exporation->expiration? (替换) 上下文:~~~ 参与该协议。ENI主要从事天然气勘探
exporation 但也参与石油勘探。虽然这些公司中的许多公司在欧洲以外的地方可能听起来并不熟悉,但Mobil Oil Austria ~~~
exposion->explosion? (省略) 上下文:~~~ 产生爆炸
exposion 效果。-------- 键 --------"等待":再次触发之前的时间量(默认 1)。"半径":半径 o ~~~
expsed->exposed? (省略) 上下文:~~~ 在我们的大脑中。在我们的历史上,人类一直在接触
expsed 长达 18 小时的黑暗。但在现代,我们很少看到超过 8 小时的黑暗。这会降低褪黑素的产生,即使 b ~~~
extermal->extremal? (交换) 上下文:~~~ 空间和外部空气。您将需要尺寸和外部
extermal 每个的温度。热传递通过墙壁内外表面的对流以及通过墙壁和绝缘层的传导来进行。除非 ~~~
externus->externes? (替换) 上下文:~~~ 股骨长颈和闭孔外肌的位置
externus 沟支持双足行走。后两位最早的人类属候选者属于始祖地猿属。大多数始祖地猿卡达巴标本 ~~~
extraced->extracted? (省略) 上下文:~~~ 结果 - 如果颜色可以提取,则返回 TRUE
extraced,否则为 FALSE。注意 这个调用在 cybergraphics v41 的早期修订版中是一个无操作 cybergraphics.library/FillPixelArray cybergraphics.libr ~~~
extraites->extradites? (省略) 上下文:~~~ 由开采的数量决定
extraites 而是由成本降低决定的。这一论证是他的书的独创之处。”——{{sc|Revue des Deux Mondes}}。{{fs90/e}} {{dhr}} ~~~
extravegant->extravagant? (替换) 上下文:~~~ 记住奖励或惩罚不必很大,奢侈
extravegant 或者极端。一句赞扬和一个微笑可以起到很大的作用。反过来,皱眉和失望的话也会产生持久的影响。--[[User: ~~~
extremly->extremely? (省略) 上下文:~~~ 反之亦然)。这个属性非常
extremly 有用,并且经常在 FP1 中进行检验。==复数的图形表示==[[Image:Complex number illustration.svg|thumb|right|这是 g ~~~
extrisic->extrinsic? (省略) 上下文:~~~ 或科学为基础,自我指导和负责任。以及外在
extrisic 能力,基于是否实用和动手。孩子们模仿成年人,你的行为举止、言行必须尽可能完美。 ~~~
extrn->extern? (省略) 上下文:~~~ extrn
extrn a, b, c; putchar(a); putchar(b); putchar(c); putchar('!*n'); } a 'hell'; b 'o, w'; c 'orld';</syntaxhighlight>== Baan Tools == 也被称为 Tr ~~~
extrophy->exstrophy? (省略) 上下文:~~~ **先天性畸形,外翻
extrophy 膀胱、尿道开口、异位输尿管开口**仅通过手术可纠正**也可能由前列腺手术、盆腔手术或 irr ~~~
extrudible->extrudable? (替换) 上下文:~~~ 使用像臭鼬一样的防御机制,从可挤压的部位产生难闻的气味
extrudible 腺体:臭腺。[[Image:Hairy caterpillar (Costa Rica).jpg|thumb|哥斯达黎加毛毛虫]]更积极的自我防御措施由 ~~~
extus->exitus? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ protuberantia, dein laciniatim perrumpentia, excipulo proprio, extus
extus albide farinaceo, demum in laciniis ~~~
exucuted->executed? (替换) 上下文: ~~~ Timor. It is believed that all but one of the POW's was exucuted
exucuted. On the same night, Allied forces in Netherlands Timor were under extremely intense air attacks. This caused the Australian Airforce to withdraw to Aus ~~~
eyelink->eyeblink? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ * [[MATLAB Programming/Psychtoolbox/eyelink toolbox|eyelink
eyelink toolbox]] - use an sr-research eyelink ~~~
eyrent->eyrant? (替换) 上下文: ~~~ well worth listening to. all eyrent
eyrent ,r i-ps. Most of ris had slop Tars. CM_ Ntlfl-rvelo alternator T Txr rvni rantiong. VT ,C jr Por,.a roolrl 1009-volf dvnrn tor, and phii Nola, of 2VT. ~~~
ezymes->azymes? (替换) 上下文: ~~~ and PLP-dependent aminations. N-acetylransferases are ezymes
ezymes that catalyze the acetyl transfer from acetyl-CoA to primary amine acceptors. The family members of this particular enzymes are being studied rigorous ~~~
fabry->fibry? (替换) 上下文: ~~~ *Mother have brothers or sisters? Any fabry
fabry symptoms? Get info on the aunt's children*Get maternal grandparents if need another generation*Father have any brothers or sisters get info but don't ~~~
facturing->factoring? (替换) 上下文: ~~~ facturing
facturing Co., E.■ Pittsburg, Pa 315.6 60000KFi—Earle C. AnthonyInc., 1000 So., HopeSt.,. Los Angeles .... 468.5 6000KGO—General ElectricCo., Ltd., Oaklan ~~~
