴火被需要 t ~~~

genertion->generation? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ 作为序列来靶向细胞的特定区域或更多世代
genertion 细胞内的生物传感器。这些基于 FRET 的生物传感器为我们提供了更有效地对活细胞进行磷酸化成像的手段 an ~~~

genmen->gunmen? (替换) 上下文: ~~~ genmen
genmen 袭击利比亚首都东南部的军事检查站,造成 15 名士兵死亡,数人受伤。xirji kaohjihn 2011 niarn Xifang ruhq ~~~

genomis->genomes? (替换) 上下文: ~~~ 通过代谢组学而不是通过基因组来识别心肌缺血
genomis 或蛋白质组学。这是因为当心脏血流受到限制时,柠檬酸循环成分会上升 60% 到 70%。 h ~~~

genophores->gonophores? (替换) 上下文: ~~~ 许多真核生物(如植物和动物)携带基因体
genophores 在线粒体和叶绿体等细胞器中。这些细胞器非常类似于真正的原核生物。<ref>http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index. ~~~

gentelwoman->gentlewoman? (交换) 上下文: ~~~ 一封最近由一位年轻的女士写成的谜语信的副本
gentelwoman to hyr vnconstaunte louer”。通过将惠特尼描述为一位女士,琼斯提升了她的地位,使其与接受过大学教育的男性同时代人相当。 ~~~

gential->agential? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ * gential
gential violet* 酮康唑:Nizoral* 咪康唑:Micatin, Desenex, Zeasorb-AF* 念珠菌素:Mycostatin, Nilstat* 氧康唑:Oxistat* 特康唑:Terazol* 替康唑 ~~~

gentive->agentive? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ gen. - gentive
gentive hv. - 助动词;imp. - 祈使句;ind. - 陈述式;lv. - 系动词;masc. - 男性;neut. - 中性;nom. - 主格;pl. - 复数;pre ~~~

geochron->geochrony? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ 带,代表性(或不代表性)的源区采样,geochron
geochron +/- 示踪剂?矿石矿床:典型矿物 +/- 异常矿物学提供的机会?结构:原生矿物与变形相关矿物,效 ~~~

geomatric->geometric? (替换) 上下文: ~~~ 由于时间问题,我们决定只用几何形状来构建世界
geomatric 基元。为了在敌人模型和玩家模型之间创造视觉上的差异,我们在圆形的外观中构建了世界,并且主要以黑色和卡通色调进行着色 a ~~~

geons->geans? (替换) 上下文: ~~~ * 通过成分识别:提取 geons
geons 从视觉输入中* 稳健的模式识别:可能被旋转、被另一个物体部分遮挡或大小不同的物体的定位* Barc ~~~

germents->garments? (替换) 上下文: ~~~ 她的私人裁缝威廉·洛克为公主制作了服装
germents. 这位女孩的肤色像她的父亲,有着金红色的头发和非常白皙的皮肤,安妮为她订购了白色达马斯提花布、绿色缎子和黄 ~~~

germlin->germling? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ RNA 的靶向。P-颗粒,由生殖细胞中的蛋白质和 RNA 组成
germlin 细胞,与自噬蛋白相互作用,对于降解是必需的。一种假设是,与这些蛋白质聚集体相互作用的 mRNA 会被降解 ~~~

gesnariads->gesneriads? (替换) 上下文: ~~~ 也就是说,非洲紫罗兰和其他苦苣苔科植物
非洲紫罗兰 (jes nair' e ad 或者 guess nair' e ad) 可以在与人类相同的温度和湿度水平下生长,除非非洲紫罗兰是 p ~~~

gesters->gasters? (替换) 上下文: ~~~ 交流行为 (例如,动作、热情、使用 gesters
手势、幽默、声音变化) 减少两个人之间的心理和生理距离 (Myers, Zhong & Guan, 1998)。无论是在 t ~~~

gestions->egestions? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ gestions
建议、食谱或提示将受到 Miss Beegling 的欢迎;写信到她的工作室。获奖信件将在星期四从这个电台播出 ~~~

getch->gatch? (替换) 上下文: ~~~ //needed for getch
getch void setup() { /* empty function nothing to setup yet */ } void display() { /* empty function required as of glut 3.0 */ } int main(int argc, ch ~~~