facual->facial? (替换) 上下文: ~~~ ****Cutaneous facual
facual{ {typo help inline|reason=similar to facula|date=August 2022}} papules and oral mucosal papillomatosis****Oral mucosal papillomatosis and acral keratos ~~~
fadas->fades? (替换) 上下文: ~~~ section. For now, all you need to know is how to generate fadas
fadas on any device you plan to use to study Irish. Here is an external link that might be helpful:[https://www.bitesize.irish/blog/our-fada/ Bitesize Irish ~~~
failry->fairly? (交换) 上下文: ~~~ i do feel the multiple choice questions are the easiest and failry
failry effective way of assessing knowledge. I believe no matter what the case may be of evaluating testing there is always going to be groups of people tha ~~~
failty->faulty? (替换) 上下文: ~~~ state, “Cynicism involves an athletic depiction of human failty
failty and institutional corruption and an artful delineation of mass unhappiness” <ref name="hart">Hart, Roderick, and Johanna Hartleius. ~~~
faithfulnesse->faithfulnesses? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ {Wunnaumwâuonck}, or faithfulnesse
faithfulnesse. |Tocketunnántum,|}|Tocketunáname,| } `What doe you thinke?'|Tocketeántam?| }|Ntunnántum,| `I thinke.'|Nteántum.||Nánick nteeâtum.| `I thinke s ~~~
falied->failed? (交换) 上下文: ~~~ herself with a cord from her mother's bathrobe. The attempt falied
falied, as she couldn't find a suitable place to hang the cord, and she couldn't do it with her bare hands. She considers herself incurable and imagines how ~~~
fallot->fallout? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ in a small number of patients (ASD, VSD, tetralogy of fallot
fallot and PDA)*cleft palate (rare)*gastrointestinal abnormalities include malrotation and Hirschprung disease*teeth abnormally erupted*Apnea*Strabismus*Mino ~~~
familarise->familiarise? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ Whilst you may be an innovator yiu may need to familarise
familarise staff with some of the hallmarks of continuing innovation.For example try educating staff at fortnightly training sessions on topics such as entrepren ~~~
familarized->familiarized? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ person,working as a bank has its drawsback.It cannot be familarized
familarized to the citizen.It cannot be so famous.As a Financial Secretary of the HKSAR,you may get more non financial benefit to determine you to choose this job ~~~
familes->families? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ Gaunt]], was a member of one of the oldest Wizarding familes
家族 in existence, his hated father was a Muggle. In spite of this, he is still considered the heir of Salazar Slytherin.The term Pureblood first appears i ~~~
familiaritie->familiarities? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ have (for want of familiaritie
熟悉度 and language with them) been fearefull to entertaine them.In Summer-time I have knowne them lyeabroad often themselves, to make roome forstrangers, {E ~~~
familias->familiars? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ legally constructed relation of patria potestas. The Pater familias
家长 was the absolute head of the family; he was the master over his wife (if she was given to him sub manu, otherwise the father of wife retained patria p ~~~
fanchises->franchises? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ developers and consumers directly. This allows smaller fanchises
特许经营 and independent game developers a chance to promote titles that would otherwise go unnoticed. Today there are over 1500 games avialable ~~~
fanliek->fanlike? (交换) 上下文: ~~~ called the centrosome that helps to organise the spindle, a fanliek
扇形{ {typo help inline|reason=similar to fanlike|date=August 2022}} microtubule structure that help separate the chromosomes. During prophase, the condense ~~~
fanso->fanos? (交换) 上下文: ~~~ fanso
粉丝- 150V! S m 50 mAi:2.4XLOPE, or as ithr*YgtyOlt)<5O -40 -30 -20 HO 0 10 20often called, MutualConductance, ideates just how gooda radio valve is. T s ~~~
fantasit->fantasist? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ chestra, fantasit
幻想家, “Wunderklange” (Bizet) 950p.m.: The Sundowners’ Quartette. “Souvenirs”(Nicholls), “The Whisper Song” (Friend). 10.5p.m.: The Station Or ~~~
faraging->foraging? (替换) 上下文: ~~~ **Food seeking behavior with hoarding or faraging
觅食 for food and stealing food or money to buy food are common**High threshold for vomiting may complicate binging on spoiled food**The obesity is central ~~~
farely->farley? (交换) 上下文: ~~~ microseconds (1 millionth of a second) before going on. It is farely
相当 sage to make this 200,000 (1/5 of a second). If you start getting unexpected results you might want to nudge it up a bit.=== Formatting The Command == ~~~
farfars->forfars? (替换) 上下文: ~~~ *Farmors farfars
曾祖父 mor (paternal grandmothers paternal grandfathers mother - father's mother's father's father's mother)To build further, just add an s after every other ~~~
farins->farcins? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ empire via conquest or annexation. In the event of conquest, farins
填充物 took control of the area until a suitable native ruler could be found. After the loyalty or at least the capitulation of an area was assured, it was a ~~~
farly->fairly? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ Prefers good garden soils, tolerant of both full sun and farly
相当 dense shade.==Varieties==<!--general discussion or bulleted list-->==Uses==<!--Ornamental uses, food crop, material use (lumber, cut flower), ~~~
farseeer->farseer? (双重) 上下文: ~~~ There drops that are known are: Dragon Axe, Seers Ring, farseeer
先知 ring,warrior ring,beserker ring,archer ring.More soon to come.{{BookCat}}</text> <sha1>3tktkofetna4u1irm6y3gf2arjfk1k0</sha1> </revision> </p ~~~
farwell->farewell? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ 3ZK speaks at farwell
告别 to former Superintendent<blockquote>About 200 members of the Electric Sparks Fraternity (G.P.O.) met at the Dungowan Cafe, Martin-place, last ni ~~~
farwelled->farewelled? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ 3ZK farwelled
farwelled by staff and associates prior to departure for Sydney<blockquote>'''PERSONAL.''' . . . The large gathering of members of the staffs of the teleg ~~~
fasicular->fascicular? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ Do epineural repair except at Pes Anserina, then do fasicular
fasicular repair.<li><b>Cable graft</b> (from sural n.) - for gaps > 1.5cm usually.<li><b>XII --> VII Jump</b> - Only ~~~