gethering->gathering? (替换) 上下文: ~~~ Scott attends social gethering
聚会 的无线电发展协会,建议建立一个用于西澳的转发站<blockquote>'''无线电发展协会。一个 ~~~

giantkin->giantkind? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ : Rathe Mountains is home to many giants and giantkin
巨人,包括山巨人、独眼巨人和巨型骷髅。在暗黑深渊扩展发布之前的战争之后,蛙人从 Gr ~~~

giday->gidday? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ giday
你好 amp;quot; string</PRE></B>C 中定义了一些特殊字符:<B><PRE> '\a' 警报(蜂鸣)字符 ~~~

gingar->ginger? (替换) 上下文: ~~~ ada = gingar
lt;br>tel = 植物油<br>mosólla = 辛辣食物<br>óloiddá = 黄色<br>rañdó = 烹饪<br>sóroot, thándhaá = 冷< ~~~

gingivitus->gingivitis? (替换) 上下文: ~~~ many illnesses including back pain, psoriasis, asthma, gingivitus
牙龈炎、溃疡、中风后瘫痪,仅举几例。通过在患上任何这些疾病之前接受针灸治疗,你可以极大地降低 yo ~~~

ginia->gonia? (替换) 上下文: ~~~ ginia
戈尼亚藤 (Wade)、“梦想的小木屋” (Hanley)、“无忧无虑的小巷” (Lewis)、“整天” (Cross)。下午 1.30:关机。晚上 ~~~

givei->givee? (替换) 上下文: ~~~ givei
给予 澳大利亚无线电,我们发现成功一直持续到 1914 年的第一次世界大战,当时无线电进入了更广阔的应用领域。令人遗憾的是 ~~~

giying->guying? (替换) 上下文: ~~~ \yiTH a view to giying
戏弄 多样性,即使在睡前故事中,在 4QG 存在的早期,也决定将某些晚上分配给不同的睡前故事讲述者。这 S ~~~

gizzmo->gizmo? (双重) 上下文: ~~~ is not at the center of the mesh. The center is where the gizzmo
gizmo(红色、蓝色和绿色箭头)将位于。{{Noframecenter|1=[[Image:BoxModelingSwanChairLeg29.png|575px]]|2=对象中心不在中心 ~~~

glactose->galactose? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ hydrolysis of Lactose gives the monosacchride: glucose + glactose
半乳糖 由乳糖酶催化水解。乳糖可以是一种还原糖。<gallery>File:Beta-D-Lactose.svg|β-D-半乳糖基-(1→4)-D-葡萄糖File:Alpha-lacto ~~~

glasing->glassing? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ far more effective but correctly dimensioning the amount of glasing
玻璃化 效率更高,因为它可以减少通过玻璃化造成的热量损失 ~~~

gloal->glial? (替换) 上下文: ~~~ Here the gloal
神经胶质 酶选项可以选择。这些可以在 [[../Sequence editor#Restriction enzymes (2)|序列编辑器] 中为单个序列覆盖 ~~~

globle->globule? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ to imply sophisticated numerical models (usually of the whole globle
全球) ,在同一个实验中得到不同的结果。这些差异主要归因于表示发生在~~~上的物理过程的不同方式。

glotis->glottis? (省略) 上下文:~~~一个[[/Source-filter Theory|源滤波理论]]。而声门

gluatmine->glutamine? (交换) 上下文:~~~用作燃料,谷氨酰胺中的碳分子

glucogon->glucagon? (替换) 上下文:~~~这些受体结合的是前列腺素、ACTH、胰高血糖素

glund->gland? (替换) 上下文:~~~**Gisselsson D, H glund
腺体{ {typo help inline|reason=类似于腺体|date=2022年8月}} M, Mertens F, Johansson B, Dal Cin P, Van den Berghe H, Earnshaw WC, Mitelman F, Mandahl ~~~

glycanes->glycines? (替换) 上下文:~~~多糖,也称为聚糖

glyceradehyde->glyceraldehyde? (省略) 上下文:~~~原子被称为结构异构体,例如甘油醛

glyceraldehdye->glyceraldehyde? (交换) 上下文:~~~你将得到甘油醛的L(-)对映异构体

glycoprotin->glycoprotein? (省略) 上下文:~~~是LAT 1/2(L型AA转运蛋白½和4F2hc/CD98糖蛋白
糖蛋白) 是中性氨基酸(如亮氨酸)的主要通路/入口,伴随细胞质氨基酸流出。然而,LAT1在活性~~~中高度存在