fasiculations->fasciculations? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ - hyperreflexia, weakness, mm atrophy, fasiculations
fasiculations and fibrillations (esp tongue), dysarthria, upper and lower motor neuron signs, ocular nuclei spared<br><br><b>Pseudobulbar Palsy< ~~~
fasls->fasles? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ If you want just to delete all fasls
fasls, look at arnesi for the beginning. Code is written in 2005, so it can be outdated. I didn't test it. Quote from[https://common-lisp.net/project/bese/r ~~~
fathome->fathomed? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ *|Napannetashompaúgatash `Five fathome
fathome of their Money.'*|Qutta, énada shoasúck ta shompaúgatash.|-- `Six, or seven, or eight Fathome.'*If some great mans Daughter |Piuckquompaúgatash,|- ~~~
fatls->fatals? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ fatls
fatls - list files in a directory (default /)go - start application at address 'addr'help - print online helpiminfo - print header in ~~~
History of wireless telegraphy and broadcasting in Australia/Topical/Publications/Amateur Radio/Issues/1933 10
[编辑源代码]fauity->fatuity? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ fauity
fauity. Test No. 4 includes an accuratecheck on all voltages and currents.This is best done with a multi-rangemeter, with. plate break adapters formeasuring p ~~~
faulire->failure? (互换2) 上下文: ~~~ Improved software faulire
faulire requester. First, now it correctly displays buttons on small screens. Second, after you press 'More', there'll be 'Log' button. Press it and the whole ~~~
favirably->favorably? (替换) 上下文: ~~~ of the early colonial prose in this manuscript compare favirably
favirably with that produced in England at the same time.==JOHN WINTHROP (1588-1649)==On March 29, 1630, John Winthrop made the first entry in his ''Journal'' o ~~~
fding->fading? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ direction is greater than others. Example which includes fding
fding by tectonic processes which resulted differental ~~~
fearsom->fearsome? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ Wendy O. Koopa awaits you in the fearsom
fearsom airship. Send her plunging to the water world below! You can jump over some of the walls in this warship, even though the gap you go through is off th ~~~
Foundations and Assessment of Education/Edition 1/Assessment Table of Contents/Assessment Chapter 4: Grading/Article 1 Reader Responses
[编辑源代码]feasibe->feasible? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ giving a 0 for work that is not turned in on time is feasibe
feasibe and appropriate. However, if you are dealing with a class of mostly students who are very unmotivated, then giving a 0 for assignments not turned in ~~~
History of wireless telegraphy and broadcasting in Australia/Topical/Publications/Wireless Weekly/Issues/1924 01 04
[编辑源代码]featur->feater? (替换) 上下文: ~~~ One of the most remarkable featur
featur- es in connection with the establish-ment of broadcasting services hasbeen the almost unbelievable sensitiv-ity which has been attained in theconstruct ~~~
History of wireless telegraphy and broadcasting in Australia/Topical/Publications/Wireless Weekly/Issues/1922 09 01
[编辑源代码]fected->fetched? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ fected
fected finger given him, the doc-tor judged there was danger ofthe patient’s entire hand and armbecoming infected. He told thecaptain to take an ordinary p ~~~
History of wireless telegraphy and broadcasting in Australia/Topical/Publications/Wireless Weekly/Issues/1928 03 30
[编辑源代码]fective->factive? (替换) 上下文: ~~~ fective
有效疾病。 我们被告知如何预防和检查感染。 现在,整个家庭都不需要再因麻疹和百日咳而“倒下”。 ~~~
fects->facts? (替换) 上下文:~~~ fects
feeback->feedback? (省略) 上下文:~~~ 在情况 2 中,feeback
反馈元素 F 在将乘法增益应用于输入之后从输入中减去。 如果“v”是整个系统的输入,那么我们可以~~~
feeeds->feeds? (双重) 上下文:~~~ 一包花园 feeeds
饲料正在®nt 通过 3LO 发送给每个在那里记录了生日的男孩和女孩。 所以,孩子们,你们中那些还没有[向 3LO 发送你们的生日,所以~~~
feeles->feebles? (省略) 上下文:~~~ feeles
虚弱,直到主耶稣斥责狂风,并斥责汹涌的大海。|Nummusquântum.| `我生气了。'|Tawhítch musquawnaméan?|- `你为什么生气?'|Aqu~~~
feelt->fleet? (交换 2) 上下文:~~~ 我对此主题有点犹豫。 我感觉
感到大学学生应该有权随意使用他们的技术。 我这样说是因为这些设备或他们正在做的事情~~~
felicitie->felicities? (省略) 上下文:~~~ 树林,睡得很香,把它算作一种幸福
幸福,正如它确实是尘世间的幸福;{Intrapelliculam quemque tenere suam}, 每个人的皮肤都应该满足。|Squáus aúhaqut.| `女人的披肩。'|M~~~
femer->femur? (替换) 上下文:~~~ 长骨近端干骺端,特别是肱骨和 femer
股骨是镰状细胞患者梗塞最常见的部位。 椎骨骨坏死和“鱼椎”的形成是一种经典的~~~
femms->femmes? (省略) 上下文:~~~ (defvar {femms
femmes} "test" )(defvar {fix_truncdfdi_sse} "test" )(defvar {fix_truncdfsi_sse} "test" )(defvar {fix_truncdi_memory} "test ~~~
ferable->fearable? (省略) 上下文:~~~ ferable
fered->fared? (替换) 上下文:~~~ fered
表现与之前 28.5 米波长上的传输相比,8.8. C.,伦敦,联系了 2FC,悉尼,并建议应更改~~~
ference->fervence? (省略) 上下文:~~~ ference
fermating->formating? (替换) 上下文:~~~ 认为癌症是由退化和 fermating 引起的
发酵淋巴。在 19 世纪,被认为是细胞病理学之父的鲁道夫·魏尔肖将疾病的临床病程与病理~~~
ferratis->ferrates? (替换) 上下文:~~~ trifidis, capite bulbifero, foliis gramineis laeviter ferratis
费拉提斯。 ''大厅。 全部。 3'' <br/>Allium montanum bicorne latifolium, 花淡紫色。 ''Baub. pin. 74. Rudb. clyf. 2. p. 155.'' 叶~~~
ferrells->ferrels? (双重) 上下文:~~~ 我自己的 Linzer China Boar 清漆刷,带有焊接的 ferrells
ferrells 已经不再生产了。 我珍藏并保存它们完好无损,已使用超过四十年,如下所示。 我所有的刷子都储存在稀释剂中,放在两个~~~
ferus->feres? (替换) 上下文:~~~ 对于 zebro 来说就像一匹塔潘马 (Equus ferus
ferus ferus) ~~~
fessor->fossor? (替换) 上下文:~~~ fessor
fessor R. J. A. Berry, “芝加哥,超级城市。 ~~~
fetalis->fetalism? (省略) 上下文:~~~ 可能会出现宫内生长迟缓,胎儿水肿
fetalis,以及由于缺氧导致的低出生体重。 ''诊断。'' 诊断通过血清铁、铁蛋白和血涂片分析完成。 评估总 ir ~~~
fetusus->fetuses? (替换) 上下文:~~~ 母亲的睾酮水平比胎儿
fetusus 睾酮水平更能影响行为。 ===青春期前效应===青春期前效应是在雄激素水平升高时观察到的第一种效应。 Th ~~~
fevrish->feverish? (省略) 上下文:~~~ * J'ai de la fièvre。 (我发烧了
fevrish) * J'ai mal au ventre.* Je vomis。 (我呕吐)* Je tousse。 (我咳嗽)'''医生 '''* 你感觉怎么样?* 吃点阿司匹林吧。* 我会给你开~~~
fexible->flexible? (省略) 上下文:~~~ === 肯尼迪和 fexible
fexible 反应 ===<onlyinclude>{{#ifeq:{{{transcludesection|肯尼迪和灵活反应}}}|肯尼迪和灵活反应|}}</onlyinclude>{{Boo ~~~
fference->efference? (省略) 上下文:~~~ 距离几英里,. 没有 di,fference
fference。 每个套装都将根据其接收距离进行配备和调整,这样,购买者将拥有一个绝对的 g ~~~
ffixed->affixed? (省略) 上下文:~~~ 作为整个库中的全局偏移表指针,使用 -ffixed
ffixed- ecx 或类似的东西。 可以在 gcc <4.6 上使用 regparm(2),并将 0 作为第一个参数,libbase 作为第二个参数。 当然,人们可以随后使用 di ~~~
fflush->flush? (双重) 上下文:~~~ fflush
fflush (stdout); return retval;} /* printf */</pre>找不到 varargs.h 或 stdarg.h。 并且不适用于 AROS_SLOWSTACKHOOKS 或 AROS_SLOWSTACKTAG ~~~
ffreestanding->freestanding? (双重) 上下文:~~~ : CC_FLAGSA = -g -std=gnu99 -ffreestanding