glycosidc->glycosidic? (省略) 上下文:~~~如果单糖通过O-糖苷键连接,则形成寡糖

glycoslyated->glycosylated? (交换) 上下文:~~~红细胞。EPO 由 165 个氨基酸组成,是 N-糖基化的

glycoslyation->glycosylation? (交换) 上下文:~~~丝氨酸残基。它按重量计含有40%的碳水化合物。糖基化

glyoproteins->glycoproteins? (省略) 上下文:~~~要么允许它们进入,要么拒绝它们。因此,糖蛋白

glyptodons->glyptodonts? (省略) 上下文:~~~一只小型犬的大小,雕齿兽
雕齿兽长到大约五米长,使它们成为已知与人类共存的最大陆地动物之一。20 因此,人类与~~~

gmini->gemini? (省略) 上下文:~~~gmini
双子座 gvideoghistoryautotrgimgimagegimagesgima;>&: 在给定网站上找到所有图像gisgicgrelgmailsglabel~~~

gmond->gamond? (省略) 上下文:~~~和组播。我们选择单播,设置很简单。Gmond

gobus->bogus? (swap2) context: ~~~ * gobus
gobus ports[[File:TinyDuinoThumbnail.jpg|right|thumb|150px|TinyDuino uses stacking connectors]]* TinyDuino stacking connector* Wouter van Ooijen's Dwarf Boa ~~~

gombas->gambas? (replace) context: ~~~ Aron.gombas
gombas ArroLu;Art Carlson;Arthena;ArthurBot;Artw;Artyom;Arvin Schnell;Arxantech;AS;Asavoia;Ascánder;Asgeirn;Ashe the Cyborg;Ashishlohorung;Ashwinstudying;As ~~~

gonadatrophins->gonadotrophins? (replace) context: ~~~ levels of GnRH stimulate secretion of pituitary gonadatrophins
gonadatrophins FSH and LH which cause follicle development and estrogen secretion. Estrogen is responsible for accessory sex organs and secondary sex characteristic ~~~

gonadatropins->gonadotropins? (replace) context: ~~~ secretion of LH / ICSH and FSH. The pituitary gonadatropins
gonadatropins stimulate the seminiferous tubules and testosterone secretion. Testosterone causes changes in the accessory reproductive organs, secondary sex charac ~~~

gondelier->gondolier? (replace) context: ~~~ that she is in love with Pasqualino, son of Menego, his gondelier
gondelier. Pasqualino asks Bettina's sister, Catte, for her hand in marriage. She answers "perhaps", but to her sister she points out the interest in ~~~

gonodal->gonadal? (replace) context: ~~~ suggesting that geographical or environmental cues activate gonodal
gonodal preparation, specifically corresponding to maximum size of the gonads (1). Between copulation and egg-laying, levels of all hormones begin to fall, b ~~~

goombas->goombahs? (omit) context: ~~~ is no especially good way to get the shoes off any of the goombas
goombas in this stage, so it's better not to waste time on that and instead take them down before they take you out instead. When you get to the logs, drop, a ~~~

gorum->garum? (replace) context: ~~~ The pages which connect to the database all reside in the gorum
gorum directory, and are; /gorum/dbinstall.php, /gorum/dbproperty.php, and /gorum/installlib.php. Additionally, /feedcreator/feedcreator.class.php makes a q ~~~

goulish->gaulish? (replace) context: ~~~ a trick called the directory traversal attack. Despite its goulish
goulish name and the fact that it is a crime in the UK, this is a perfectly moral and fine thing to do. It works by guessing the parts of a URL that are super ~~~

gounds->grounds? (omit) context: ~~~ There are any number of methods using different metal plates, gounds
gounds, tools and acids. The selection is made by the engraver depending on the result required. There were two methods of creating a ground. One consisted o ~~~

goups->gaups? (replace) context: ~~~ Play strong connected goups
goups. You don't know that you're attacked until some stones are captured. Be sure that almost every stone will be discovered sooner or later by your oppone ~~~

govermental->governmental? (omit) context: ~~~ remuneration of govermental
govermental action, whom do they choose? The agents of the government. Thus, they confer on the executive the power of fixing the limits of its own operations and ~~~