ffreestanding -nostdlib -fno-builtin: CC_FLAGSB = -fno-exceptions -mno-cygwin -march=i386 $(SDLFLAGS): INCLUDE = -I$(XDK)/i386-pc-xbox/include -I$(XDK)/include -I$( ~~~
fibillation->fibrillation? (省略) 上下文:~~~ 分解,由于正常的重塑过程失败,fibillation
fibillation 和骨关节炎的进行性变化随之而来。 二级骨 ~~~
fibous->fibrous? (省略) 上下文:~~~ 不分泌自己的基质。 骨骼肌由纤维组织支持
fibous 组织,并附着在肌腱上。</td> <td>肠平滑肌和心肌都有细胞间通讯。</td& ~~~
fibrates->fibratus? (替换) 上下文:~~~ 可以服用降脂药物,如他汀类药物,fibrates
fibrates,以及防止身体重新吸收胆汁酸中胆固醇的化合物。 烟酸也可以用来帮助降低 LDL 水平。<ref> ~~~
fibris->febris? (替换) 上下文:~~~ 1 胶原蛋白,单体构成微纤维,然后构成纤维
fibris。 '''纤维结构。'''<br />1 型胶原蛋白的 TC 单体有一个奇怪的特征,它们在体温下不稳定,这意味着它们 p ~~~
fibrosus->fibroses? (替换) 上下文:~~~ 大象的象牙不见了。 环状纤维外侧
fibrosus,即 Sharpey 纤维,首先骨化。 显然,这可能并不总是可以在影像学上看到,但 ROM 降低会暗示敏锐的放射科医生 ~~~
fication->fictation? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ fication
fication 它需要两个阶段的放大,然后才能连接到扬声器。单管机价格20英镑,两级放大器约15英镑。a ~~~
fichas->fiches? (替换) 上下文: ~~~ Valls Alvarez, R.A. (1990). Tercera versión de las fichas
fichas 编码。使用它们的优势。地质报告,18 p.‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑ (1985). 直方图和频率多边形的使用 e ~~~
ficial->facial? (替换) 上下文: ~~~ ficial
ficial 天线,其中通过调节箱体 A 获得所需的电阻值,通过调节电容器 B 获得所需的电容值;~~~
ficulty->faculty? (替换) 上下文: ~~~ ficulty
ficulty 通过使用不同的波长来克服。我们如何扩大服务区域?通过以更大的功率传输。也许会问,如果我们想 h ~~~
fidicule->fidicula? (替换) 上下文: ~~~ the angle the line from said point to my position to two fidicule
fidicule 方向。在这个意义上,普通空间是三维的。有时我们会检查低维问题,因为额外的维度是多余的。~~~
fieldtrip->fieldstrip? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ sure to have your students talking for a long while. This fieldtrip
fieldtrip 为 35 名学生提供最高 125.00 美元的费用。'''结论:'''混合式学习可以在 3-6 年级实施吗?这取决于老师、技术支持、学生。~~~
fieldtrips->fieldstrips? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ 35. Virtual fieldtrips
fieldtrips 是独一无二的,因为与普通实地考察不同,在虚拟实地考察中,您可以…a. 探索过去。b. 乘坐更好的巴士。c. 玩得更开心。d. 学会更多。~~~
fiels->feels? (替换) 上下文: ~~~ to a small community, their industriosness in the various fiels
fiels 他们从事的工作值得高度赞赏。'''注意'''“同伴”一词可以被翻译成各种词语,如“人员”、“那些人”等:“romba ~~~
fighers->fighters? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ Islamic fighers
fighers 袭击索马里中部城市的一家军方酒店,造成包括一名索马里高级军官在内的 6 名士兵死亡。</pre>= ~~~
figuative->figurative? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ that is a common mistake that must not be made. Generally figuative
figuative 语言在大多数圣经预言中都有使用,通常比逐字逐句地写出来更清楚。只做 d 是错误的。~~~
figuure->figure? (双重) 上下文: ~~~ starts collaborating on this project, we will have to figuure
figuure 出一个简化文本框、正文、示例问题、插图等的输入的方法。==== 理由 ====许多人可能不同意。~~~
fiish->fifish? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ thick shel-fiish
fiishing->finishing? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ |Aumau~og.| `They are fiishing
fiishing. '|Ntaúmen.| `我正在钓鱼。'|Kuttau~men?| `你钓鱼吗?'|Nnattuckqunnu~wem.| `我出去钓鱼。'|Aumáchick,| }|Natuckqunnuwâchick.|-} `鱼。~~~
filful->fulful? (替换) 上下文: ~~~ totally changed, users can choosing the information they need filful
filful 在互联网上,通过网站与主机互动,简单快速地获取信息,他们不再局限于单向来源。~~~
fillin->filling? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ commonly used Linux skills via a multi-choice exam plus some fillin
fillin 空白考试。中立而不是特定的供应商方法有其优点。一级考试需要两门,费用为 300 美元。~~~
filmt->filmet? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ :er filmt
filmt :wir filmen:ihr filmt ~~~
filname->filename? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ filname
文件名. c> -o <输出文件名>: 例如: gcc -g debug_me.c -o debug_me: "'''-g'''" 标志很重要(用于创建符号表)== 开始 ~~~
filsystem->filesystem? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ 本地分区的挂载是自动的(支持的 filsystem
文件系统 包括 FAT16/32、NTFS、HFS+、ext3 和 reiserfs)。 当分区被挂载时,您可以读写它。 如果它是 Linux 分区,~~~
filsystems->filesystems? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ root 可以管理每个用户和每个 filsystems 的磁盘空间使用情况
文件系统。 可以设置的两个限制是:软限制 (soft =) 指定配额用户允许使用的最大磁盘使用量。 硬限制 ~~~
filts->felts? (替换) 上下文: ~~~ 路径上的下一个节点。 每个数据包被分成几个 filts
filtter->filter? (双重) 上下文: ~~~ MLINK_SysExFilter (uint32) 数据是 3 个 1 字节 SysEx ID,用于 filtter
过滤 MLINK_SysExFilterX (uint32) 数据是一个 3 字节 SysEx ID,用于过滤 MLINK_Parse (BOOL) 如果为真,CAMD 将解析传入流到 MIDI 消息~~~
fimbrae->fimbriae? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ 与受体相互作用。 常见的粘附素是 fimbrae
菌毛,它们是细菌表面上的蛋白质丝。 细菌细胞首先会以非特异性粘附的方式接近宿主细胞,这包括~~~
fimous->famous? (替换) 上下文: ~~~ 著名的
著名的 Radi-o-Aces。 晚上 11:10:上帝保佑国王。==第 43 页 - 州际节目,星期四,1 月 10 日==<!-- <blockquote><ref></ref></~~~
finash->finish? (替换) 上下文: ~~~ 注意:我将 finash
完成 稍后。{{BookCat}}</text> <sha1>ilitf4whpkkdkxmd1p4k8yydhcpvq2i</sha1> </revision> </page> <page> <title>程序电源~~~
finctions->functions? (替换) 上下文: ~~~ 绘制/计算或表示 finctions 的方法
函数 lt;ref>[https://mrob.com/pub/muency/representationfunction.html muency : 表示函数 来自 Mandelbrot 集词汇表和百科全书,~~~
finenesse->finenesses? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ 以及 finenesse
精细 以及他们的 Mats 的质量。|Ataúskawaw - wáuog.| `主,主。'|Wauôntam.| `一位智者或顾问。'|Wauóntakick.| `智者。'|Enàtch| {或} eàt ~~~
finisses->finesses? (替换) 上下文: ~~~ (6) 我希望你 finisses
完成 你的作业。<br/>(我希望你完成你的作业)<!--不是错误--></text> <sha1>ct3m7pemyrs0yeyzq7ohzvt4rd6oy50</sha1> <~~~
finshed->finished? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ 写 ('一场核战争刚刚结束
结束 了地球上的一切生命! 再见 !!!'); readln; Halt; end else begin write('地球在~~~
firebats->fireboats? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ 医务兵升级。 必须建造学院来训练医务兵和 firebats
火焰战车 才能生产。 它需要 150 矿石。 * 先决条件:[[#Barracks|兵营]]===工程湾===工程湾是一个可以提供~~~
fireboots->fireboats? (替换) 上下文: ~~~ 一个稍微简单一点的关卡。 你需要得到 fireboots
火焰战车 - 确保你在坦克移动时速度很快 - 它们移动很快! 踩到强力地板上,然后在有蓝色圆点开关的地方用强力地板将自己推开。~~~
firendly->friendly? (交换) 上下文: ~~~ SKINS 的网站不易访问,也不用户 firendly
友好 结构。 SKINS 的分销网络有限。 他们没有自己的分销店或展厅。 SKINS 的营销主要针对精英人士~~~
firewalld->firewalled? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ iptables(8)] 及其前端,firewalld
防火墙 和 UFW,它们根据目标端口进行过滤,不会愚弄协议分析和应用程序层过滤器,例如 Zorp,它根据~~~
firstl->firstly? (省略) 上下文: ~~~ * firstl
首先 * fmlast 它们也可能被截断,例如:* firsl* lasf 这些不像首字母缩写那样明显,也不像其他人那样常用,但有时它们会形成~~~
fistfull->fistful? (双重) 上下文: ~~~ 可以使用光滑的棍子或干草叉代替。 一拳
一拳 长干草被放在机器钩子(或棍子)周围,操作员稳步旋转绳子,而另一个人将干草喂到他的手中,然后~~~
fited->fated? (替换) 上下文:~~~ fited
fited by a fixed condenser, of .001 mfds.capacity. If so, where is the bestplace to put same?"Answer: If you have no condenser inthe set, try it across ~~~
flaggstaff->flagstaff? (双重) 上下文:~~~ 4AW's father assists with the construction of a new flaggstaff
flaggstaff for the local primary school<blockquote>'''New Flag Staff at Beaudesert State School.''' On Friday Iast the school committee met in force at the ~~~
flammeus->flammeous? (省略) 上下文:~~~ *Facial nevus flammeus
flammeus (stork bite)*Hemangioma*Characteristic facies, including midfacial hypoplasia and infraorbital creases*Cardiomegaly/structural cardiac anomalies/rarel ~~~