governers->governors? (replace) context: ~~~ started the first New Zealand Government by appointing governers
governers, being advised by appointed executive and legislative councils.In 1852, the British Parliament passed the New Zealand Constitution Act, which provided ~~~

governmets->governments? (omit) context: ~~~ getting an access which organizations like mine or even governmets
governmets can never reach. I am more interested in using companies for dissemination rather than couse related marketing."== See also ==[[File:Clannad Afte ~~~

gradiant->gradient? (replace) context: ~~~ is 7 degrees Celsius. K is 0.63w/mK. What is the thermal gradiant
gradiant? Solution: ΔT/d Change in temp= 23-7 =16.0 D = 0.34 ΔT/d = 16/0.34 = '''47.06'''*What is ΔT/d? It is ~~~

gradiated->graduated? (replace) context: ~~~ 在其信息标签(系统地图上方)。 XP 是在一个 gradiated
gradiated 系统中完成的,这意味着虽然你需要相同的 XP / 等级,但你需要杀死高于你等级的 AI。 即使是老鼠,在 4 级,也会给予你~~~

gradiations->graduations? (replace) context: ~~~ 影响游戏质量,即使是微小的 gradiations
gradiations 在技能上的差距(特别是对于新手来说)可能是难以逾越的障碍。 [[Go/Basic Rules and Foundational concepts#Handicaps|让步系统]] 有助于~~~

graditional->gradational? (replace) context: ~~~ 北部山脉和接触面是不同期的,部分是 graditional
graditional 与 Niof 和 Babulu fm.,与 Cook (1986) 的观点一致。 与下侏罗统 Wai Luli Fm. 的上部接触面是同步的,并且可以通过~~~

grandes->grandees? (omit) context: ~~~ 这个时期的作品,比如《雨伞》(1883 年)和《Les grandes
grandes baigneuses》(1884-1887 年),通常被认为是雷诺阿成熟表达中最不成功的。 他们的古典主义努力显得自觉,~~~

granluar->granular? (swap) context: ~~~ 刺猬信号通路]],可能来自外部 granluar
granluar 小脑的层*遗传学:17p、10q、16q、11 号染色体缺失; 17q、7 号染色体过量==预后因素==*分子特征风险分层~~~

graphcs->graphics? (omit) context: ~~~ 从图形窗口中关闭所有内容。 它看起来像一个新的 graphcs
graphcs 窗口就像你刚调用 begin_graphics()。=== remove_from_screen() ===将这些对象从屏幕上移除; obj:屏幕对象或屏幕对象的列表~~~

graphisc->graphics? (swap) context: ~~~ 来自 CGX API 或 WriteChunkyPixels() 来自 graphisc
graphisc 库。 请注意 WriteChunkyPixels() 仅在 Kickstart 3.1 中可用,因此您必须为 3.0 用户添加回退例程。 请注意,您无法~~~

gration->gyration? (omit) context: ~~~ gration
gration。 下午 7:30 — 童子军角。 下午 7:45 — 关于“当前话题”的谈话。 下午 8:00 — G.P.O,钟声。 •'I/" I'—: 乐器 1 '— : 乐器~~~

graudation->graduation? (swap) context: ~~~ 作为 graudation
graudation 项目的一部分,维基教科书是一个开始关于特定主题的对话的绝佳场所,可以与其他贡献者一起构建。 由于 gr~~~

greaters->greeters? (replace) context: ~~~ 0 ? lowers : greaters
greaters) .Push(item); return Quicksort(lowers, compare) .Concat(new T[] { pivot }) .Concat(Quicksort(greaters, compare));}</syntaxhighlight>以下内容~~~

greation->agreation? (omit) context: ~~~ 初级产业,没有制造业。 greation
greation 形成工业基础以用国内制造的商品代替进口,被称为 ISI。 目标商品是耐用消费品~~~

greedie->greedier? (omit) context: ~~~ 做第二个 greedie
greedie 米尔,让他什么都没有,只有骨头和撕裂的鹿皮,尤其是如果他叫一些贪婪的同伴来参加他血腥的宴会。 于是~~~

greeen->green? (double) context: ~~~ 从城堡外面的护城河进入地下室 #2(需要 greeen
greeen 星星来自卡美克)。 最后一个方法是从移动沙地绘画室的秘密通道——在你在花园里击败卡美克后,一个通道通向~~~

grignard->grognard? (replace) context: ~~~ 导致另一个官能团。 例如,grignard
grignard 试剂或有机金属试剂~~~

griseus->griseous? (omit) context: ~~~ **22 到 108 - [[w:Hexanchus griseus
griseus| 六鳃鲨]]**13 或更少 - [[w:Hexanchus nakamurai| 六鳃鲨]]==4==*斑点**存在 - [[w:Notorynchus cepedianus| 牛鼻鲼]]~~~

gritties->grittiest? (omit) context: ~~~ ** 高级规划人员不了解 nitty gritties
gritties 在运营层面* 对时间需求的低估** 没有进行关键路径分析** 高级和中层管理人员没有得到充分的解释~~~

grommetted->grommeted? (双重) 上下文: ~~~ 腐烂或需要加油才能保持柔软。脚环是带眼孔的
grommetted 在上面,就像它们的皮革对应物一样,但不是用一个折叠的纽扣来防止皮带从脚环中滑落,而是用一个结。结束 t ~~~

gronuded->grounded? (交换) 上下文: ~~~ 现在如果我们 gronuded
gronuded V-,并将 V+ 连接到我们将创建的依赖源,我们将创建一些在数学和编程中称为递归的东西。意思是,V+=A*V ~~~

groth->grith? (替换) 上下文: ~~~ 分蘖的原因,因此扎叶以允许 groth
groth 新芽比采摘整株植物多。==害虫和疾病==这是一种更能抵抗害虫和疾病的植物。在大多数情况下,它容易受到~~~

groupping->grouping? (双重) 上下文: ~~~ 1. 首先,groupping
groupping。没有一个突袭 groupping ~~~

grouve->groove? (替换) 上下文: ~~~ 舌头和 grouve
grouve 环用于使连接侧防水。连接侧是对称的。交流电池有三种尺寸:小(50 毫米)、中(1 ~~~

grunds->gerunds? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ 为与德国的战争,并给了英国政府 grunds
grunds,根据 1839 年的条约,宣战。英国对战争爆发的责任是,它本应澄清其立场 duri ~~~

grups->greps? (替换) 上下文: ~~~ 煽动公众舆论,以及右翼压力 grups
grups 如泛德意志联盟和法兰西行动。{{quote|...1914 年危机中普通人的反应是历史的结~~~

guages->gauges? (交换) 上下文: ~~~ 22 或 24 guages
guages 搪瓷线,从距离两端约一英寸处开始和结束。在一端留出约 6 英寸的线用于连接。约 3 盎司的 - 线 ~~~

guantlet->gauntlet? (交换) 上下文: ~~~ 角色的武器槽。如果角色使用的是 guantlet
guantlet 可以用两只手使用一把武器来增加伤害,如果角色使用的是一个 genji 手套,则可以将一把武器放在每只手上。使用 M ~~~

guantlets->gauntlets? (交换) 上下文: ~~~ 手套可能只覆盖拳头和手腕,而鹰猎手套
guantlets 延伸到肘部。鹰爪手套可以覆盖整个手臂和一部分胸部,或者它可以是一个戴在标准鹰猎手套上的厚厚的护套~~~

guash->gulash? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ |Wunnèpog-guash
guash。| `Leafe, leaves.'|Wattáp.| `A root of Tree,'|Séip.| `A River.'|Toyùsk.| `A bridge.'|Sepoêse.| `A little River.'|Sepoêmese.| `A little Rivulet.'| ~~~

gucogenic->glucogenic? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ 碳底物(即乳酸、甘油和 gucogenic
gucogenic 氨基酸)。这是人体用来防止血糖水平降至 a 的两种主要机制之一~~~

gudegons->gudgeons? (交换) 上下文: ~~~ 舵的销轴插入尾部的 gudegons
gudegons{{ {typo help inline|reason=similar to gudgeons|date=August 2022}} to mate transom and rudder assembly.;Port: The boat's left side.;Rudder: A control sur ~~~

guilties->guiltiest? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ 如果你要全部 guilties

gulations->gelations? (替换) 上下文:~~~ gulations
gulations,所有成员都被敦促参加;关于在悉尼成立地方委员会(由代表组成)的提议 - ~~~

gulit->guilt? (交换) 上下文:~~~ 首先确定是否有足够的证据证明gulit
gulit,但也说明法官可以适当地评估在案件整体背景下是否违反了充分答辩和辩护的权利。<ref&g ~~~