flast->flats? (交换) 上下文:~~~ * flast
flast * lastf* firstl ~~~
flatpak->flatpack? (省略) 上下文:~~~ sudo flatpak
flatpak install flathub org.mozilla.firefox </tt>. You will need the flathub repository for this. You can add it via <tt> sudo flatpak ~~~
flatttening->flattening? (双重) 上下文:~~~ The flatttening
flatttening process involves wearing every stone against every other stone in a cycle that ensures that, gradually as it's repeated many times, the high and low a ~~~
flavenoids->flavonoids? (替换) 上下文:~~~ in all types of antioxidants including phytochemicals, flavenoids
flavenoids, anthocyans, lutein, vitamins E & C, beta-carotene, B-vitamins such as folate (which helps prevent birth defects in babies) and niacin (which rele ~~~
flavens->flavins? (替换) 上下文:~~~ to special carriers which are either pyridine nucleotides or flavens
flavens. The reduced form of these carriers then transfer their high-potential electrons to O<sub>2</sub>. 2. Activated Carrier of Electrons for R ~~~
flavoniods->flavonoids? (交换) 上下文:~~~ It is made of cocoa, harvested from a plant, and has flavoniods
flavoniods. Flavoniods have been shown to reduce a buildup of cholesterol in blood vessels, lowering the likelihood of a blood clot.Eating 1.6 ounces of dark ch ~~~
flavus->flavous? (省略) 上下文:~~~ ** Aromatische Amine: Anilin, Aflatoxin (Aspergillus flavus
flavus) , Benzidin, Benzol, Epoxide, Nitrosamine* Pharmaka (Zytostatika)* Viren: Virale Onkogene v-onc (Physiologische Protoonkogene (c-onc), zB. c-erb oder B ~~~
flecion->flection? (省略) 上下文:~~~ the garment to move with the targeted muscle groups in flecion
flecion and extension. Garment encloses each region like a muscle sheath, strengthening and providing support to the targeted muscle groups. BSc compression ~~~
fleurs->fleers? (替换) 上下文:~~~ Mississe Taille Lore vient de me donner ces dahlias, belles fleurs
fleurs que j'exécre: Misses Taille Lore has just given me dahlias, beautiful flowers that I hate.***(p182) Au roi!: To the King!***(p183) Et toutes ~~~
fliament->filament? (交换) 上下文:~~~ polymerization and consequently produce a linear unbranched fliament
fliament due its FH2 domain.===== Arp 2/3 Complex =====Branched actin networks can form from polymerization with Arp2/3 complexes. Arp2/3 complex is a seven-su ~~~
fligh->flight? (省略) 上下文:~~~ a fligh
fligh. t . and land again without .taking his eyes from the instrumentpanel. How this is accomplished isexplained in the following article.By DOUGLAS N. LINN ~~~
floar->flear? (替换) 上下文:~~~ difference (MATD). Condensing temperature (CT) will floar
floar at MATD above ambient temperature until the minimum condensing temperature (Tm) is reached.* Condensing Temperature = bin temperature + approach tempe ~~~
floory->flory? (双重) 上下文:~~~ floory
floory typically 1, walls typically 1/4, ceiling typically 1/2. With IMRT/Cyberknife, these numbers are higher**T is occupancy factor: fraction of time durin ~~~
flost->flots? (交换) 上下文: ~~~ fn circle( radius: float ): flost
flost = radius * 2 * pi</syntaxhighlight>我们不能使用 <code>pi</code> 来自 <code>area</code>,所以我们的实现是错误的 ~~~
flouride->fluoride? (交换) 上下文: ~~~ 这样的例子就是冰晶石。冰晶石是一种钠-铝-flouride
flouride化合物,它在霍尔-埃鲁法中使用,其中人们将冰晶石与熔融氧化铝结合起来,然后进行电解。这会导致 ~~~