gulity->guilty? (交换) 上下文:~~~ 宣告NCR不需要与gulity相同的标准
gulity根据第606(1.1)条认罪。<ref>R v Quenneville [http://canlii.ca/t/28z6g 2010 ONCA 223]</ref>{{reflist|2}}===NCR裁决的后果==={{ ~~~

gullotine->guillotine? (省略) 上下文:~~~ 最底层以树木和巨大的gullotine为主
gullotine周围环绕着“绞刑树”。值得注意的是,在这层最底层的中间(大约)有一个路口。[[Lineage_2/定义# ~~~

gunah->agunah? (省略) 上下文:~~~ 10 类中,动词词根中的元音被加强为它的gunah
gunah替代,例如:तृ (1P) (to cross over) -- 为了构成第一人称单数,我们将“ऋ”转换为“अर्”,得到“त� ~~~

gustas->gustos? (替换) 上下文:~~~ gustas
gustas Aley,建筑师,为了展位的统一性和标牌书写,已经签署了一份建造所有展位的合同,这表明展览会将 ~~~

guttatus->guttates? (替换) 上下文:~~~ * 斑点黑蛇 (Pseudechis guttatus
guttatus) * 斑点蟒蛇 (Antaresia maculosa) * 斑点树巨蜥 (Varanus timorensis) * 史蒂文森蟒蛇 (Antaresia stimsoni) * 斯托克斯石龙子 ~~~

gycogenesis->glycogenesis? (省略) 上下文:~~~ 从称为gycogenesis的葡萄糖单体构建糖原
gycogenesis。在糖原中,两种类型的键连接单体。其中之一是α-1,4 键,它连接线性排列的葡萄糖残基。另一个叫做阿尔法 ~~~

gycolytic->glycolytic? (省略) 上下文:~~~ 中间体,但有一点是他们共有的 - 糖酵解
gycolytic 途径、柠檬酸循环和磷酸戊糖途径提供中间体,它们的碳骨架来自。同样,在所有这些胺中 ~~~

gylcolipids->glycolipids? (交换) 上下文:~~~ * 磷脂和gylcolipids的偏好结构
gylcolipids 由于磷脂/糖脂的两个脂肪酸链太大而无法适合胶束的内部,因此形成生物分子片层。* 胶束的大小(小于 ~~~

gylcoprotein->glycoprotein? (交换) 上下文:~~~ 或者作为gylcoprotein的一部分的碳水化合物官能团
gylcoprotein 或糖脂。凝集素通常与某些动物细胞中的这些碳水化合物结合,有时会导致糖缀合物沉淀。在动物中, ~~~

haddon->hadden? (替换) 上下文:~~~ 米底人的国家。亚述皇帝西拿基立和埃萨尔-哈顿
haddon吹嘘说已经将米底人完全征服。将七个米底部落联合在一起的迪亚科或德约凯斯通常被认为是米底的第一位国王。 ~~~

haemaglobin->haemoglobin? (替换) 上下文:~~~ 比氧气强 200 倍地与 haemaglobin 中的铁原子结合
haemaglobin,但这种键 I 具有动态状态,其中 CO 分子暂时从铁原子移开,然后它取决于氧原子的机会 ~~~

haeme->heame? (交换) 上下文:~~~ 细胞色素 c(包含催化 haeme
haeme 基团)通过过氧化物酶-鲁米诺化学发光检测。<ref>Feissner R, Xiang Y B, Kranz R G, 基于化学发光的检测亚皮方法 ~~~

haeng->haeing? (省略) 上下文:~~~ * 03-13/03-14/0748a [[wikt:行|行]] haeng
haeng, haengH, hang, hangH* 03-13/03-14/0748e [[wikt:荇|荇]] haengX* 03-13/03-14/0748f [[wikt:桁|桁]] haeng, ~~~

haerd->hared? (swap) context: ~~~ A heart pumping produces distinct noises that can be haerd
haerd at the bedside with a stethescope. ~~~

haires->haeres? (replace) context: ~~~ sad coulour without any whitish haires
haires, suitingwith their owne naturall Temper, whichinclines to sadnesse.|Etouwawâyi.| `Wollie on both sides.'|Mucku~cki.| `Bare without Wool.'Cheche-<1 ~~~

halates->halites? (replace) context: ~~~ Two examples of the use of halates
halates in chemiluminescence will now be mentioned. A novel flow-injection system for the determination of formaldehyde has been described.<ref>Li BX, L ~~~

halds->halids? (omit) context: ~~~ halds
halds for an odd number of<math>\mathcal{A}_i</math> (<math>1 \leq i \leq n</math>).====Problem 5 (Propositional)====In the followin ~~~

haliaetus->haliaeetus? (omit) context: ~~~ *Pandion haliaetus
haliaetus (Osprey), 1 species*Falconidae (Falcons & caracaras), ~60 species*Sagittariius serpentarius (Secretarybird), 1 species*Cathartidae (New World vult ~~~

hallide->halide? (double) context: ~~~ work well through the complete grow cycle. There are metal hallide
hallide conversion bulbs that work in HPS ballasts, and there are digital ballasts that can switch between the two types of bulb. A 400w HPS light puts out 55 ~~~

halucinations->hallucinations? (omit) context: ~~~ can stunt growth, weaken the immune system, cause halucinations
halucinations (extreme sleep deprivation), and cause a lot of stress.==Soap==Soap works by lowering the surface tension of water, by emulsifying grease, and by abso ~~~

halys->hylas? (swap2) context: ~~~ 28. Ancistrodon halys
halys, Pallasβ€” Pallas's Pit-Viper - 262 <nowiki>All other spp</text> <sha1>0dg7345h48x546y7rnz082ticbv6uw9</sha1 Uziel302 (讨论贡献)</nowiki>

hamonic->harmonic? (omit) context: ~~~ is where there is only a single sine component inside the hamonic
hamonic. In this case, the harmonic and the "sine component" are the same thing.{||[[Image:Padsynth_profile1.png]]|{{Listen|type=music | filename ~~~

hamzat->hazmat? (swap) context: ~~~ An example of the hamzat
hamzat- wasl taking the sound of a preceding vowel is <font size="+2">الأُممُ الـمُتَّحِدة</font>) (Al-Umamu ul-Mutta ~~~

handlbars->handlebars? (omit) context: ~~~ *Thus, provided that there is enough spare housing at the handlbars
handlbars, all will be well. A short consideration will show that an identical situation exists whenever a flattened cable tail needs to be removed.===Housing ~~~

handlead->handload? (replace) context: ~~~ on strip#1 and second is on strip#0. (Reverse order can be handlead
handlead easily by using "reverse" checkbox in the effects.)== AffineComposite ==AffineComposite composes upper and lower strips, using lower as back ~~~

hanghai->shanghai? (omit) context: ~~~ XGOW, S hanghai
hanghai, 9300 k.c., 32.28m., is on th e a ir around 10.30 p.m . Itsom etim es sh ifts to 9190 k.c., 32.6 m.D enm ark.OZH, C openhagen, ~~~

hangu->hange? (replace) context: ~~~ Officials say: At Pakistan northwest area hangu
hangu, 3 policemen at their patrol car by gunfire attack -after be killed.</pre>====2012-08-22=========Chemical weapons "excuse for US&qu ~~~

hankel->hankle? (swap) context: ~~~ close to the theoretical limits set by the largest removed hankel
hankel singular value. The improvements are often not significant to that of Hankel-norm reduction. Due to high computational load it is recommended to only ~~~

happan->happen? (replace) context: ~~~ Pakistan northwest Khyber tribe region's a bus terminal happan
happan 爆炸,dǎozhì zuìshǎo 30 rén sǐwáng。至少造成 30 人死亡。</pre>====2012-01-10=========被绑架的巴基斯坦士兵 fo ~~~

harful->harmful? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ TGFβ 在树突状细胞中也起着控制自我伤害的作用
harful T 细胞反应。整合素 αvβ1 和 α8β1 激活的 TGFβ 的功能还有待确定,需要进一步研究。<ref>Wort ~~~

harge->charge? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ 到万隆。 (工程师负责
harge, 爪哇无线电台 ~~~

harged->charged? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ P.lVI.G. 的部门是。~harged
harged m conn~ction :'.1thbroadcastina 是为国家广播系统提供技术服务的。该系统的节目由 ~~~

hastly->ghastly? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ 报告了可怕的
hastly 在継体死前提升了皇太子,安康是指他,因为他用的是自己的名字的简短形式。井上解释说, ~~~
